Full Text / Transcription of BNA-DIG-ARUBATODAY-2018-07-21 (2025)

In this April 26, 2018 file photo, Michael Cohen leaves federal court in New York. President Donald Trump’s former personal lawyer secretly recorded Trump discussing payments to a former Playboy model who said she had an affair with him. The New York Times reported Friday, July 20.
Associated Press Page 3

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Home demolitions may create new problem: lead-tainted dust
In this Thursday, April 19,2018, photo, an excavatorsitsatthe site ofa house demolition in Detroit
Associated Press
DETROIT(AP) — The nation's largest home-demolition program, which has tom down more than 14,000 vacant houses across Detroit, may have inadvertently created a new problem by spreading lead-contaminated dust thro ugh some of the city's many hollowedout neighborhoods.
Health officials are concerned that crushing walls covered with lead paint generates dust that can settle on nearby homes or drift through open windows, endangering families who have stayed long after their neighbors fled during Detroit's long decline. Because the risk of lead exposure is especially worrisome for children, Detroit Health Department teams plan to go door-to-door next week in some neighborhoods to seek out potential hazards and do inhome testing of children. "We're kind ofthrowing the kitchen sink at it a little bit," said Health Director Dr. J oneigh S. Khaldun. Since the problem involves children, "we have to do everything we can" to ensure the demolition program "isassafe as possible."
Health department data released last year showed elevated blood lead levels among children living in several areas where the dilapidated structureshave been knocked down. The city has not determined if the demolitions caused
the increase, but officials curtailed some of the work until the onset of colder weather, when windows are more likely to be closed and children less likely to be outdoors
The at-risk neighborhoods include some of the poorest parts of Detroit, which hasone of the highest poverty levels in the U.S.
Lead paint has long been the primary cause of lead poisoning in the city, where most homes were built well before 1978, when lead paint was outlawed. But the mass demolitions started only a few yearsago.
A 2014 survey found more than 70,000 vacant houses, ma ny of them relicts of the mass exodus from the city that began in the 1950s. Since then, Detroit's popu lation has plummeted from about 1.8 million to 670,000. Asthey decayed, the empty homes became havens for squatters, drug users and criminals.
Tamara Rollins lives on the east side in an area bordering one of the five most affected zip codes. When she moved into her rental home, demolition crews were rolling through the neighborhood.
Rollins is conflicted. She has a 3-year-old son who needs to be protected from lead, but being safe from crime trumps that concern.
"A lot of stuff happens in vacant houses," Rollins said while holding her son. "It also makes the property value go down, and it makes the neighborhoods look bad."
Detroit is not alone is trying to safely raze unoccupied homes. Baltimore has tom down about 2,700 vacant buildings since 2010. Detroit's program is largerand has been awarded more than $250 million from the federal government for blig ht elimination.
Over the past 20 years, the number of Detroit children with elevated blood lead levels has dropped by nearly 90 percent, according to the city. But last year, state health officials released preliminary data suggesting that the percentage of children with elevated blood lead levels increased from 7.5 percent in 2015 to 8.8 percent the next yea r.
Even at low levels, lead exposure can cause reduced
intelligence, impaired hearing and irritability in infants and young children. They are most often exposed by eating paint chips or coming in contact with contaminated dust or soil.
Living within 400 feet of a demolition site increased the odds of elevated lead in children 6 years old and youngerby 20 percent during summer months, the health department study found. Demolitions may be to blame for about 2.4 percent of cases involving elevated lead in the blood, according to the study of about 50,000 children between 2014 and 2016. The research did not establish the precise source of the lead.
"We're not sure if dust is getting into the home next doororif children are playing in it," Khaldun said.
For families in affected areas, the city offers educational materials, home visits with a nurse and other services. If lead-based paint or other hazards are found in the homes, officials work with familiesto getthem removed, Khaldun said. Other cities and states are grappling with similar lead issues. Ohio's health department created a list last year of homes that have serious lead paint problems. The database included homes and apartments thatwere ordered vacated after their owners refused to clean up lead paint. Children who had lived in the homes tested positive forhigh lead levels.Q
J udge: 'Great progress' reuniting families split at bolder
By ELLIOT SPAG AT Associated ness SAN DIEGO (AP) - A federal judge on Friday applauded Trump administration efforts to meet a deadline to reunite more than 2,500 children with their families after they were separated at the border.
J ustice Department attorneys said in federal court in San Diego that 450 children 5 and older had been reunified, up from
364 a day earlier.
"I'm just very impressed with the effort that has been made," U.S. District J udge Dana Sabraw said. "It really doesappearthat great progress has been made." Hundreds of children are still awaiting reunions with theirfamily.
In a court filing Thursday, the administration said about 1,600 parents were believed to be eligible for reunification and about 900 were not eligible or
"not yet known to be eligible."
Nearly 700 of the ineligible parents are being vetted. Another 91 have been found to have a "prohibitive criminal record" or been deemed ineligible by U.S. Immigration and Customs and Enforcement.
Another 136waived reunification, according to the J ustice Department.
It appeared unlikely that all the children would be
reunified by the July 26 deadline. More than 200 parents have been released into the U.S. and parents of an unknown number of children have been deported.
Friday's hearing was the sixth in three weeks and two more are scheduled next week, a sign of how closely the judge is monitoring the process.
His praise for the administration was a sharp turnaround from last week,
when he said he was having second thoughts about whether the government was acting in good faith. "The government submitted a revised reunification plan two dayslaterthat waswell received by the judge.
In late June, Sabraw set deadlines of J uly 10 to reunify dozens of children under 5 with their families and July 26 for reunifications involving 2,551 children 5and older.Q

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Trump was taped talking of paying for Playboy model's story
InlhisApril 11,2018, file photo, Michael Cohen, Resident Dona Id Trump's former attorney, walks along a sidewalk in New York.
Associated Press
By ERIC TUCKER and J ENNIFERPELTZ Associated Press NEWYORK(AP)— President Donald Trump's former personal lawyer secretly recorded Trump discussing a potential payment for a formerPlayboy model'saccount of having an affair with him, people familiar with an investigation into the attorney said Friday.
The payment was never made, according to Trump attorney Rudy G iulia ni, who confirmed the recording and said it shows Trump did nothing wrong.
Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen surreptitiously made the recording two months before Trump's2016 election, according to a person familiar with a federal investigation into Cohen that brought the tape to light. Ihe FBI now has it, according to the person, who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity to discuss the ongoing inquiry.
The conversation between Trump and Cohen came weeks after the National Enquirer's parent company reached a $150,000 deal to pay ex-Playmate Karen McDougal for her story of a 2006 affair, which it never published — a tabloid practice known as "catch and kill." Trump denies the affair ever happened.
The company, American Media Inc., is run by Trump friend and supporter David Pecker.
The company's payment effectively silenced McDougal through the election, though days beforehand, news of the deal emerged in The Wall Street Journal. At the time, a Trump spokeswoman said
his campaign had "no knowledge of any of this." But in the recorded conversation, he and Cohen appear to be discussing purchasing the rights to McDougal's story from the Enquirer's pa rent company, according to the personfamiliarwith the investigation. Giuliani told the AP on Friday that the conversation between the two men was very brief.
"The transaction that Michael is talking about on the tape nevertook place, but what's important is: If it did take place, the president said it hasto be done correctly and it has to be done by check" to keep a proper record of it, Giuliani said.
Cohen, his lawyers, McDougal's lawyer and an American Media Inc. spokesman didn't immediately respond to messages. Cohen lawyerLanny Davisdeclined to comment to The New York Times, which first reported on the recording.
The development will likely revive questions about what other recordings of Trump's conversations might exist. As a businessman, Trump himself occasionally recorded hisphone calls, a former Trump Organization executive told the AP last year, although Trump once denied doing so.
The FBI raided Cohen's office, home and hotel room in April amid an investigation into his business dealings, including any information on payments to McDougal. Meanwhile, a government watchdog group has asked the Justice Department and the Federal Election Commission to investigate whether
AMI's payment to the former centerfold amounted to an unreported and illegal corporate campaign contribution.
The Cohen investigation, by federal prosecutors in New York, is separate from an ongoing inquiry by special counsel Robert Mueller into potential coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia.
Cohen hasn't been charged with any crime.
A self-described fixer for Trump for more than a decade, he said last year he would 'take a bullet" for Trump. But he told an interviewer earlier this month that he now puts 'family and country first" and won't
let anyone paint him as "a villain of this story." On Twitter, he scrubbed mentions and photos of Trump from a profile that previously identified him as "Personal attorney to President Donald J. Trump."
He wouldn't say in the recent interview whether he would cooperate with prosecutors. If he decided to do so, it could be risky for the president, given the pair's close relationship overthe yearsO
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Democ ratsfind not-so-sec retweaponinTrumpcoritroveisies
Former CIA officer and Democratic candidate for the 7th district Congressional seat Abigail Spanbeiger, center, speaks to supporters ata rally in Richmond, Va., Wednesday, J uly 18,2018.
Associated Press
By USA LERER Associated ness RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — As
Democratic congressional candidate Abigail Spanbenger mingled Wednesday night with supporters at a Richmond brewery, one person hung like a shadow overthe gleaming brew tanks and grilled food truck pizza.
As they watched their kids play with Legos in the comer of the bar, Kristen Martin and William Caulder grumbled about President Donald Trump's latest scandal, a controversial news conference with Russia's president. Liberal activists made their way through the crowd, recruiting people to attend a Russia-themed protest later that night outside the office of Republican Rep. Dave Brat, the district's current congressman. When Spanberger stood at the front of the room to answer questions, Melissa Dart, a Democratic voter, sought a response to the "uniquely sobering" events in Helsinki. 'This week has been a really difficuIt-to-watch week," Spanberger replied, saying Americans must accept that Russia interfered in the U.S. elections. "From an intelligence perspective and from a national security perspective, the concern that I have is: What are they going to interfere with next?"
Another difficult week for Trump is a good week for Spanberger, one of dozens of Democrats running strong in Republican territory thanks, in part, to the president. While Republicans grappled with how to respond to Trump's performance in Helsinki, Democrats' path was clear. Acrossthe country, Trump's ability to constant court controversy is providing weekly shots of adrenaline to already-energized Democratic voters.
This week's developments were tailor-made for Spanberger, a 38-year-old former CIA operative equally comfortable discussing undercover anti-terrorism operations and the work of Parent Teacher Associa tions.
Still, even with Spanberger on the ticket, Democrats shouldn't have a serious chance in this district, which stretches from the suburbs west of Richmond to rural towns at the base of the Blue Ridge Mountains Trump won the area by eight points in 2016 and Brat, famous for ousting House Majority Leader Eric Cantorfouryearsago, had a 15-point re-election victory.
But Democrats have a notso-secret weapon: Trump. From suburban Virginia to southern California, the president has sparked a Democratic renaissance, prompting candidates, activists and voters to pour their outrage, money and time into local races a cross the country. After years of bashing the GOP establishment, Republican lawmakersand operatives say Brat is now begging forfinancial support from the national party.
Brat dec lined multiple interview requests Strategists from both parties agree that opposition to Trump alone isn't enough to win a congressional race. And Democrats and Republicans doubt the election will be decided by any singular action taken by Trump. While polling shows most Americans disagreed
with Trump's ha nd ling of his summit with Putin, opinions largely divided along party lines.
'The Russia stuff is going to be a footnote at the end of this," said Tom Davis, a former Virginia congressman who once headed the GOP's campaign committee. 'There's so much happening and this is the crisis du jour."
Democrats see it slightly differently: Former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a Democrat who's hosting a fundraiserforVirginia Democratic House candidates at his home this weekend, said the steady stream of controversy reminds Democrats why they need to show up atthe polls "Every day is one more notch in the belt of people who think Trump is plain insane," he said. 'This is going to be a big turnout yea rbecause ofTrump."
Gretchen Metzroth, a softspoken 62-year-old, never considered herself particula riy political. That changed in November 2016. Since then, she's joined a protest choir, and regularly writes letters, emails and calls Congress. "I can't even watch the news when the president is on because it just gets me so angry," she said, standing with protesters on a patch a grass in front of Brat's congressional
office. "But it a Iso makes me want to do something." Trump's win has helped Democ rats rec ru it sc ores of first-time candidates, even in placesthe party typically loses. Some of those newly minted politicians are veterans and intelligence experts, which could help the party speak to national security issuesthathave often played to Republicans.
Like many of the new Democratic candidates, Spanberger was at least partially motivated to run byTrump's foreign policy, specifically his early push to pursue a ban on travel from predominantly Muslim countries. This week, Spanberger assailed Trump for his meeting with Putin. But typically, she says, she doesn't spend much time talking about foreign policy or the president. 'What the president has done is he has created a level of uneasiness for many people," she says. "But I want people to vote for me. It's not enough to have people vote against Donald Trump."
The party has flocked to her candidacy. She raised $1.35 million to Brat's $1.34 million, though she spent the bulk of that to win the competitive primary leaving her with less in the ba nk than Brat. She's backed by top national and state officials and Democratic
groups like EMILY'S List. Sen. Tim Kaine, a Richmond native who has a comfortable lead in his re-election race, and McAuliffe are eagerly helping Spanberger with joint campaign appearances, campaign dollars and organization support. Spanberger has a Iso courted the new activism flowing into the party. She's refused to take corporate PAC money and said she won't back House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, arguing the party needsnew energy. Supporters in places like Goochland County are thrilled to see the Spanbergersig ns suddenly cropping up on their neighbors' lawns
"I'm a Republican in recovery," said Linda Caldwell, a retiree proudly wearing a "Bratisthe Wurst"pin. 'She is talking about solving problems. David Brat just talks about things that make people angry."
Despite such enthusiasm, Spanbergerfacesan uphill climb. Many Republican voters in the area like the president's agenda, even if they don't always agree with how he expresses it.
"It's his personality that has just thrown everybody because you expect your president to be calm and agreeable, but he's anything but," said Judy Tunstile, as she finished up her shopping atthe Costco in Chesterfield, Virginia. "But he'sgetting thingsdone." Brat faces some unique challenges. He's failed to win back more establishment Republicans who supported Cantor. Some Republicans say he has little real organization and struggles to keep staff. His office has one of the highest turnover rates in the House, according to LegiStorm, a non-partisan website that tracks Capitol Hill's workforce. And some believe controversial Republican senate candidate Corey Stewart will depress turn-out statewide.
Unlike some Republican incumbents, who've stressed their independence from the president, Brat has remained one of Trump's strongest supporters. O
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Branson mourns for 17 killed in sinking of pac ked due k boat
Ducks boat sits idle in the paiking lot of Ride the Ducks, an amphibious tour operator in Branson, Mo. ftiday, J uly 20, 2018.
Associated Press
By MARGARET STAFFORD Associated ness BRANSON, Mo. (AP) — The
country-and-westem tourist town of Branson, Missouri, mourned Friday for more than a dozen sightseers who were killed when a duck boat capsized and sank in stormy weather in the deadliest such accident in almost two decades
Divers found four more bodies in Table Rock Lake, bringing the death toll to 17, including nine people from the same family and the crew member who wasdriving the amphibious boat. In their initial assessment, authorities blamed thunderstorms and winds that approached hurricane strength.
"Branson is a city full of smiles," Mayor Karen Best said. 'We have so much fun here. But today we are grieving and crying."
Trisha Ayers was among the mourners who stopped to pay their respects at a parked car that was covered with flowers because it was believed to belong to a dead tourist.
Ayers said she understood how the boat got caught on the lake because the weather on Thursday evening changed in 10 minutes from sunshine to gale-force windsthat bent traffic signs. "I hope it won't tarnish Branson," she said with tears in hereyes. "About 80 percent of our income comes from tourists We love them."
The risk of heavy weather wasapparent hours before the boat left shore.
The weather service station in Springfield, about 40
miles (64 kilometers) north of Branson, issued a severe thunderstorm watch for its immediate area Thursday, saying conditions were ripe for winds of 70 mph. It followed up at 6:32 p.m. with a severe thunderstorm warning for three counties that included Branson and the lake. The warning mentioned both locations. The boat went down about 40 minutes later, shortly after 7 p.m.
'When we issue a warning, it means take action," meteorologist Kelsey Angle said.
Suzanne Smagala with Ripley Entertainment, which owns Ride the Ducks in Branson, said the company was assisting authorities. She said this was the company's only accident in more than 40 years of operation.
Twenty-nine passengers and two crew members were aboard for a pleasure cruise. Seven of the 14 survivors were hurt when the vessel went down. At least two children and two adults were hospitalized. The captain survived, authorities said.
Brayden Malaske, of Harrah, Oklahoma, boarded a replica 19th-century paddle wheeler known as the Branson Belle on the same lake just before the storm hit.
At the time, he said, the water seemed calm, and no one was worried about the weather.
"But it suddenly got very dark,"he recalled.
In a short video taken by Malaske from a dock, the duck boat can be seen
wallowing through the choppy, wind-whipped lake, with water only inches from its windows Dark, rolling waves crash over its front end. The footage ends before the boat capsizes
Later, people on Malaske's boat saw a duck boat passenger "hanging on for dear life" to the paddle wheel of the Belle, he said. "The mayor identified the crew member driving the boat as Bob Williams, known informally as 'Captain Bob."
"He was at a great ambassador for Branson," Best said. "He was at every event. He knew everyone. He was always promoting Branson."
Authorities had not publicly identified the dead but said they included a 1-year-old child.
The nine family members who died were from Indianapolis, said "Thomas Griffith, suffragan bishop of
Zion Tabernacle Apostolic Faith Church in Indianapolis. He did not na me them. Two people from the family survived, a spokeswoman for Missouri Gov. Mike Parson said.
Named for their ability to travel on land and in water, duck boats have been involved in other serious accidents in the past, including the deaths of more than 40 people since 1999. Five college students were killed in 2015 in Seattle when a duck boat collided with a bus. "Thirteen people died in 1999 when a boat sank near Hot Springs, Arkansas.
"Duck boats are death traps," said Andrew Duffy, an attorney whose Philadelphia law firm handled litigation related to two fatal duck boat accidents there. 'They're not fit for water or land because they are half carand half boat."
Safety advocates have sought improvements and
complained that too many agencies regulate the boats with varying safety requirements.
"The boats were originally designed for the military, specifically to transport troopsand sup plies in World War II. They were latermodified for use as sightseeing vehic les
A full investigation was underway, with help from the Coast Guard and the National Transportation Safety Board. Stone County Sheriff Doug Raderurged anyone with video or photos of the accident to contact authorities
Divers quickly located the vessel, which came to rest on its wheels on the lake bed. Authorities planned to recover it at some point in the next few days
"The boat sank in 40 feet (12 meters) of water and then rolled on its wheels into a deeper area with 80 feet (25 meters) of water. □

