Discord IP Resolver: How to Find Someone’s IP From Discord (2025)

Are you trying to find someone’s IP from Discord? At first, it seems like something that is impossible but incorrect. There are quite a lot of ways to find someone’s IP on Discord.

Discord is a secure platform that doesn’t leak the information of its users. Though however secure it might be there are ways to find IP addresses from this platform. But to do that you need to know the ways or methods by following which you can extract someone’s IP from Discord. In this post, we will provide you with all the methods following which you can get that done.

Discord IP Resolver: How to Find Someone’s IP From Discord (1)


How to Find Someone’s IP From Discord?

There are quite a few methods by following which you can get other IPs from Discord. Only some of those methods do actually work and are easy to use. Well, those easy methods have been provided below.

Method 1: Discord IP Resolver

This is a new tool that uses new technologies to get IP addresses through decryption and extraction. The AI algorithms in the app can swiftly adjust to the user’s location. Here is how you can use this and get someone’s IP from Discord.

  • First of all, copy the Discord ID of the user. To do that you can just go to any server and search with \@yourusername.
  • Now, find the Discord Settings on your system and click on Advanced under App Settings.
Discord IP Resolver: How to Find Someone’s IP From Discord (2)
  • Click on Developer Mode.
Discord IP Resolver: How to Find Someone’s IP From Discord (3)
  • Afterward, go to a server and right-click on the name of the person whose IP you want to find.
  • Choose Copy ID from the drop-down list.
Discord IP Resolver: How to Find Someone’s IP From Discord (4)
  • Click Here to go to the Discord IP Resolver website.
Discord IP Resolver: How to Find Someone’s IP From Discord (5)
  • Paste the copied ID on the necessary field and click on Resolve.

After that, you will get the IP address of the person whose ID you had copied.

Method 2: Discord IP Grabber

There are quite a lot of IP-grabbing programs out there and you can just Google search any of those. We recommend Grabify, as this is an excellent program that allows you to copy Discord IDs with ease. Here is how you can use these.

  • You need to get the user’s Discord Address. To get the user’s discord address you can read how to get the discord address.
  • After you have the discord address, you need to paste it into the relevant field on the Grabify website.
  • Now click on Create URL. A URL will be created and Grabify will also provide you with a Tracking Code.
Discord IP Resolver: How to Find Someone’s IP From Discord (6)
  • This will generate a URL and you need to send it to the user and also make sure that the user clicks on it.
  • After the user has/had clicked on the URL, you can use the Tracking Code to find the user’s IP address.
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This is quite easy but the main part is about the user clicking on the URL. The tool will provide you with quite a lot of analytic information too.

Are you trying to download chat history from discord? To learn about that read How to Download Chat History From Discord.

Method 3: Protocol Analyzer

A Protocol Analyzer is something that can make good VoIP analysis and also provide live analysis. There is a protocol analyzer called Wireshark that can help you in finding someone’s Discord IP. This is a bit complicated in comparison to other methods. Here is how you can use it.

  • Go to Wireshark and download the program and then install it.
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  • After the installation part, you need to just explore the Wireshark to understand the tracking functions.
  • Login to your Discord and start talking to the person whose IP you want to copy.
  • Search for Discord in the search bar of Wireshark.
  • Now look at the incoming packages and search for them with their username. Just enter the name in the search bar of the Wireshark app and you will be able to find the IP.

The Wireshark App when used provides quite a lot of information and allows you to track anything. It will provide you with all the information your system is sending to other websites. This information also includes Discord and all the information related to it.

While using Wireshark, you will be able to see TCP, UTP Protocols, etc. This also allows you to filter packages and check all information on them.

Do you want to watch Netflix on Discord? Read How to Stream Netflix on Discord with Sound in 2022.


It’s very unethical to check or find someone else’s Discord IP without their permission and you should always refrain from doing that. The same thing could happen to you but you can take measures to block all of that. Measures such as using a VPN, which changes your IP address and lets your browse the Internet without any worries.

You can also avoid clicking on links sent by unknown people as those will most likely lead to something like this or worse. We hope this post about how to find someone’s IP from Discord has been of help to you.