ms. NEWS
Iowa tornadoes hit unexpectedly, causing damage and injuries
A local resident tuns pasta tornado-damaged building on Main Street Thursday, J uly 19,2018, in Marshalltown, Iowa.
Associated Press
Thousands of people were without power Friday after a flurry of unexpected tornadoessweptthrough central Iowa, injuring at least 17 people and flattening buildings in three cities.
The storms even surprised weather forecasters when they hit the region Thursday afternoon, causing extensive damage to a manufacturing plant and prompting the evacuation of a hospital.
In Marshalltown, where 10 people were injured, brick walls collapsed into the streets, roofs were blown off buildingsand the cupola ofthe historic courthouse tumbled to the ground. Seven more people were hurt when a tornado hit a factory in Pella, though no deaths have been reported.
More than 5,800 customers remained without power in Marshalltown early Friday, and natural gas service has been shut down in part of the city, according to Alliant Energy. The utility said crews have been dispatched to repair damage and assess which areas can have gas service safely restored.
Forecasting models produced Thursday morning showed only a slight chance of strong thunderstorms later in the day, said Alex Krull, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in DesMoines, said "It didn't look like tomadic supercells were possible," Krull said. "If anything, we were expecting we could get some large hail, if strong storms developed." Gov. Kim Reynolds and other officials were expected to visit damaged areas of Bondurant, Marshalltown
and Pella on Friday. Marshalltown, a city of 27,000 people about 50 miles (80 kilometers) northeast of Des Moines, appeared to have been hit the hardest.The main hospital in Marshalltown was damaged and all 40 patients at UnityPoint Health were being transferred to the hea Ith system's larger hospital in Waterloo and one in Grundy Center, spokeswoman Amy Varcoe said. The emergency room in the smaller Marshalltown hospital remained open to treat patients, Varcoe said. Ten people hurt in the storm had been treated, she said. Stephanie Moz said she, her husband and 2-monthold baby were in the downtown Marshalltown clothing store she owns when tornado sire ns went off. She said the family sought shelter in the building's basement and heard "cracking and boo ms and explosions" asthe tornado passed.
The storm broke out a window, ruining clothing and hats on display there, and
destroyed her husband's vehicle. But she said she's relieved.
'We went through a tornado and survived," Moz said. "I'm happy."
Some buildings at the Iowa
By MIKE SCHNEIDER Associated Press ORLANDO, Ha. (AP) — Hundreds of Hurricane Maria evacuees from Puerto Rico who are living in hotels around the nation have been given more weeks to use temporary housing vouchers, after a federal judge extended a temporary restraining order.
U.S. District J udge Timothy Hillman on Thursday ruled they canusethea ssista nc e through at least checkout time on Aug. 7.
Hillman said he wants to hold another hearing on the evacuees' request to
Vetera ns Home in Marshalltown sustained roof damage, but no residents or staffers were injured at the facility that houses nearly 500 people, according to Timon Oujiri, the facility's
keep the Transitional Sheltering Assistance program going and he expects to issue an order on Aug. 6.
The evacuees have been living in hotels on the mainland since they fled the island after Hurricane Maria last September. Evacuees sued the Federal Emergency Management Agency earlier this month, just hours before the housing assistance was supposed to end.
Officials with FEMA said in a statement that participating hotels were being notified about the new extension. FEMA is offering to cover the cost of evacuees moving back to island through the end of August. As of Friday, 675 evacuated families were using the vouchers on the mainland and another 375 families were using the vouchers on the island, according to FEMA. Florida had the most evacuated families using
commandant. He said the facility lost power but was chugging along Friday on generators. On Thursday, National Weather Service meteorologist Rod Dona von said two primary storms spawned the series of tornadoes. One developed in the Marshalltown area, while the other started east of Des Moines and traveled through Bondurant and into Pella, about 40 miles (64 kilometers) southeast of Des Moines. The tornado in Pella hit the agricultural machinery maker Vermeer Manufacturing, scattering huge sheets of metal through a parking lot and leaving one building with a gaping hole. People were still working at the plant at the time. Seven people injured at the plant were taken to Pella Regional Health Center, hospital spokeswoman Billie Rhamy said. They all were released after being treated for their minor injuries, Rhamy said.□
the vouchers on the mainland, with 326, followed by Massachusetts with 166 families
In new affidavits filed with the court, Puerto Rican evacuees said they feared losing the housing vouchers
Elizabeth Delgado Santos came to Worcester, Massachusetts last January with her two children to live with her mother but her mother kicked them outaftera few weeks and they became homeless She started using the vouchers last February at a Worcester motel. She said she has felt tremendousfearand anxiety since being told the assistance was ending, because she has no other housing options and no support system.
"I would wake up and go to sleep at night with severe stress and anxiety about where I would sleep with my children,"she wrote.□
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Newton's 'Princ ipia 1 a mong Hems in a lleged $8M book sc heme
Greg More, the former Oliver Room archivist at the Carnegie library of Pittsburgh, is taken in cuffs after arraignment at City Court; Friday, J uly 20, 2018 in Pittsburgh.
Associated Press
An a rc hivist a nd a n a ntiq ue bookseller were changed Friday with stealing millions of dollars' worth of rare books, illustrations, maps and photographs from a Pennsylvania library over a 20-year period, including Isaac Newton's "Principia," considered a watershed of science.
In some cases, the archivist used an X-Acto knife to cut potentially valuable maps and illustrations out of books in the Carnegie Libra ry of Pittsburgh's historical collection, authorities said, they ultimately sold to other collectors famous originals that were hundreds of years old, authorities said.
Researchers found more than 300 items damaged or missing, a loss estimated at $8 million.
Charged were former Camegie Library archivist Gregory Priore, 61, and bookstore owner John Schulman, 54, with theft, conspiracy, forgery, receiving stolen property and other counts in the disappearance of hundreds of items.
Lawyers for the men did not return messages seeking comment. In a statement, library officials said they were "deeply disappointed that at the center of thiscase are two people who had close, long-standing relationships with the library."
Some in the antique and historical book world had heard about the case in the spring when authorities issued a detailed list of missing items and then when authorities unsea led search warrants three weeksago. Ellen Dunlap, president of the American Antiquarian Society, said institutions, booksellers and collectors likely are going through
their records to determine whether they bought or resold anything from Schulman's store, Caliban Book Store.
"I can assure you ifanybody bought anything from Caliban, they're seeing these headlines and saying, 'Uh oh, I'm looking at my books right now," 1 Dunlap said.
The alleged scheme started unraveling last year when appraisers began a routine audit commissioned by the library and discovered that items were missing or damaged since the last audit in 1991.
The library locked down the room, and appraisers quickly began finding missing items for sale online, as wellasitemsthathad been sold oradvertised bySchulman's bookstore, a block away from the library.
In J une 2017, library officials contacted authorities and fired Priore.
Detectives say efforts to recover the items have netted books, plates and maps estimated at a value of $1.1 million. Some were found during a search last year of Schulman's book warehouse, detectives
One particularly valuable item allegedly stolen and recovered was Newton's "Philosophiae Nature lis Principia Mathematical' with an estimated value of $900,000.
Listed asa total lossare: "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations" by Adam Smith, at a value of $180,000; a journal of George Washington, estimated at $250,000; and "Reise in das Innere NordAmerica" by Prince Alexander Philipp Maximilian and Karl Bodmer, at a value of $1.2 million.
In one case, the men allegedly forged a letter from the libra ry to help them sell
a book signed by Ihomas Jefferson. The letter was designed to make it look as though the library had removed the book from its archives, detectives said. An appraiser helping detectives found that book, "De la France et des EtatsUnis," for sale online for $95,000 from a bookstore in New York. Ihe book had been bought and sold twice afterSchulman allegedly sold itto Bartleby's, detectives said.
In a 36-page narrative filed in court, Priore told detectives that he first approached Schulman in the late 1990s about selling items from the library's special collection and that Schulman agreed to do it. Priore, who in 1991 became manager and archivist of
the library's special collections room, simply walked outofthe library with books, authorities say. Sometimes he concealed mapsorillustrations in a manila folder or, if it was larger, rolled it
up and earned it out, they said.
"Priore chose items from the Oliver Room to give to Schulman to sell if Priore felt they had value," the complaint said. □
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Revelations of US cardinal sex abuse will force pope's hand
In this Sept 23, 2015 file photo. Pope Francis reaches out to hug Cardinal Archbishop emeritus Theodore Me C a nick after the Midday Prayerofthe Divine in Washington.
Associated Press
By NICOLE WINFIELD Associated ness VATICAN CflY (AP) — Revelations that one of the most respected U.S. cardinals allegedly sexually abused both boys and adult seminarians have raised questions a bout who in the Catholic Church hierarchy knew — and what Pope Francis is going to do about it.
If the accusations against Cardinal Iheodore McCarrickbearout — including a new case reported Friday involving an 11-year-old boy — will Francis revoke his title as cardinal? Sanction him to a lifetime of penance and prayer? Oreven defrock him, the expected sanction if McCanick were a mere priest?
And will Francis, who has already denounced a "culture of cover-up" in the church, take the investigation all the way to the top, where it will inevitably lead? McCarrick's alleged sexual misdeeds with adults were reportedly brought to the Vatican's attention yearsago.
The matter is now on the desk of the pope, who has already spent the better part of 2018 dealing with a spiraling child sex abuse, adult gay sex and coverup scandal in Chile that was so vast the entire bishops' conference offered to resign in May.
And on Friday, Francis accepted the resignation of the Honduran deputy to Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga, who is one of Francis' top advisers. Auxiliary Bishop Juan Jose Pineda Fasquelle, 57, was accused of sexual misconduct with seminarians and lavish spending on his lovers that was so obvious to Honduras' poverty-w racked
faithful that Maradiaga is now under pressure to reveal what he knew of Pineda's misdeeds and why he tolerated a sexually active gay bishop in hisranks The McCanick scandal poses the same questions It was apparently an open secret in some U.S. church circles that "Uncle Ted" invited seminarians to his beach house, and into his
While such an abuse of powermay have been quietly tolerated for decades, it doesn't fly in the #MeToo era.
And there has been a deafening silence from McCarrick's brother cardinalsaboutwhatthey might have known and when. 'There is going to be so much clamor for the Holy Father to remove the red hat, to formally un-cardinalize him," said the Rev. Thomas Berg, vice rector and director of admissions at St. Joseph's Seminary in Yonkers, the seminary of the archdiocese of New York.
Recounting how the McCarrick scandal has demoralized seminarians and priests alike, Berg said the church needs to ensure that men with deep-seated same-sex attraction simply don't enter seminaries — a position recently reinforced
by the Vatican for seminaries at large, Francis in reference to both the Chilean and Italian churches Berg said the church also needsto take action when celibacy vowsare violated. 'We can't effectively prevent the sexual abuse of minors or vulnerable adults by clergy while habitual and widespread failures in celibacy are quietly tolerated," he said.
McCanick, the 88-year-old retired archbishop ofWashington and confidante to three popes, was ultimately undone when the U.S. church announced June 20 that Franc is had ordered him removed from public ministry. The sanction was issued pending a full investigation into a "credible" allegation that he fondled a teenager more than 40 yearsago in New YorkCity. The dioceses of Newark and Metuchen, New Jersey, simultaneously re vealed that they had received three complaints of misconduct by McCanick against adults and had settled two of them. Anotheralleged victim, the son of a McCanick family friend identified as James, came forward in a report in The New York Times and subsequently in an interview with The Associated Press. James said he was 11 when McCanick first exposed himself to him. From there, McCanick began a sexually abusive relationship that continued foranothertwo decades, James told AP.
"I was the first guy he baptized,"J amestold AP. "I was his little boy. I was his special kid."
McCanick has denied the initial allegation of abuse against a minor and accepted the pope'sdecision to remove him from public ministry.
Asked Friday aboutj ames,
a spokeswoman said McC a nick hadn't received formal notice of any new allegation but would follow the civil and church processes in place to investigate them.
Even now, Francis could take immediate action to remove McCanick from the College of Cardinals, said Kurt Martens, a canon lawyer at the Catholic University of America.
He recalled the case of the late Scottish Cardinal Keith O'Brien, who recused himself fro m the 2013 c o nc la ve that elected Francis pope after unidentified priests alleged in newspapers that he engaged in sexual misconduct. In 2015, after a Vatican investigation, Francis accepted O'Brien's resignation after he relinquished the rights and privilegesof being a cardinal. O'Brien was, however, allowed to retain the cardinal's title and he died a memberof the college.
"I think that is totally unsatisfactory," Martens said, noting that just as the pope can grant the title of cardinal, he can also take it away. 'O'Brien resigned, the pope accepted it. Isn't thatthe world upside down thatsomeone pickshisown penalty?"
O'Brien was never accused of sexually abusing a minor, however, asMcCarrick now stands.
The stiffest punishment that an ordinary priest would face if such an accusation is proven would be dismissal from the clerical state, or la ic ization.
The Vatican rarely if ever, however, imposes such a penalty on elderly prelates It also is loath to do so for bishops, because theologically speaking, defrocked bishops can still validly ordain priestsand bishops Not even the serial rapist Rev. Marcial Maciel was defrocked after the Vatican finally convicted him of abusing Legion of Christ seminarians. Maciel was sentenced to a lifetime of penance and prayer— the likely canonical sanction for McCanick if he is found guilty of abusing a minor in a church trial. □
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Rajoy says fa re we II as Spain's conservatives seek new leader
Associated ness MADRID (AP) — Former Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy vowed loyalty to hisPopularParty in an emotional farewell Friday as the conservative party seeks to retake power in Spain.
Ihe 63-year-old politician lost a parliamentary vote last month to his Socialist party opponent, Pedro Sanchez, in the wake of graft convictions for members of his center-right party.
Now in the opposition, Popular Party members on Friday began a two-day congress to choose a new leader between Soraya Saenz de Santamaria, 47,
who was deputy prime ministeruntilj une, and lawyerPablo Casado, 37.
The winner faces the challenges of reuniting a party split by a bitter leadership battle and rebuilding its scandal-taned reputation as rival new parties, both on the left and the right, upend Spain's traditional bi-partisan politics.
Rajoy, who led the party for 14 years, has vowed not to interfere in the election of his successor.
"I'm taking a step aside, but I'm not leaving," Rajoy told a full auditorium, adding: "I will be loyal."
Instead, in an emotional 40-minute televised
In this file photo dated Thursday, May 31, 2018, Spain's Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy and Popular Iferty leader listens to speeches during session atthe Spanish parliament in Madrid.
Associated Ftess
speech, Rajoy defended ity to steer the eurozone's his record applying auster- fourth-langest economy out
of its worst crisis in decades He also said that, despite difficulties, his government had handled well the challenge by Catalan separatists over the northeastern region's sovereignty, which became a full-blown political crisis late lastyear. He also took pride from "defeating" the militant group ETA, which fought for decadesforBasque independence. In 2017, Rajoy became the first sitting Spanish prime minister to testify as a witness for his party's corruption misdeeds. In a ruling last May, the court fined the party for benefiting from a kickbacks-forc 0 ntra c ts sc he me .□
Poland's pa Mia merit OKs tighter grip on judicial branch
Government opponents protest before the parliament building in Warsaw, Poland, Friday, J uly 20, 2018.
Associated Press
Poland's parliament voted Friday to approve legislation that will make it easier for the ruling party to appoint the president and members of the Supreme Court and influence judges
It was the latest development in the right-wing ruling party's overhaul of the justice system that has sparked outrage from the opposition and from international law experts. European Union leaders say the changes threaten member Poland's rule of law and have opened sanctioning procedures.
Dominated by the ruling Law and J ustice party, the lower house voted 230-24 with four abstentions to approve the legislation that
will also make it easier for the party to influence the work of judges in lower courts It still needs approval from the Law and Justice-controlled Senate, and from President Andrzej Duda, who hails from the party.
The party argues the changes are designed to make the justice system more efficient and remove communist-era judges.
A protest by opponents was taking place Friday in front of the parliament building.
In the heated debate, opposition lawmakers said the Law and Justice party wasdealing a deadly blow to Poland's justice system. Piotr Misilo of the Modem party said Law and J ustice members will be taken to court fortheiractio ns.
The job and the independence of the Supreme Court's chief justice are at thecenterofa majorpolitical battle in Poland.
Recent legislation has lowered retirement age limits forjudges to 65 from 70, so the ruling party considers chief Judge Malgorzata Gersdorfto be retired. Gersdorf, however, has continued to show up for work, insisting that, according to Poland's constitution, her term runs until early 2020.
Attending a conference in Karlsruhe, Germany, Gersdorf said she wants Poles to understand that actions taken by the ruling party are against the constitution, but as judge she has no powerto counterthem. If a new chief justice is appointed "I will be (Supreme
Court) president-in-exile," she told reporters.
Earlier Friday, Duda, the president, said he is hoping to win approval for a
November referendum on whether the country's constitution should be changed and if so, to what extent.Q