Discord IP Resolver: How to Find Someone’s IP From Discord (2025)


Is Discord IP traceable? ›

Unfortunately, YES. They could do this by getting you to click on a malicious link in the chat. If they control the website you are clicking on, they will be able to see your IP.

How to find someone's location through Discord? ›

No, Discord doesn't provide a feature to track someone's location directly. It's designed to prioritize user privacy and safety. If you need to find someone, it's best to contact them directly or use other methods like sharing location through optional features in messaging apps.

What is the best IP grabber for Discord? ›

IPLocator is a IP Geolocation BOT which can locate IP Addresses.

Does Discord give out IP address? ›

The answer is no - the only people who can see your IP address are Discord themselves, and your IP address is not shared by Discord, to anyone.

How to find someone's Discord ID? ›

Long-press on the user's avatar (profile icon) to reveal the user's profile, then press on the three dots icon at the upper right corner of the profile. Select Copy ID.

Can someone DDoS me through Discord? ›

They can also install additional malware or make your computer part of a botnet to use as a part of DDoS attacks for further virus dissemination. Apart from RAT, you can also get other types of Trojans, spyware, adware, and other forms of malware in Discord.

Can you tell where someone is from on Discord? ›

No, as a regular user of Discord, you cannot find someone's location directly from the platform.

Can hackers find your location on Discord? ›

So what happens is that your browser sends data to the Discord server and the Discord server then sends it to the other person, and vice versa when they chat w you. So no one can get your IP through Discord....

Is there a Discord tracker? ›

Overview. Game Tracker is an open-source Discord bot that is able to fetch stats from your favorite games. It's also able to remember your account, so that you don't need to remember it every time.

Can you get banned on Discord for IP grabbing? ›

If a user uses a VPN, or connects to Discord through an internet cafe, school, or office, they may unknowingly share an IP with a previously banned user, resulting in them being banned.

What is the Discord bot that tracks IP addresses? ›

Double Counter is the best alt-blocker on Discord right now. It is the only bot that compares IP addresses, thus the bot that catches the most alt accounts. It takes into account a lot of parameters such as IP, cookies, not just account creation date. Alt accounts will be completely eliminated from your community.

Is there an IP grabber like Grabify? ›

The closest competitor to grabify. link are iplogger.org and opentracker.net. To understand more about grabify. link and its competitors, sign up for a free account to explore Semrush's Traffic Analytics and Market Explorer tools.

Is Discord IP Resolver legit? ›

Of course, the answer is “Yes”. Although it is not possible to directly get IP from Discord due to the application privacy terms, you still can find IP using some specific Discord IP resolver tools. Don't worry. These tools come from legal websites or application stores.

Is Discord traceable? ›

Due to privacy concerns, Discord removes most user identifiers once a user is deleted, including username and discriminator. Users can always be located by their 17-18 digit UID number. More information regarding Discord's data retention and user privacy policy can be found here.

What does an IP address tell you? ›

An IP address (short for internet protocol address) is a numerical label that identifies your device and your device's general geographic location. The internet uses IP addresses to differentiate among all the different internet websites, devices, and networks, and it couldn't operate without IP addresses.

Can my Discord be traced? ›

In certain circumstances, we might also have a phone number the user has verified. Due to privacy concerns, Discord removes most user identifiers once a user is deleted, including username and discriminator. Users can always be located by their 17-18 digit UID number.

Can Discord report you to the police? ›

We have a strict policy against any form of threats or harm towards others. We may escalate threats to law enforcement if we believe it is required to prevent immediate harm.

Is Discord being tracked? ›

As reported by The Register, the internet-scraping company Spy. pet has been actively harvesting data from Discord since November of last year. In the time since, it has collected over four billion messages and as of right now, Spy. pet is tracking 14,000 Discord servers and keeping tabs on more than 620 million users.

Does Discord block by IP address? ›

Innocent users can be caught by these bans if they have a dynamic or shared IP. If a user uses a VPN, or connects to Discord through an internet cafe, school, or office, they may unknowingly share an IP with a previously banned user, resulting in them being banned.

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