Israeli eastj erusalem plan gets cool Ralestinian reception
In this Wednesday, July 11,2018pholD,a shopkeeperwaitsforcustomeisinthe Muslim Quarterof the Old City injeiusalem.
Associated Press
By DA GOLDEN BERG Associated ness JERUSALEM (AP) — A landmark half-billion-do liar Israeli plan to develop Palestinian areas of east J erusalem and hoist residents out of poverty is getting a cool reception from the very people who are supposed to benefit.
Israel says it hopes the program will improve living conditions in impoverished Palestinian neighborhoods and grant residents access to Israel's robust economy. But the city's long-neglected Palestinian community views the project with deep skepticism and mistrust, fearing it is a way of cementing Israel's control over the eastern sector after more than 50 years of occupation.
"All these projects have nothing to do with improving our lives," said 2ad Hammoury, who headsthe Jerusalem Center for Social and Economic Rights, an advocacy group. "It's aboutcontrolling more and more in eastj erusalem." The "Leading Change"program, launched in May, aims to reduce the huge social gaps between the Palestinian neighborhoods and the overwhelmingly J ewish western part of the city. After years of neglect, Palestinian neighborhoods suffer from poor infrastructure, neglect and subpar public services, and nearly 80 percent of the city's Palestinian families live in poverty.
The program will invest2 billion shekels, or $560 million, in education, infrastructure and helping Palestinian women enter the work force. Ihe money will be spent on a variety of programs, including nine pilot projects, over five years with the aim of attracting further government and private investment down the road.
Ihe program was instituted by Israel's nationalist government. It opposes any division of the city but appears to have concluded that strengthening Jerusalem's Palestinian areas is also in Israel's interest.
"All those who truly believe
in a unified Jerusalem and aspire to full sovereignty must act with determination to govern on one hand and to take responsibility for developing infrastructure on the other," Zfeev Elkin, the government's minister for Jerusalem affairs, said at the project's launch in May. Elkin's ministry is expected to play a leading role in implementing the program, and he is running forj erusalem mayor in elections this year.
Ihe program'sdesignerssay they recognize the political sensitivities but contend the economic benefits will be real. They say integrating Palestinians more into Israeli society will provide more opportunities.
"It's a population like every other. Itdeservesto receive public services like everyone," said Shaul Meridor, the head of the Finance Ministry budget department. "Economically, it is just very c lea r to everyone that if we help this population to be in better shape, they will benefit and so will everyone else."
Israel captured eastj erusalem in the 1967 Mid east war and annexed it in a move that is not internationally recognized. Israel considers east Jerusalem an indivisible part of its capital, while the Palestinians seek the area, home to the city's
most sensitive holy sites, as the capita I of a future state. Since 1967, Palestinian residents of east Jerusalem have been eligible for Israeli citizenship but most have not sought it, believing it would mean recognizing Israeli rule.
Instead, they have residency status, allowing them to work and travel freely in Israel. As non-citizens, they do not vote in Israeli elections. Few use their residency rights to vote in municipal elections, a political statement that denies them a way to influence theirdaily lives.
Palestinians make up 37 percent of Jerusalem's population of 866,000. Despite Israel's portrayal of Jerusalem as united, there are stark differences between Arab and Jewish pa rts of the city.
West Jerusalem's tidy pedestrian malls and winding bike paths stand in jarring contrast to the garbagestrewn, pot-holed streets of east Jerusalem. Many Palestinians work in menial jobs in the west side, where salaries are higher and work more plentiful. A ring of J ewish neighborhoods that Israel has built throughout east J erusalem enjoy the same infrastructure and development as the west side.
One aspect of the new
project is to encourage Hebrew language learning and promote the adoption of the Israeli school curriculum as opposed to the Palestinian one, steps organizers say are aimed at opening the doors to Israel's economy. They say the project will also address land-use issues, erect commercial centers and increase access to public services
Lior Schillat, the directorgeneral of the Jerusalem Institute forPolicy Research, called the program "historic," saying it was the first time an Israeli government was investing so heavily in the area's economic development.
In 2014, the government set aside a special budget of 200 million shekels ($55 million) forthe area, a fraction of the current project.
Ihe city spends9 to 11 percent of its budget on Palestinian neighborhoods, not proportional to their population, said Meir Margalit, a dovish former J erusalem city council member. A municipality spokeswoman said the city has made "unprecedented" investments in east J erusalem in recent years.
Organizers say they expect to see marked change brought by the new program within a few short years
Schillat said there are indications more Palestinians are looking to Israel for economic opportunities rather than the West Bank orthe broaderMiddle East. He said more people are enrolling in Israeli universities and colleges, more are applying forcitizenship and half of all employed Palestinian east Jerusalemites work in west J erusalem or surrounding Jewish towns He said mistrust might be alleviated once change is seen on the ground. Mohammad Owaida, an east Jerusalem resident, adviser to the Jerusalem Affairs Ministry and a participant in the project, said he is not concerned about the government's intentions so long asthe projectdeliverschange.
"I don't care what (Elkin's) agenda is. I care about improving the lives of 400,000 residents," he said, adding that he believed most people agreed with him but were too frightened to speakup.
Others say it is flawed because itsconception didn't include a prominent role for east Jerusalemites — few of whom hold government positions — although organizers say they consulted frequently with residents The project's celebratory launch, held at the Israeli president's residence, included a number of Israeli dignitaries, but few Palestinian faces.
"It's a great project but it came too late and didn't include local representatives," said Ramadan Dabash, one of a handful of Palestinians to ever run for Jerusalem city council. 'Who knows eastj erusalem like those who live here?" Critics a Iso say they've seen past Israeli attempts to address the needs of the city's Pa lestiniansfalter.
'These are attempts to basically entice the Palestinian population to waive or dilute their national identity as Palestinians and to go Israeli," said Daniel Seidemann, a Jerusalem expert highly critical of government policies.
His solution to east J erusalem'sproblems?Q

India's Ra Hia merit rejects no c onfidenc e aga inst motion
In this Tuesday, Match 6,2018 photo. Congress party lawmakeis shout slogans as president Rahul Gandhi, watches during a protest outside parliament house in India.
Associated Press
By ASHOKSHARMA NEW DELHI (AP) — Congress party leader Rahul Gandhi accused the government of failing to live up to itspromisesasthe Indian Parliament on Friday debated and defeated a noconfidence motion moved by the opposition against Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government.
The motion was defeated by 325-126 votes by the lawmakers.
Gandhi, the scion of the Nehru-Gandhi political dynasty, accused the government of creating only 400,000 new jobs against the 20 million promised in a year. He accused Modi of favoring big business houses in defense and business deals at the expense of poorpeople.
That angered lawmakers in Modi's Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party, leading the speaker to briefly adjourn the house proceedings to cool tempers Gandhi laterresumed his speech and at the end of it unexpectedly walked to where Modi was sit ting and shook hands and hugged him.
Modi in his speech later had a dig at Gandhi's gesture, accusing him of trying to unseat him as the prime minister.
Seema Mustafa, a political analyst, said Rahul Gandhi's hugging of Modi was a reminder to him that he was in the ha bit of embracing "reluctant and willing leaders across the world and today he was caught off guard "by Gandhi.
Modi said that the opposi tion knewthatitdidn'thave enough support to defeat his government. "It misused the provision to destabilize his government," he said. Modi said his economic policies have lifted 50 million people out of poverty levels of less than $2 income a day in the past four years. India has risen to be the sixth major economy in the world and washeading toward a $5 trillion economy.
The opposition apparently decided to test the strength
of Modi's government following Modi's estrangement with some of his a Hies. Two of them, Shiv Sena and Biju Janata Dal, decided to abstain from voting to express their unhappiness with Modi's policies Opposition leaders, however, hope to reap political gains ahead of national elections early next year. They also accuse the government of failing to check rising violence against women, minority Muslims and Dalits. Modi rejected the opposition charge and said the government was taking steps to protect all sections of the society. Gandhi accused the Modi government of buying 36 Rafael fighter aircraft from France at a highly inflated price - nearly triple the price being negotiated when Congress was in powerbefore Modi became prime minister in 2014. Defense Minister Nirmala Sitharaman immediately refuted his claim.
Gandhi asked the government to reveal the price of the Rafael aircraft deal,
claiming that French President Emmanuel Macron told him in March the purchasing agreement had no secrecy clause.
The French Embassy in New Delhi immediately issued a statement saying that a security agreement bound the two countries to protect classified information that could impact the defense capabilitiesof either. Modi in his speech accused Gandhi of'trampling upon the truth to mislead the nation on security-related issues." He didn't go into details. Textiles Minister Smriti Irani accused Gandhi of indulging in rhetoric and asked him back up his accusations with proof. Another minister, Kiran Rijijju, dismissed Gandhi's speech as "a political stunt."
As parliament debated the no-confidence motion, farmers marched in the Indian capital demanding loan waiversand fairprices fortheirproduce and other government help as India's agriculture sector struggles from years of declining eamings.Q
J apan Pari amentOKslawto allow up to 3 casino resorts
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe delivers a speech during a press conference at the prime minister's official residence in Ibkyo Biday, J uly 20, 2018.
Associated Bess
By MARJ YAMAGUCHI TOKYO (AP) — J a pa n's pa rliamenton Friday approved a contentious law allowing up to three casino resortsto open in this wealthy nation and possibly lure more foreign visitors.
The bill was approved and enacted into law at the upper house after bulldozing by the ruling bloc. The lower house passed it last month.
Itaddsrulesof operation to a law on casino promotion passed in 2016. The enactment of the "integrated resorts" law means casinos can operate at resorts that include hotels, conference rooms and shopping malls in the mid-2020s.
Supporters say casinos can attract more and wealthier tourists Opponents say Japan already ha s"pachinko" pinball parlors and wagering on horse, auto, bicycle and boat racing, and expanding legalized gambling would fuel organized
crime and compound gambling addiction. Media surveys have showed a majority of J a pa nese oppose the plan. Projections by experts show casino visitors would be predominantly Japanese, rather than foreign tourists. Opposition lawmakers said the casino law would only allow foreign operators to ma ke money off J a pa nese. The approval Friday was delayed for hours by opposition parties' protests. Constitutional Democratic Party of J apan leaderYukio Ed a no criticized the casino law and other policies of Abe's government, filibustering at an earlier lower house session for 2 hours and 43 minutes, the longest known since 1972. Edano condemned Abe for "prioritizing gambling (law)"over support for victims of recent deadly floods in western J apan.
The law will allow up to three casinosto operate but they
are unlikely to open until the mid-2020s, after the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games Several cities, including Osaka and Wakayama in westemj apan, Yokohama, a southern portcity of Sasebo, and a few cities on the northern island of Hokkaido have expressed interests to bid forcasino licenses. Host city and the central government split 30 percent
of the casino revenue they collect astax.
To address concerns a bout addiction, the law limits local residents to three casino visits per week and 10 per month. Admission will be free forforeigners but a set price for residents in Japan.
Gaming operators, including major U.S. players such as MGM Resorts Interna tional, Wynn Resorts and Las Vegas Sands Corp., have made proposalssince last year. MGM welcomed the passage of the law, saying in a statement that the development would push forward its effort, together with its Japanese business partners, to create a "uniquely J a pa nese, world-class integrated resort." The company, which set up a Japanese subsidiary in 2014 when Japan started discussing casinos, said it will launch an Osaka office in September.
Japan has a significantly high gambling addiction rate among advanced nations. A 2017 study by the health ministry found that about 3.2 million people, or about 3.6 percent of the adult population, were thought to be addicted to gambling, far higher than many othercountries— 1.2 percent in France, 0.4 percent in Italy and 0.2 percent in GermanyO
Hu man Rig tits Watch urges Brazil to regulate pesl c ides more
In this March 5, 2009 file photo, woikeison tractors harvest soybeans in Campo Novo do Fferecis, in Mato Grosso state, Brazil.
Associated Press
By SARAH DiLORENZO SAO PAULO (AP) — Human Rights Watch urged the Brazilian government Friday to establish buffer zones nationwide when pesticidesare sprayed and reduce the use of highly toxic products.
Ihe group said in a report that Brazil is one of the largest consumers of pestic ides in the world and it often uses products that are not authorized elsewhere. Of the 10 most common pesticides in Brazil, four cannot be used in the European Union.
The poorly regulated use of pesticides puts people's health at risk, the report said. Health Ministry data show that around 4,000 pesticide poisoning cases were reported last year. The ministry said in a report this yearthatthere has been progresson reporting the number of cases, but that the figures continue to greatly underrepresent the reality.
The Ag ric ulture M inistry sa id state governments handle the regulation of pesticides But Luis Rangel, a seniorofficial with the ministry, added that the ministry
wants to increase the role of agronomists in regulating and monitoring how pesticides can be safely used. He did notelaborate. The Health Ministry did not immediately respond to a req uest fo r c o mme nt. Agriculture is a major engine of the economy in Brazil, which is among the largest producers of sugar,
coffee and soybeans in the world. The "rural caucus" of lawmakers in Congress, who defend the interests of large landowners, are allies of President Michel Temer and wield significant political power.
Human RightsWatch urged Brazil to reduce the use of highly hazardous pestic ides and to learn more about
the harmful effects they can have.
Specifically, the report calls on the country to enact and enforce national rules that keep ground-spraying of pestic ides a way from areas like homes and schools. A rule already existsforaerial-spraying, but the group said it was not consistently followed. "Pesticides are
sprayed right up to (schools and communities) and sometimes on top of them. If you live there, you can get sick," said Richard Pearshouse, associate director of the Human RightsWatch environmental division and one of the re port's authors. The report documented dozens of cases in which people became sick after accidentally being sprayed by crop-dusters or coming into contact with pesticides that drifted out of fields and into their villages The report said their symptoms were consistent with "acute pesticide poisoning," including vomiting, elevated heart rates, headachesand dizziness. The authors added that some people refused or were reluctant to speak with them because there have been cases of violence against activists who call for reducing the use of pestic ides.
Human RightsWatch said a bill making its way through Brazil's Congress would make iteasierforpesticides to be approved, including by limiting the role of hea Ith and environment agencies. □
Ec tractor's ex-president seeks protection from a nest order
QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — Ex
President Rafael Correa asked for international protection Friday after an Ecuadorean judge ordered that he be jailed for missing a court date, even though
the former leader is living in Europe.
Correa appealed to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights for protection, saying he is in grave danger from the
criminal prosecution. While in power, he denounced the commission as being illegitimate.
A judge in Ecuadorordered Correa's arrest and extradition from Belgium after he
failed to appear for legal proceedings in connection with a kidnapping case. Correa has not been changed with a crime, but officials requested he appear periodically in court
in Ecuadofscapital asthey investigate the botched 2012 kidnapping of his former political rival Fernando Baida.The 55-year-old Correa lives in his wife's native Belgium.^
Doctors Without Bonders closing 2 hospitals in Haiti capital
Inocia Meroliste stands with labor pa ins outside the closed gate of Sans Frorrtieres hospital in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Thursday, July 19, 2018.
Associated Press
Associated Press PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP)
— Doctora Without Borders is closing two hospitals in Haiti's capital opened by the aid group in the aftermath of the January 2010 earthquake that devastated much of the city, an official with the organization said Friday.
A 176-bed obstetrics hospital in the Delmas area of Port-au-Prince will close in the coming days after some final patients are discharged and a hospital in
the Tabarre area will close next year, said Michelle Chouinard, who headsthe group's mission in Haiti.
Both facilitiesopened in the wake of the earthquake that killed tens of thousands of people and left the capital and much of southern Haiti in ruins. Both were intended to be temporary but were extended because of the medical needs in the impoverished country.
'Given that the situation in Haiti is still difficult it was a
very hard decision," Chouinard said.
Many poor people in the capital depend on the obstetrics hospital, which has treated about 500 patients a month.
About 40,000 babies have been bom there.
Doctors Without Borderswill continue to operate four clinics in Haiti, including one in Delmasthatprovides emergency medical care to victims of sexual and gender-based violence.Q

Switch of Mentality

ORANJ ES1AD - Switch Foundation is a multimedia foundation which helps to promote the activities and results of our foundations and organizations working for the well-being and the development of our community. Switch Foundation informs, educates, and raises awareness through our media communication tools.
community and stimulate a sense of tolerance, compassion and understanding for the issues affecting both our society and in return oureconomy.' Switch’ is the tool to work for to Theirmain aim is to generate a "switch" of mentality in their audience and the community where prejudice is eliminated and tolerance is stimulated. It is human nature to incline towards prejudice because of lack of education and information.
Switch Foundation started as a W program in April 2011 called "Switch" based on research in a documentary format bringing forth local family issues in Papiamento - problematic, the cause, the consequences and ways of preventionexposing experts in the field with real statistics and testimonials. Switch brings forth the information in a dynamic, real and visually attractive style which attracts both the youth and adults Iheir main focus is to open up the eyes of our
gether with all local foundations and organizations working for the wellbeing of children, the youth and families Switch Foundation points out that in orderto fix any problem we will always have to go back to the roots:Ihe Family!
The Founder
Mrs Paula Nahristhefounder of Switch Foundation. Paula hasn't always had a burning desire to be a social entrepreneur. When she was a small child living in Colombia, she watched with wide eyes some of the struggles her mother suffered through, because she hadn't been able to get a proper education. Her mother imparted a vital lesson to herdaughten education equalspower. "That quest for education took Paula all the way to New York City where she met
Reza Fakhari; the man who inspired her to become a driving force forgood in this world.
The name was inspired by the foundation's mission statement which is to gently help people 'switch' their point of view. Combining education and entertainment, Paula hopes to expose some problems that plague our society in hopes of raising awareness that could eventually lead to a happier and healthier community.
All their videos can be found on their website and their Facebook page and are accessible to all public. Topics that Switch Foundation have worked on and posted on social media are bullying, drug addicts, domestic violence, juvenile pregnancy and they
are currently working on a project about human trafficking.
Pro mesa Fa Iso
"Promesa fa Iso" meaning False Promise is the name of their new project. It's a reenactment of a true story in which a lover boy tries to conquer the girl, make her fall in love and gives herfalse hope. He uses her psychologically and starts exploiting her sexually. Human Trafficking is something happening all over the world and unfortunately it's happening on the island too. Human trafficking is split into three parts Sexual exploitation, labor exploitation and organ trafficking. Thisproject is mainly focused on the sexual and laborpart. Production is a Imost finished. So be pending for the launch of this marvelousprojectO
fl mOCAL
Study trip to Belgorod (Russia) and Pegasus week

ORANJ ES1AD — As pait of the international project; 3rd years students from the University of Aruba went to a summer school week in Russia, which iscalled Pegasus week. The Pegasus week was held in the week of J une 26th up to J uly 2nd in Belgorod, Russia. In collaboration with the Hanze Hogeschool Groningen (The Netherlands) the FEF could oflierthis program to their students for the first time.
During my third year of college I had an option to choose between two types of projects I selected the international project. I had to work with students from The Netherlands on an assignment a bout susta ina bility and innovation, and at the end of the project we would have to present our project in Russia. Forme this was an opportunity I could not have missed. The main reason why I was so interested in this was that I always see myself asan open minded person who always wants to learn new things about other countries and cultures. I have met with two driven students of the University of Belgorod, they surprised me with the knowledge that they obtain oftheirown history, culture and food."fhefactthat they know so much details of everything made me realize how wise and aware
and food & beverage were fully covered by the Belgorod University.
Before the summer school, students had to bring in their project. Most of the projects were existing projects With the help of international experts who provided lecturers and gave advice along the way, students worked in project teams and improved their project plans in order to meet the business standards even more. Ihe final aim was to turn the project plans into real business cases, so they could be assessed by business experts, investors and the like.
ThisJ une, two of the FEF-students Marie-Claire Heinze and Narisa Khan, under guidance of FEF-lecturer Bauke Feenstra,wenttothe Pegasus week and came back with joyful memories and a load of new learning experiences. In the text box you can read about the students' most memorable insig hts.
About Belgorod and Pegasus week
Belgorod lies in the midwest of Russia, very close to the border with Ukraine. From Moscow it is a onehour flight to Belgorod, a city of around 400.000 citizens that was founded in the 10th Century. Nowadays this city and surrounding area get their income mainly from agriculture and
isalso knownasthe granary of Russia.Ihe Pegasusweek took place in a small place in the woods, a 40 minute ride in south west direction from Belgorod, even closer to the Ukraine border. The program's official name is "Pegasus2018" International Youth School of Project Management, named afterthe fa mousgreek mythical creature, Pegasus For the 7th consecutive time this program is organized by the Belgorod National Research University, Institute of Management and is supported by the Foundation for Humanitarian Cooperation of CIS countries Future students will get also the opportunity to go to the Pegasus week, as extracurricula r activity in the 4th yea rFEF-minor program.
Thanks to our sponsors!
We would like to thank all the sponsors, staff of the UA and Hanze, family members and other people who were involved and made this trip possible and an unforgettable journey. Special thanks goes to the following companies and organizations who donated in kind or in cash: Alno Kitchen, Aruba Airport Authority, Aruba Bank, ATA, Bon Bini Cargo, Ernst & Young, CHS, CIBC Bank, Gamma, Marlon'sGarage, MGM Source, Ola Shipping Supplies, Pactholding Consultancy, PWC and University of Aruba. Masha, masha dankiQ
they are oftheirown country. I have learnt so much from the workshops in Pegasus week in Belgorod and to see how we as students of University of Aruba made a difference as well by teaching the other students of Belgorod a bit of our country and traditions. We are a small dot on the map but we made a big impact in the lives of the students. For me this was a once in a lifetime experience which I wish to never forget.
Narisa Khan
What I would definitely take with me from this experience is that there is much more to leam from others and they also can leam
from you. It'slike an adventure to remember. To work in a team with students from other nationalities such as Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and much more, is a unique blend for making a new friendship circle. This opportunity has made me get out of my comfort zone and experience something new. It will open doors to pursue even more than you can ever think of and to enjoy the journey. Marie-Claire Heinze
In preparation of the Summer school the students who participated in the international project had to raise funds to cover the travel costs, mostly airline tickets. The lodging costs

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fishing in J uly in Amba
ORANJ ES1AD — Fishing has been excellent so far in July, with charter fishermen landing big game on the east side of the island. Yellowfinand Hac kfin Tuna take the spotlight; followed by some Wahoo. The south side of Aruba produces a good deal of Kingfish, Bonita, and Mahi Mahi. Once you head out; you will lace the typical Aruban wind and 3-6 ft waves, but overall, fishing is superb and you should definitely head offshore.
The fish you can catch in July
Aruba fishing in July is all about big fighters, fast hard-hitters, and tasty bottom fish. You can get Wahoo, Mahi Mahi, Yellowfin and Blackfin Tuna, Kingfish, Sailfish, and Blue Marlin while trolling offshore. If the action is slow, you can switch to jigging. Captain Milton Pichand of Teaser Charters has caught a lot
of game fish on six- and eight-hour trips. He reports that right now fish are further out, but their bite is still in full force.
If you're up for bottom fishing, you can catch a variety of delicacies. Captain Roberto Tramp of Dorothy Fishing Chartershascaught
Triggerfish, Yellowtail Snapper, Red Snapper, Strawberry G rouper, a nd Amberjack. His customers have also hooked into Bonito,
Mahi, Wahoo, and some Billfish.
Continued on Rage 16
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when you earn 250 Slot Points on Sunday with your Players' Club card!
Continued from Rage 15
Where to fish this month?
Local captains mostly fish the east side of Aruba
right now. If you're heading out of Oranjestad, a six- to eight-hourtrip will be enough to reach these fisheries and troll for big fish, in cluding Wahoo, Mahi, Yellowfin and Blackfin Tuna, and Billfish. Captain Milton has been fishing the east side of Aruba with a lot of
sue cess this month. He also reports that Noord is a productive fishing spot at the moment.
If you want to go on a fourhour trip, you will have the best chances fishing the south side of the island. Captain Milton and Captain Roberto have both caught Kingfish, Bonito, and Mahi Mahi here while trolling and jigging. But there are other fish here as well. Captain Roberto has snatched some Wahoo here, and has also managed to land Sailfish and Blue Marlin in the southwestern watersof Aruba.
What's the weather like?
Although J uly days a re hot, once you head out, you will feel the wind. Waves are about 3 to 6 feet high, but despite the choppy conditions, most anglers don't get seasick. "The temperature has been moving around 32°C (90°F) and is expected to remain the same until the end of the month. There are a lot of people fishing right now, and charter captains have a steady number of customers who are eager to get that fish. Make sure to bookyourspoton time! □


Dustin J ohnson of the US plays off the 9th tee during the second round of the British Open Golf Championship in Carnoustie, Scotland, Friday J uly 20, 2018.
Associated Press
Johnson and Kisner, housemates and British Open leaders
— A light rain in the morning that gave way to soft sunlight in the afternoon took some of the sting out of Carnoustie. Just not all of it. Kevin Kisner found that out with one swing that erased his two-shot lead Friday in the British Open and left him tied with housemate Sch Johnson. He hit an 8-iron that only needed to go 150 yards to clear the Barry Bum in front of the 18th green. Instead, it floated out of the yellow grass to the right, bounced off the base of the rock wa II that fra mes the winding stream and led to a double bogey. Disappointed but not down, Kisner removed his cap behind the green and scratched his head as if he wondered what hit him. ""They call it 'Car-nasty' fora reason," he said after signing for his 1-under 70. "Even when you think you've got it, it will jump up and bite you."
Continued on Rage 19
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NFL, NFLPA freeze anthem mlesamid backlash to Miami policy
In this Sunday, Oct 23, 2016, file photo, Miami Dolphins wide receiver Kenny Stills (10), free safety Michael Thomas (31) and defensive back Chris Culliver (29) kneel during the National Anthem before the fiisthalfofan NFL football game againstthe Buffalo Bills in Miami Gardens, Fla.
Associated Ftess
By ROBMAADDi APPro Football WAiter
The NFL's two-month old national anthem policy is on hold.
Hours after The Associated Press reported that Miami Dolphins players who protest on the field during the anthem could be suspended for up to four games undera team policy issued this week, the league and the players union issued a joint statement late Thursday night saying the two sides a re talking things out. 'The NFL and NFLPA, through recent discussions, have been working on a resolution to the anthem issue. In order to allow this constructive dialogue to continue, we have come to a stand still agreement on the NFLPA'sgrievance and on the NFL's anthem policy. No new rules relating to the anthem will be issued or enforced for the next several weeks while these confidential discussions a re ongoing," the statement read. 'The NFL and NFLPA reflect the great values of America, which are repeatedly demonstrated by the many players doing extraordinary work in communities across our country to promote equality, fairness and justice. Our shared focus will remain on finding a solution to the anthem issue through mutual, good faith commitments, outside of litigation."
The issue has dominated headlines over the past two seasons, caused division and alienated some fans
The NFL rule that was passed in May forbid players from sitting or taking a knee if they are on the field or side lines during 'The StarSpangled Banner," but allowed them to stay in the lockerroom if they wish. The policy said tea ms would be
fined if players didn't stand during the anthem while on the field. The league left it up to teamson howto punish players
None of the team policies had been made public until the AP obtained a copy of Miami's nine-page discipline document. It included a one-sentence section on "Proper Anthem Conduct" and was provided to the AP by a person familiarwith the policy who insisted on anonymity because the document is not public. It classifies anthem protests under a large list of "conduct detrimental to the club,"allofwhich could lead to a paid or unpaid suspension, a fine or both. The Dolphins said in a statement: 'The NFL required each team to submit their rules regarding the anthem before their players reported to training camp. We will address this issue once
the season starts. All optionsare still open."
Miami can choose not to issue any suspension nor fine any player guilty of "conduct detrimental to the club." Other violations under that label include drug use or possession, gambling, breaking curfew and riding motorcycles as a driver or passenger from the start of camp until the lastgame ofthe season. Jets acting owner Christopher Johnson said shortly after the league announced its policy that he will not punish his players for any peaceful protests — and would pay any potential fines incurred by the team as a result of his players' actions.
The new league rules were challenged this month in a grievance by the players union. The NFLPA said the NFL policy, which the league imposed without
consultation with the players union, is inconsistent with the collective bargaining agreement and infringes on player rights Now, the two sides a re hoping to reach a solution without litigation.
Dolphins veteran receiver Kenny Stills took a knee with a hand on his heart during the anthem throughout last season. Defensive tackle Jordan Phillips put his arm around Stills before one game. Two other players who knelt— safety Michael Thomasand tightend J ulius Thomas — are no longer with the team.
Defensive end Robert Quinn, who raised his fist during the anthem while with the Rams, is now with the Dolphins
"Players who are on the field during the Anthem performance must stand and show respect for the flag and the Anthem,"
says the 16th and final bullet point on Miami's list of conduct considered detrimental, below disparaging teammates, coaches or officials including NFL Commissioner Roger Good ell. The NFL started requiring players to be on the field for the anthem in 2009 — the year it signed a marketing deal with the military.
In 2016, then-49ersquarterback Colin Kaepemick began protesting police brutality, social injustice and racial inequality by kneeling during the national anthem, and the demonstration spread to otherplayers and teams.
C riticsled by President Donald Trump called the players unpatriotic and even said NFL owners should fire any player who refused to stand during the anthem. Some players countered that their actions were being misconstrued and that they are seeking social change rather than protesting the anthem itself. Trump's criticism led more than 200 players to protest during one weekend, and some kept it up throughout the season.The league and a coalition of players have been working in tandem to support player initiatives for a variety of social issues. The NFL is committing $90 million over the next seven years to social justice causes in a three-segment plan that involves league players. Kaepemick didn't play at all last season and still hasn't been picked up by a nothertea m. He threw 16 touchdown passes and four interceptions in his final season in 2016. Safety Eric Reid, one of Kaepemick's formerteammatesand another protest leader, is a Iso out of work.
Both have filed collusion grievances against the NFLQ

J ohnson and Kisner, housemates and British Open leaders
Continued from Rage 17
Ittooka chunkout of Dustin Johnson and Justin Thomas, the Nos 1 and 2 players in the world who won't be around for the weekend. Johnson finished with a double bogey to miss the cut by one. Thomas made three straight double bogeys on the front nine and missed by one.
And it left a wide-open weekend on a course with a history of crazy finishes. Zach Johnson, whose name already is on the claret jug from his playoff victory at St. Andrewsthree years ago, played in the morning underan umbrella and finished with a 30-foot birdie putt fora 67.
Johnson and Kisner are staying in a house of seven players — five of them majorchampions— and share the lead at 6-under 136. They played on different ends of a day that started gray and ended with shadows Scotland's unusually dry summer finally got a reprieve. There wasn't enough rain to tum brown fairwaysgreen, though itat least kept shots from rolling endlessly.
They head into a weekend with endless possibilities. One shot behind were Tommy Fleetwood (65), Pat Perez (68) and Xander Schauffele (66). Perez was tied forthe lead until he hit into a bunker on the 18th hole and took bogey.
Rory Mcllroy, pledging to "go down swinging" to rid himself of a bad Masters memory this year, had another 69 and was part of a large group two shots behind.
J ordan Spieth also is in the mix in his bid to take the claret jug back home to Texas.
Spieth hit 8-iron through a gap in the trees for a birdie-birdie start to the back
nine, and he dropped only one shot — not four like he did on Thursday — overthe four closing holes at Carnoustie for a 67. He goes into the weekend just three shots back.
"Very happy to be back in the tournament," Spieth said.
Tiger Woods still has work to do after a rugged start, good recovery and then a mix of birdies and bogeys that left him stuc k in neutra I on a betterday forscoring. Woodshad another71and was six shots behind, with 28 players between him and the lead.
"We've been fortunate with the conditions It hasn't blown yet," Kisner said. "I think it will blow this weekend and make it even more difficult. Who knows what's going to happen? We're going to just keep trying to get after it." Carnoustie was a far different test from the opening round, when sunshine baked the fairways crisp and it was difficult to figure outhowfarthe ballwasgoing when it hit the ground. The steady, light rain made them a little slower and a lot more predictable. The greens held shots a little better.
Strategies changed. Slightly softer conditions meant power players who were driving beyond the trouble hit more irons off the tee, and shorter players hit mo re drivers and fairway metals. Kisner hit 5-iron off the first tee Thursday. He hit 3-wood Friday.
"Hit the same club as the approach," Kisner said. "That's a pretty dramatic difference in distance." Kisner is a newcomer to what a mounts to an American fraternity house at golf's oldest championship the last three years. Four of them are among the top 11 on the leaderboard go ing into the weekend with Spieth and Rickie Fowler, who shot 69 and was at 3-under 139.
As for talking shop after work? Nothing is off limits. "Everybody will tell theirhorrorstoriesand good stories, and we'll laugh and eat a big old meal and sit a round and watching something stupid," Kisner said.
Thomas will have one of the horror stories.
The PGA champion took three to get out of a pot bunkerfrom the fairway on the par-5 sixth hole, making the first of three straight double bogeys.
Johnson became the first No. 1 playerto miss the cut since Luke Donald in 2011, and it was the second straight that the top two p layers in the world ranking missed the cut in a major. The way golf has been going, it would be reasonable to see the name "J ohnson" atop the leaderboard and assume it belonged to the top-ranked player.
But not necessarily at the British Open.
"I've been called Dustin many times," SchJ ohnson said. "I doubt he's been called Sch that many times."
Johnson overcame a bogey on the opening hole with birdieson the third and fourth holes, and he never put himself undertoo much pressure the restofthe way. Already a two-time major champion with titles at St. Andrews and Augusta National, the 42-year-old from Iowa now has made the cut 12 straight times in the British Open, a streak that began at Carnoustie in 2007. His low ball flight, grinding nature and good putting give him the right ingredients.
Kisnerisno strangerto pressure at a major.
He had at least a share of the lead after each of three rounds at the PGA Championship last summer until a bogey on the 70th hole ruined hischances "Hopefully, I'll have a nother chance to prove that I can do it here," Kisnersaid.Q
For ADVERTISEMENTS in our Newspaper
Kevin Kisner of the U.& waits to play on the 10th tee during the second round of the British Open Golf Championship in Carnoustie, Scotland, Friday J uly 20, 2018.
Associated Press
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Carpenter 3 HRs, 2 doublesand exits, Cards hammer Cubs 18-5
St Louis Cardinals' Matt Caipenter (13) is greeted outside the dugout by Yadier Molina after Carpenter's home run off Chicago Cubs starting pitcher Jon Lester during the first inning of a baseball game Riday, J uly 20,2018, in Chicago.
CHICAGO (AP) - Already in the midst of a monster game, Matt Carpenter almost left too early. Carpenter stuck around for one more swing, and connected for a three-run homer Friday that capped off a historic performance forthe St. Louis Cardinals in an 18-5 romp over the Chicago Cubs
Carpenter hit three home runs and two doubles, going 5 for 5 with seven RBIs He tied the major league record forextra-base hits in a game, and became the first player to do it in just six innings
"I'm having a hard time to come up with wordsto describe a day like this," Carpenter said.
Carpenterled offthe game atWrigley Field with a home run against J on Lester. With the Cardinals comfortably ahead, interim manager Mike Shildt contemplated resting him.
"I almost didn't take the last at-bat. He came up to me, they had the lefty on mound and he said, 'Hey, what do you think?'" Carpenter said.
"I wasactually OKwithJ ose (Martinez) coming in, we had a big lead, we have a lot of games piling up in the next couple of days I was honestly OK with it," he
said. "And then I looked at the situation knowing that if Iwasgoing to get up, there wasgoing to be runnerson base so I went back up to him and said,
‘Hey, I'll take this last one, forsure,'" Carpenter said.
It turned into a huge day for Carpenter, who exited afterthat last homer.
"I can't think outside of Tball that I have ever done that, certainly a first for me," he said.
Carpenter became the
14th player with five extrabase hits in a game, and the first to do it for the Cardinals.
Trailing 15-1 after C a pentar's third homer, the Cubs used three position players to pitch the rest of the way — infielder Tommy La Stella, backup catcherVictor Caratini and versatile Ian Happ.
La Stella and Caratini gave up homersasthe Cubsbecame the first team since the 1979 Milwaukee Brew
Associated Press
ers to use three position players on the mound in a game.
Carpenter has homered in fourstra ig ht games During that stretch, he is 9 for 16 with six home runs, three doublesand 10 RBIs. The leadoff homer by Carpenter was his team-record sixth of the season and 21st of hiscareer, matching the club mark held by Hall of FamerLou Brock.
"It's super humbling to be mentioned in the same
sentence as Lou. Anytime you're in any kind of record with an organization like this, it is certainly humbling. It's a privileged to put on this jersey and play for an organization that has such a cherished history and any time you can be a part of it's pretty neat," Carpenter said.
Carpenter hit a two-run homer in the second off Jon Lester (12-3). Carpenter doubled twice in the fourth and hit a three-run drive, his 23rd this year, off reliever Brian Duensing in the sixth.
Carpenter has faced Lester more than any other pitcher during his career, but was just 7 for 50 (.140) with 14 strikeouts and one home run against the lefty until breaking loose.
Lester (12-3) was tagged fora season-high eight runs on seven hits and five walks in three innings. It was his first loss since a 1-0 loss to Cleveland on May 23. "Yeah, unfortunately. I would have liked to minimize the damage a little bit more, I was unfortunately notable to. I don't want to chalk it up like days like this happen. I think mechanically this has kind of been coming, I've been battling myself a little bit these last three starts," he said.Q
In this April 12,2017, file photo, Pittsburgh Pirates pitcher Antonio BastarcJo walks with a bird that was injured during batting practice before a baseball game against the Cincinnati Reds in Pittsburgh.
Associated Ftess
PHe her Antonio Bastardo gets second drug suspension
NEW YORK (AP) — Free agent pitcher Antonio Bastardo hasbeen suspended for the rest of the season under the minor league drug program following a positive test forthe steroid Stanozolol, a penalty that follows a 50-game ban five years ago for his involvement with the Biogenesis clinic.
A 32-year-old left-hander, Bastardo agreed in January to a minorleague contractwith Arizona. He made seven appearancesforthe Diamondbacks in spring training and then was released. The commissioner's office said Friday fhaf Bastardo was suspended for
140 games for a second violation of a baseball drug program. The penalty is retroactive to the start of the minorleague season. Bastardo is27-20with a 4.01 ERA in 414 relief appearances and five starts in nine seasons for Philadelphia (2009-14), Pittsburgh (201517) and the New York Mets (2016). He had a 15.00 ERA in nine games for the Pirates last year.
After his 50-game suspension wasannounced in August 2013, Bastardo said: "I look forward to regaining the trust and respect of the Phillies' organization, Phillies fa ns a nd my family." Tampa Bay outfielder Da vid Olmedo-Barrera was suspended 80 games for a positive test for De hydro c hlormethyltestosterone (DHCMT). He is hitting .242 with two homers and 17 RBIs this season for Charlotte of the Class A Florida State League.
Three players were suspended for 72 games each under the minor league drug program: Seattle pitcher Yeisel De Los Santos and Atlanta pitcher Joselin Vallejo for positive tests for Stanozolol, and Chicago Cubs pitcher Saul Vazquez for a positive test for Nandrolone. All three are on Dominican Summer League rostersO
Dash forcash: Cup champ Truex in the market for '19 sponsor
By DAN GELSTON AP Shorts VVHter LOUDON, N.H. (AP) - Martin Truex J r. has a sudden thirstforsponsorship cash. Truex and his Furniture Row Racing team had about three weeks' notice that 5-hour Energy was set to leave the defending NAS CARchampion asa primary sponsorat the end of the season.
Aftera 10-yea relationship, the NASCAR buzz wore off for the energy brand, the latest big-bucks corporate defector from the sport. 5-hour's departure leaves Furniture Row scrambling for coveted sponsorship do liars for the No. 78 Toyota and one of the top drivers in the Cup Series.
"I wish it didn't take quite aslong a sit did,"Truex said Friday at New Hampshire Motor Speedway. "It kind of puts us in a tough spot now. But I'm not really, really worried. I think something good can come out of this"
Furniture Row should be able to attract a top sponsor: Truex has 16 wins since 2016 and FRR has sponsorship funding from Bass Pro Shops and Auto-Owners Insurance, and is locked in with Toyota, the classofthe manufacturers.
"I just can't imagine there isn'tsome partner out the re that wouldn't want to be partnered with this whole group," FRR President Joe Ga rone said. "We've gotten a lot of interest just in the days since we've announced it."
But Truex's success wasn't enough for 5-hour to keep pumping the millionsof dol lars needed to help fund the 78 a nd the c a r isn't the only one on the market. Lowe's decided to cease its relationship with Hendrick Motorsports and J immie J ohnson at the end of the season after winning seven NASCAR titles.
It's emblematic of the overall sponsor woes when the last two series champions, like other big names, can't even keep a longterm backer
"A lot of things go into those decisions," Truex said. "I don't know a ton about their business and how it's doing or anything like that. Obviously, you'd think that with the success we've had and kind of how the last two years for us have went that, it's certain we delivered on ourend of the deal."
Rise' Meguiar, president of sales for Living Essentials, parent company of 5-hour Energy, said this week the choice to leave the sport was a "business decision." Ihe company declined furthercomment Friday. 5-hour was the primary sponsor for 14 races this season, Bass Pro was scheduled forl6and AutoOwnersforsix. Team owner Barney Visser had used his Furniture Row company as a sponsor in the past — Truex wears an FRR firesuit next to Johnson in his Lowe's suit on the New Hampshire race program cover — but it would be a last-gasp move to put FRR backon the hood.
Garone said the primary goal was to get the Toyota fully funded with outside partners.
he c lew for NASCAR Cup Senes dnver Martin Tiuex Jr. woik on the race car before auto racing practice, Riday, J uly 20, 2018, at New Hampshire Motor Speedway in Loudon, N.H.
Associated Press
5-hour had been a NAS CAR primary sponsor for nearly a decade, including the last seven at the Cup Series level. The company joined Furniture Row Racing in 2017 as majority primary sponsoron the No. 77 Toyota and Rookie of the Year winner Erik Jones, as well asa season-long associate and two primaries on the No. 78 with Truex. It became a primary for Truex this season when Jones, who won two weeks ago at Daytona, went to Joe Gibbs Racing.
5-hour stuck with NASCAR in the aftermath of the worst cheating scandal in the sport's history. NAPA Auto Parts cut ties in 2013 when Michael Waltrip Racing manipulated a race to
get Truex into the playoffs. But 5-hour stayed on when times were tough — and cut bait when it was riding high as a victory lane regular. "Some thingsdon't make sense unless you're inside the inner working and we're not there," Garone said. "I’m sure they've got a plan."
FRR and Truex said the sponsorship search would not derail their plans toward working on a contract extension. Truex won only two career races in eight full seasons before he joined Denver-based FRR in 2014 and his career soon skyrocketed toward a championship run.
Garone, who said FRR will "absolutely" eventually return to a two-caroperation,
said Truex's deal would get done.
"It's not real tough with Martin. He wants to race with us, we want to race with him," he said.
Truex lost a sponsor this week, but he at least won an ESPY for best driver. He skipped the award show for a fishing frip and said he d id n't think he was invited, anyway. ESPN said Friday an invitation was emailed and faxed on June 19 to FRR and two Truex representatives.
"You want to get to Truex you better have his number," friend and former driver Dale Earnhardt Jr. tweeted.
FRR will surely give it to any sponsorthatwantsto make a deal.Q
Terrell Owens released from Eskimos' negotiation list
EDMONTON, Alberta (AP)
— Terrell Owens was released from the Edmonton Eskimos' negotiation list Friday, leaving the 44-yearold former NFL receiver free to sign with any other Canadian Football League team.
Earlier, Owens activated a 10-day window to receive a contract offer from the Eskimos by Tuesday. Edmonton placed Owens, who last played in the NFL in 2010, on its 45-man ne gotiation list J une 19, shortly after he posted a video of himself running a 4.43-second 40-yard dash.
J a son Staroszik, the Edmonton-based agent handling Owens' CFL negotiations, said the Eskimos' decision won't dampen the receiver's enthusiasm about resuming his football career in Canada.
“It’s definitely not over,” Staroszik said. "Terrell could still sign as a free agent with any team that's inter ested. We might see anotherteam put him on their negotiation list. Hopefully there's another team with an interest, I feel there is, so we'll see what ha ppens." Owens will be inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame next month in Canton, Ohio, but declined an invitation to the enshrinement ceremony. Instead, Owens will deliver his Hall of Fa me speec hat the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga, hisalma mater.Q
C hepkoec h smashes 3000m steeplechase world record by over 8s
MONACO (AP) — Mission accomplished for Beatrice C hepkoec h, who set out to bneakthe 3,000-metersteeplechase world record and smashed it by more than eightsecondson Friday.
Chepkoech clocked 8 minutes, 44.32 seconds at the Herculis Diamond League meeting, becoming the first Kenyan woman to hold the 3,000 steeplechase world record.
Ihe previous mark was 8:52.78 set by Ruth J ebet of Bahrain two years a go in Pa ris.
Chepkoech, who finished fourth atthe 2016 Olympics and 2017 world championships, dropped all of her riva Is with three la ps left a nd won by more than 16 seconds.
"I wanted to break the world record, that was the plan from the beginning of the season," she said. "And I was aware the biggest chance would be at Monaco due to weather, crowds, and the whole environment. And this plan worked well."
In Chepkoech's slipstream, Courtney Frerichswasa distant runner-up but crossed in 9:00.85 to set the U.S. re cord.
Chepkoech's feat came just hoursafterthe IAAF announced Jebet, the Olympic champion, wasamong 109 athletes and coaches facing disciplinary action for doping and other offences.
J ebet was included in a list of athletes provisionally suspended aftera positive test forEPO in February.
Earlier, Olympic champion Shaunae Miller-Uibo of the Bahamas set a world-leading time of 48.97 secondsto win the 400 meters. Miller-Uibo, who set the previous fastest time in the world this year of 49.52 in Eugene in May, came off the final tum with a small lead over 20-year-old Bahrain runnerSalwa Eid Naser and held overthe final section to set a new meet record in the Principality. Naser, who won the past four Diamond League meetings in Oslo, Stockholm, Paris, and Lausanne, finished second in 49.08, hernew personal best. Shakima Wimbley of the U.S. was third.
World and Olympic 800 champion CasterSemenya dominated and prevailed

Kenya's Beatrice Chepkoech competes in the women's 3000m steeplechase during the IAAF Diamond League Athletics meeting atthe Louis II Stadium in Monaco, Riday, J uly 20,2018.
Associated Press
in 1:54.60, failing to better the personal best of 1:54.25 she set la st mo nth in Pa ris "It was a great race, unfortunately I did not hit the mark we wanted," Semenya said. 'We just need to be a bit patient."
On the men's side, double Olympic and triple world champion Christian Taylor of the United States won
the triple jump at 17.86 meters.
American sprinter Noah Lyles remained unbeaten in the Diamond League over 200 meters, winning in 19.65 seconds, his new persona I best and the fastest time this year.
Lyles' time was also meet record, and he celebrated his victory with a back flip
at Stade LouisII.
"It was a great race, improving the meet record," Lyles said. "I did the same start as I did in Prefontaine and I could feel it, it gives me confidence in what I can do next. Now I'm going to the Birmingham Diamond League, and finally ZLrich to hopefully get a win.'O
Hotrod team donates brains, urges same from military members
Concussion experts would someday like to conduct the same amount of research on head injuries among military members asthey've done forfootball players.
One way to get there: racecar drivers.
All seven members of the world's largest hotrod team, Don Schumacher Racing, pledged their brains to concussion research Friday as part of an effort geared to reach military members a s muc h a s ra c ing fa ns Through its sponsorship with the U.S. Army, Schumacher connected with the Infinite Hero Foundation , a nonprofit that works with the
Concussion Legacy Foundation. CLF has received pledgesof more than 3,500 brains to conduct postmortem research on the effects of CTE — a disease linked to repetitive head injuries seen in football and other contact sports, and also in military personnel. Research involving military cases lags far behind that for football, hockey and other sports, in large part, experts say, because military injuriesdon't receive as much media attention as those in sports "I don't think people realize the brain impact these soldiers receive from the explosions, the lEDs, the traumas," Schumacher said. Chris Nowinski, the CEO of
CLF, says only about 5 percent of brain donors are military members who don't also play contact sports "It's absolutely an urgent need," Nowinski said. 'The relationship between brain trauma and mental health isan area that needs more investigation. Brain donation is really the gold standard for understand ing the effects of brain trauma." Ann McKee, a lead researcher on the impact of CTE, was part of a panel discussion with veterans Thursday, where part of the discussion involved the heart-wrenching difficulty involved in getting military families to donate their loved one's brains to researchO
In this Oct 27, 2013, file photo, Ambon Blown, right celebrates with team owner Don Schumacher alter winning in lop Riel at the NhRA Toyota Nationals drag races t las Vegas Motor Speedway in Las Vegas.
Associated Press

Sagan takes thiid win atlbur, Thomas keeps lead on Stage 13
Fiance's Amaud Demare, far left hits his handlebais as Skwakia's Peter Sagan, wearing the best sprinter's green jersey, right, crosses the finish line ahead of Norway’s Alexander Kristoff, second left; and Demare to win the thirteenth stage ofthe lourde Fiance cycling race over 169.5 kilometers (105.3 miles) with start in Bourg d'Oisans and finish in Valence, France, Friday July 20,
By J OSEPH VUILSON Associated Press VALENCE, Fiance (AP) —
After most of the other top sprinters at the Tour de France succumbed in the Alps, Peter Sagan was in prime position to dominate Friday’s flat finish.
Cycling's world champion did not disappoint, timing his move to reach maximum speed as he swung past two challengers to claim Stage 13 by a wheel length and take his third win of this race.
Seconds after Sagan reasserted hisstatusasthe most feared finisher left on the Tour, overall leaderGeraint Thomas safely crossed in the pack along with teammate — and nearest challenger— Chris Froome. Behind a bout 20 riders with a kilometer to go, Sagan charged to overtake runner-up Alexander Kristoff and Amaud Demare, who finished third, at the finish line. Sagan’s 11th career win at the world's biggest bike race came after he was the fastest to the line in bunch sprints on Stages 2 and 5.
This time, Sagan wasracing against a field of sprinters greatly depleted by three grueling days in the mountains. Fernando Gaviria and Dylan Groenewegen, who both won two stages on this Tour, along with Andre Greipel all abandoned the race on Thursday, while
30-stage winner Mark Cavendish and Marcel Kittel failed to make the time cut on Wednesday.
Sagan said their absence made sprinting “messy.”
“It’s changed,” he said. "Everybody wants to do a sprint now. It’s pretty messy.”
Facing no attacks on the flat stage, Thomas had no trouble maintaining his advantage of 1 minute, 39 seconds over defending champion Froome.
Tom Dumoulin stayed third overall at 1:50 behind. Primoz Roglic was fourth at 2:46, and Roma in Bardet was fifth at 3:07 back.
After overzealous fans marred Thomas' win on Thursday atop the Alpe d’Huez, the otherwise complete calm of Friday's leg was briefly disturbed by a man on the roadside who tossed a smoke bomb into the center of the peloton as it passed by with 16 kilometers left.
Thomas said he didn't see the smoke bomb which, besides spitting out yellow fumes, appeared to do no harm.
Asforthe jeers directed toward him and Froome by fans skeptical of Froome's clearance from doping allegations days before the start of the Tour, he said it was part of being in the spotlight.
"I would rather be on the podium and be booed
than be on the bus and have everyone cheering me,” Thomas said.
Thomas did ask for fans to not interfere in the race after Froome was slapped on the backgoing up Alpe d'Huezand contenderVincenzo Nibali was forced to quit after he broke a vertebra when knocked to the ground by a police motorbike tasked with keeping back the crowd.
The 169.5-kilometer (105mile) leg starting from Bourg d'Oisans at the foot ofthe Alpe d'Huezdelayed the resolution to the burn ing question of this race: Is Thomas really Sky'stop option while Froome seeks a fifth Tour title?
Thomas has said that although he would work to support Froome, he is not going to intentionally lose time. But with Thomas so far proving to be the stronger rider even in the mountains where Froome normally makes his mark, their team appears ready to let the road decide.
"We've got two cards to play and it's good for our strategy,” Sky sports director Nicolas Portal said be
Assoc iated Press
fore Friday’s stage.
"Who knows how long (Geraint) can hold this top level? Same for Froomey. The most important thing is the group is strong and we have the best position.” Saturday's Stage 14 is a hilly 188-kilometer trek from Sa int-Paul-Trois-C ha tea ux to Mende as the race makes its way to the Pyrenees Mountains.
And Froome seems eager for the action to return. "Tomorrow we can see some good battles between the favorites,” Froome said. □
Cambage breaks WNBA 2-game scoring mark with 88 points
By The Assoc iated Press ARLINGTON, Texas (AP) —
Elizabeth Cambage had 35 points and 17 rebounds, breaking the WNBA's twogame scoring record, and the Dallas Wings beat the Washington Mystics 90-81 on Thursday night.
Coming off a historic 53-point performa nee Tuesday, Cambage broke Minnesota star Maya Moore's record two-game total of 80 points set in 2014. Cambage also became the first player with back-toback 30-point, 10-rebound games since Moore in 2014. Kayla Thornton added 15 points, and Glory Johnson
had 13 for Dallas (14-9). LaToya Sanders made 10 of 13 field goals and scored a career-high 25 points for Washington (13-10). Elena Delle Donne was held to nine points on 3-of-14 shooting.
DREAM 82, LIBERTY 68 ATLANTA (AP) — Renee Montgomery made a franchise-record seven 3-pointers and scored 24 points, helping Atlanta beat New Yo rk fo r its sixth stra ig ht vie tory. Montgomery was 5 of 11 from 3-point range in the first half.
The club mark was six 3-pointers in a game, done twice by Betty Lenox. Mont gomery broke the record with 4:14 left in the third quarter and did not attempt another shot.
Tiffany Hayes added 20 points for Atlanta (14-9). Tina Charles scored 11 points for New York (7-16) to take sole possession of second place on the franchise's scoring list with 2,981.
McBride scored 27 points, A'ja Wilson had 18 points and 12 rebounds, and Las Vegas beat Phoenix. McBride made a steal and fast-break layup to give the Aces an 83-79 leadO
Dallas Wings center Liz Cambage (8) drives to the basket past the defense of Washington Mystics center Krystal Thomas (34) during the first half of a WNBA basketball game Thursday, July 19, 2018, in Arlington, Texas.
Associated Press
ZUckerbeng's Holocaust comment puls Facebook on the spot
In this May 1,2018, file photo, Fac ebook CEO Mark ZLickerberg makes the keynote address at F8, Facebook's developerconference in San Jose, Calif.
Associated Press
By BARBARA ORTUTAY, AP Tec hnology Writer NEW YORK (AP) — Denying the Holocaust happened is probably OK on Facebook. Calling for a mob to kill J ewsisnot.
Mark ZUckerbeng's awkward and eyebrow-raising attempt this week to explain where Facebook draws the line illustrates the complexities social media platformsface asthey take on the unwanted role of referee in this age of online misinformation, manipulation and hate speech. Facebook, with 2.2 billion users, disallows such things as nudity, the selling of guns, credible threats of violence, and direct attacks on people because of their race, sex or sexual orientation.
Hours after the Facebook founder's comments about Holocaust deniers aired on Wednesday, the company announced it will also start removing misinformation that could lead to bloodshed. The policy will begin in Sri Lanka and expand to Myanmar, where Facebook users have been accused of inciting anti-Muslim violence.
But beyond those guidelines, there are large gray areas. What, exactly, quali fies as supporting terrorist groups versus merely posting about them? Or mocking someone's premature death — something that is also prohibited?
If Facebook were to ban Holocaust denial, it might also be called on to prohibit the denial of other historical events, such as the Armenian genocide or the massacre of Native Americans by European colonizers. This, Facebook might argue, could lead to
a slippery slope where the company finds itself trying to verify the historical accuracy of users' posts.
So, where itcan, Facebook stays out of policing content.
While thousands of Facebook moderators around the world are assigned to review potentially objectionable content, aided by artificial intelligence, executives like to say the company doesn't want to become an "arbiter of truth"

and instead triesto let users decide for themselves.
This is why fake news isn't actually banned from Facebook, though you might see less of it these days thanks to the company's algorithms and thirdparty fact-checking efforts. Instead, Facebook might label disputed news stories as such and show you related content that might change yourmind.
YouTube recently started doing this too. Twitter has
been even more freewheeling in what sorts of content it allows, only recently ramping up a crackdown on hate and abuse. "Facebook doesn't want to put time and resources to policing content. It's costly and difficult," said Steve Jones a professor of communications at the University of Illinois at Chicago. "It's a difficult job, I'm sure an emotionally draining job, and given the scale of Facebook, it would take a lot of people to monitor what goes through that platform."
At the same time, Jones said he has his doubts that throwing more moderators (Facebook's goal is to increase the number from 10,000 to 20,000 this year) and more technology at the problem would make a difference. He said he hasno idea how Facebook can fix things.
"If I knew,"he said, "I'd probably be sitting next to Mr. ZUckerbeng asking fora big fat check."
Why these companies try to stay out of regulating speech goes back to their roots. They were all founded by engineers as tech companiesthatshun labels such as "media" and "editor."Q
In this May 16> 2012, file photo, the fee ebook logo is displayed on an iRad in Philadelphia.
Associated Ftess
NEW YORK (AP) — Facebook said Friday that it has suspended Boston-based analytics firm Crimson Hexagon while it investigates how it collects and shares Facebook and Instagram'suserdata. Facebook has been facing increased scrutiny over
how third-pa rty firms use its data since news broke in March thatdata firm Cambridge Analytica improperlyaccessed userdata. The Wall Street J ouma I first reported that Facebook had suspended Crimson Hexagon.
"The newspaper says
Facebook suspends Boston analytics firm over data usage
among the firm's clients is a Russian nonprofit with ties to the Kremlin.
'We don't allow developers to build surveillance tools using information from Facebook or Instagram,"said Ime Archibong, Facebook's vice president of product partnerships 'We take these allegations seriously, and we have suspended these apps while we investigate."
Facebook said Friday that Crimson Hexagon is cooperating and that so far its investigation hasn't found evidence that the firm obtained Facebook or Instagram information inappro priately.
Crimson Hexagon says on its website it has access to over one trillion consumer conversations from social media, forums, blogs and reviews.
In a blog posting , Crimson Hexagon Chief Technology Officer Chris Bingham said the company "abides completely" by the rules soc ia I med ia sites inc lud ing Twitter and Facebook put in place to limit the ways third-party companies can use theirdata.
He said the firm only collects publicly available social media data. He contrasted that with Cam bridge Analytical use of private userdata.
Users of Crimson Hexagon's platform, which include government customers, analyze the data to understand large-scale consumertrendsand preferences, Bingham wrote. "Government entities that leverage the Crimson Hexagon platform do so for the same reasons as many of our other nongovernment customers: a broad-based and aggregate understanding of the public's perception, preferences and sentiment about matters of concern to them," he wroteO
Stocks waver, dollarslips as trade is shrug off trade talk
Associated Press
stocks are little changed Friday as traders shrug off the la test trade threatsfrom President Donald Trump and focus on company earnings reports, which contained some betterthan-expected results from big names including Microsoft. Bond yields are rising and the do liar is falling. KEEPING SCORE: The S&P 500 index fell 1 point, or 0.1 percent, to 2,802 as of 3:20 p.m. Eastern time. The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 3 points to 25,061. Ihe Nasdaq composite fell
1 point to 7,824. "The Russell 2000 index of smallercompany stocks dipped
2 points, or 0.1 percent, to 1,699.
Stocks have wobbled this week as investors reacted to solid company results as well as heightened trade tensions The S&P 500 is up less than 0.1 percent for the week, while the Russell, which is made up of more d o mestic a lly-o rie nted companiesthatcould hold up better in a prolonged trade dispute, is up 0.7 percent.
EARNINGS: Microsoft continued to set records after its fiscal fourth-quarter results topped Wall Street forecasts and its cloud computing division continued to grow. The company said it's being helped by its rivalry with Amazon, because some retailers are reluctant to team up with Amazon on cloud computing services while they compete with Amazon in sa \es. The stoc k climbed 1.8 percent to $106.31.
General Electric lost 4.4 percent to $13.13 after it said itspowerbusinesscontinued to struggle as revenue and ordersdecreased. GE, which has been selling and splitting off businesses, also cut itsforecastforhow much cash its businesses will generate.
Elsewhere, industrial conglomerate Honeywell rose 3.7 percent to $153.01 after it raised its forecast for the year. Uniform supplier Cintas gained 5 percent to $203.30.
Shoe maker Skechers plunged after its estimates forthe third quarterfell far short of analyst expectations. The company said its U.S. wholesale business and international distributor business both saw their sales drop in the last quarter. The stock sank 21 percent to $26.29.
BONDS: Bond prices fell. The yield on the 10-year Treasury note rose to 2.89 percent from 2.85 percent. That helped banks because bond yields are used to set interest rates on many kindsof loans including mortgages JPMorgan Chase gained 1.1 percent to $111.11 and Bank of America picked up 1.4percent to $30.07. High-dividend stocks like real estate investment trusts and utilities fell as investors shifted their money out of those stocks and into bonds.
CURRENCIES: The dollar
dropped to 111.52 yen from 112.46 yen. The euro rose to $1.1726 from $1.1644.
MORE TARIFF TALK: In a taped interview with the business channel CNBC, Trump said "I'm willing to go to 500," referring roughly to the $505.5 billion in goods the U.S. imported last year from China. Earlier this month the U.S. placed import taxes on $34 billion in goods imported from China and Beijing responded in kind. The Trump administration is considering tariffs on another $200 billion in goods.
The dispute between the world's two largest economies stems from accusations that China steals technology from U.S. companies or forces them to hand over technology to Chinese companiesaswell as differences over the U.S. trade deficit with China. Investors have worried that the trade war and other
disputes involving the U.S. could slow down the global economy.
The U.S. government put tariffs on imported steel, aluminum, washing machinesand solarpanelsthis yearand is considering taxing auto imports. Representatives of the auto industry asked Congress to oppose that move on Thursday. YUAN DECUNES: The People's Bank of China weakened the country's currency against the dollaron Friday. If the yuan continues to depreciate, goods exported to China will become more expensive to consume rs the re.
Chinese exports would also be relatively cheaper, possibly balancing out suggested increases in tariffs by the Trump Administration. The yuan has been skidding since February, mostly because of slower economic growth in China and rising interest rates in
the U.S.
OIL: Benchmark U.S. crude added 1.4 percent to $70.46 a barrel in New York and Brent crude, used to price international oils, gained 0.7 percent to $73.07 a barrel in London. Wholesale gasoline rose 1.2 percent to $2.07 a gallon. Heating oil edged up 0.7 percent to $2.10 a gallon. Natural gas lost 0.4 percent to $2.76 per 1,000 cubic feet.
METALS: Gold rose 0.6 percentto $1,231.lOanounce. Silver gained 1 percent to $15.55 an ounce. Copper jumped 2.2 percent to $2.76a pound.
OVERSEAS: Germany's DAX lost 1 percent and France's CAC 40 slid 0.3 percent. Britain's FT5E 100 gave up 0.1 percent. South Korea's Kospi added 0.3 percent and Hong Kong's Hang Seng gained 0.8 percent. Japan's Nikkei 225 fell 0.3 percentO
Conceptis Sudoku

6 Chix
Mother Goose & Grimm
Baby Blues
a&epji, rt mav|:^.rohcH!':





Difficulty Level ★ ★★★ 7 / 21
Sudoku is a number-placing puzzle based on a 9x9 grid with several given numbers. The object is to place the numbers 1 to 9 in the empty squares so that each row, each column and each 3x3 box contains the same number only once. The difficulty level of the Conceptis Sudoku increases from Monday to Sunday.
1 Mr. DeLuise 4 Film genre 9 Curved overhead beam 13 Grows gray
15 Rosebush prickle
16 Blaze
17 “Phooey!”
18 Used an oar
19 Singer Campbell
20 „ on; speak of in more detail
22 Chops down
23 _ apart; disassemble
24 Actress Arthur 26 Point the finger
29 Plant scientist
34 _ for; cheers on
35 Recluse
36 Morning grass moisture
37 Palm tree fruit
38 Summoned with a beeper
39 Actress Daly
40 Fall month: abbr.
41 Sobs
42 Untrue
43 Gershwin’s in Blue”
45 Deceived
46 Curved bone
47 Emcee
48 Long story 51 Influencing
56 Farm machine
57 In the _ of an eye; instantly
58 Have to have
60 Wise _ owl
61 Knight’s spear
62 Fence opening
63 _ off; dozes
64 Finished
65 Trotted
1 June honoree
2 Villain
3 Lunch or dinner
4 Risk from hardened arteries
Created by Jacqueline E. Mathews 7/21/18
Friday’s Puzzle Solved


©2018 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
5 Task
6 “The Hawkeye State”
7 Worry
8 Obligated
9 Gift from a crocheter
10 Aggravate
11 _cut; short
12 Egg producers
14 Law
21 Lowest male singing voice
25 Corncob
26 Passion
27 Team leader
28 Terra _; earthenware
29 One stroke over par
30 Dollar bills
31 Peaceful poem
32 In a_; sort of
33 Rough woolen fabric
35 _ up; sick in bed
38 Likely
39 Sampling
41 TV crime drama series
42 Clenched hand
44 Large shrimps
45 Made fun of
47 Therefore
48 Bridge
49 To boot
50 Incite
52 Caramel-topped custard
53 Discover
54 Within reach
55 _ kick out of; enjoy
59 Lion’s lair

Archaeologists find ancient pottery workshop in Egypt
Associated ness CAIRO (AP) — Archaeologists in Egypt have discovered an ancient pottery manufacturing workshop dating to more than 4,000 years ago in the southern province of Aswan, the Antiquities Ministry said fhursday.lhe workshop, the oldest pottery workshop in the Old Kingdom, belongs to the 4th Dynasty, spanning 2,613 to 2,494 B.C., the ministry said in a statement, "fhe Old Kingdom isalso known asthe age when pyramidbuilding flourished.
Inside the workshop, archaeologists found an ancient pottery manufacturing wheel made of a limestone turntable and a hollow base.
Mostafa al-Waziri, secretary general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, says the discovery is "rare" and reveals more about the development of pottery manufacturing and the daily lives of ancient Egyptians during that time in history.
Also on Thursday, archaeologists opened a large, sealed, black granite sarcophagusdating to some 2,000 years ago in the coastal city of Alexandria. The discovery, announced eariierthismonth, triggered speculation in local and international media a bout its contents.
However, Al-Waziri told reporters that only skeletal remains and sewage water were found in the sarcophagus, quashing speculation that it belonged to some ancient ruler. He said the sarcophagus, weighting some 30 tons, may have belonged to a wealthy family that lived during the Ptolemaic era. Later, the Antiquities Ministry said in a statement that initial inspection suggests the the skeletal remains likely belonged to three warriors. It said the remains will undergo restoration to reveal more aboutthemO
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Bayer to stop sales of birth control device tied to injuries
This image provided by Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals shows the birthconbol implant Essure.
Associated Press
maker of a permanent contraceptive implant subject to thousands of injury reports and repeated safety restrictions by regulators said Friday that it will stop selling the device in the U.S., the only country where it remains available. Bayer said the safety of its Essure implant has not changed, but it will stop selling the device at the end of the year due to weak sales.
The German company had billed the device as the only non-surgery sterilization method for wo men. As complaints mounted and demand slipped, it stopped Essure sales in Canada, Europe, South America, South Africa and the United Kingdom.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has placed multiple restrictions on the device following patient reports of pain, bleeding, allergic reactions and caseswhere the implant punctured the uterus or shifted out of place.
In May, the FDA said doctors must show women a checklist of the device's risks before implanting it. More than 16,000U.S. women are suing Bayer over Essure.
One of them, Amanda Rusmisell, of Charlotte, North Carolina, said she's "immensely thrilled" by Bayer's action. Rusmisell said she got the device in 2008 and developed severe pain and bleeding. She took part in patient-organized rallies accusing Bayer for notdisclosing potential risks and said, choking back tears, 'Our very grassroots effort has worked."
Bayer received FDA approval to sell Essure in 2002
and promoted itasa quick and easy permanent solution to unplanned pregnancies Essure consists of two thin-as-spaghetti nickel-titanium coils inserted into the fallopian tubes, where they spurthe growth of scar tissue that blocks sperm from fertilizing a woman's eggs.
Because of the reported complaints, the FDA added its most serious warning to the device in 2016 and ordered the company to conduct a 2,000-patient study.
FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb said Friday the agency would work with Bayer to continue the study, but noted "Bayer will not be able to meet its
expected enrollment numbers" for new patients. The study was designed to follow patientsforthree years to better assess complications.
More than 750,000 women worldwide have received Essure. Demand has declined in recent years and plunged 70 percent after the 2016 boxed warning, the FDA sa id.
Gottlieb said the FDA will continue to monitor adverse events reported to its database after Essure is removed from the market.
"I also want to reassure women who've been using Essure successfully to prevent pregnancy that they can continue to do so," he said. Those who think it's
causing problems, such as persistent pain, should consult with their doctors, Gottlieb added.
Essure's original label warned that the device's nickel can result in allergic reactions. Its current labeling lists hives, rash, swelling and itching as possible reactions
But many women have attributed other problems to the implant, including mood disorders, weight gain, hair loss and headaches. Those problems are listed in the current FDA labeling for the device, with the qualifier "It is unknown if these symptoms are related to Essure or other causes."
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er supplied to doctors and patients lists potential problems and says the devices are meant to be permanent. It also says removal may require complicated surgery, including a hysterectomy, that might not be covered by insurance. Gottlieb noted that device removal "ha sits own risks." Diana zbckerman, president of the nonprofit National Center for HeaIth Research, said Essure is among medical devices approved without "clear evidence of safety or effectiveness"
"As a result, when thousands of women reported serious complications from Essure, there was no unbiased long-term research to refute or confirm those reports,"Zuckerman said. "If patients had been listened to when the first clinical trials were conducted on Essure, better research would have been conducted to determine exactly how safe and effective Essure is"
Dr. Kristyn Brandi, a Los Angeles family planning specialist, called Bayer's move disappointing. She says most of her Essure patients have been satisfied.
"I would hope Bayerwould use this opportunity to think about future research and product development," Brandi said. "Being able to offer women contraception that's permanent without surgery is a really great option."
Bayer spokeswoman Courtney Mallon said the company had no plans to re-design the device.
Kate Nicholson, of Dallas, got an Essure implant last yea rafter she and her husband decided not to have children. She said she sympathizes with women who have had problems but said ending Essure sales is the wrong move.
"Pulling it from the market is yet another way to limit our choices a bout our own bodies," Nicholson said. "I personally always had horrible experiences with different versions of 'the pill,' but it's still on the market and many women swear by it.'O

With singer Mary Gauthier, military veterans find a voice
In this Feb. 8,2018 photo, musician Mary Gauthier poses fora portrait in New York to promote her veteran inspired record "Rifles & Rosary Beads."
Associated Press
By MESHN FEKADU Associated Press NEWYORK(AP) — There's a date on J osh Geartz's calendar that the former U.S. Army sergeant has been looking forward to forquite some time.
Aug. 10 will mark Geartz's fourth re
treat with the nonprofit SongwritingWith:Soldiers — his first session there in 2015 saved his life. Literally.
"I'd already attempted suicide twice,"the 38-year-old said, "both timeswere more of a reaction and wasn't a planned thing. It was more in the moment, like, 'All right, screw this.' So I was like, Third time's a charm. I'm going to get it right this time.' I had my plan. I knew when, where, how."
Hiswife had told him about a SongwritingWith:Soldiers session coming up in a month near their home in Albany. The wheelchairbound Geartz, who was in the army from 1999 to 2004 and served in Iraq and Kosovo, eventually decided to go. There, he met folk singer-songwriter Mary Gauthier. He credits her with changing and saving his life.
"I think that once you get to that point where you truly believe that people are better off without you, you're at your lowest. And then I think some of that started to change a bit when I told Mary everything. I told her stuff that I didn't tell anyone, nobody knew, and she just basically gave me a hug and said, 'Man that sucks, but I'm really glad you're here.' And I'm just like, 'Whoa,'" he recalled.
"I've had therapists break down and cry in the middle of sessions and leave the room. So I'm expecting something like that. Instead I got support."
Geartz's experience has been repeated by other veterans, who have found peace and newfound hope with the program and Gauthier, who released an album this year exclusively featuring songs co-written with veterans and their family members from sessions with the nonprofit or ganization.
"Rifles & Rosary Beads," the critically acclaimed 11-song project, recently earned a nomination foraIbum of the yearatthe 2018 Americana Music Honors& Awards, to be held Sept. 12 in Nashville, Tennessee. "One of the beautiful things a bout the way that it works is that the songwriters are not therapists So we don't have a duty to not cry or to assess them. You know, we're just songwriters, so I can cry if I need to, and I do cry. We all cry, and we cry together," Gauthier said.
'With any trauma, it's ineffable at its core, you can't find the words, there are no
words Music can come in and fill the gap where there are no words. So I can find the music, a nd a II the so ng writers can find the music that sounds like what the feeling is and that conveys the feelings."
Gauthier wants to be clear — though she knows the process has helped veterans— she, too, hasleamed so much while listening to their stories and turning them into songs "I think that's important it's notcouched asif I'm doing this Mother Teresa thing. It doesn't work that way," the 56-year-old said with a laugh. "I'm getting every bit as much as I give. Soldiers have taught me so much.
They've taught me humility. They've taught me service, at a very deep level, sacrifice. They've taught me consistency. They've taught me about love." Gauthier had worked with SongwritingWith:Sold iers for over four years, completing close to 15 sessions and writing roughly 40songs "I think we have a lot of stories a bout so Id iers, ora bout war. I don't know if it's ever been done before where it's done with them, so that these are their words," she said. "And somewhere in the process the veteran starts to see, 'Oh my God, this story might help other people. To tell it might be a continuation of my service.'
And they're into that. They want to continue to be of service."
Geartz has seen the effect the song he co-wrote, "Still On the Ride," has had on others when he performed the song with Gauthier at the Grand Ole Opry and Ryman Auditorium in Nashville (he plays harmonica on the track).
"I had a female come up to me after one of our shows, she goes, 'Can I give you a hug? I just want to thank you.
I haven't been able to show any emotion for years and I wasable to cry tonight,"'he recalled.
"And then I had a lady call me and say listening to the four-minute song answered 50 years of questions she had about her father," he added. "It kind of gave me a purpose and a mission to support and promote this organization that helped save my life."
Geartz, who waswounded by an improvised explosive device in 2003, lugged his wheelchair for 422 miles last summer for veteran suicide awareness. The father of two will return as a volunteer to the upcoming So ng writing With :So Id iers event, giving a helping hand to vetera ns in the way others assisted him. Songwriter Georgia Middleman will help craft songs and the retreat also includes sessions on cooking, yoga and videography. Geartz will teach a class on the harmonica, which he has played since was7.
"It'slike a big family reunion — one of the family reunions you want to go to," Geartz said.
For Gauthier, the process 'feels like my passion has collided with purpose."
"I am very, very lucky to have been given this opportunity to midwife these songs and then to be the one to bring them into the world. Ifeela sense of rightness about it, that I have mined myself thoroughly. I've said what I need to say about me. And the next right thing forme asan artist, clearly, is to help give voice to other people's story.'□
Big moveIbrBig Bird: Sesame Streetisenfering classrooms
In this Feb. 10, 2010 photo, characters from Sesame Sheet Live celebrate the 30th anniversary of the live touring stage shows based on the PBS television series.
Associated Press
SEATTLE (AP) — Sesame Street is taking its beloved, critically acclaimed brand of educational television into the highly profitable world of classroom curriculum — a move that experts saycould openthe doorfor other companies to move into the sensitive learning space with possible influence on children.
Sesame Workshop, the company behind Big Bird and Elmo, and McGraw-Hill Education, a billion-do liar for-profit company known for school textbooks, announced their partnership Thursday. Both declined to disclose the financial terms for their new line of classroom instructional materials
"Sesame Workshop probably can be trusted to do this in an ethical way, but the door opens for other companies to do it in a less
ethical way," said Heather Kirkorian,a University of Wisconsin professor who studies the effects of media in young children.
The TV program and Sesame Workshop's other educational pursuits have long been lauded for their re cord of helping kids leam, portraying diverse characters and offering sensitivity in addressing childhood experiences.
The new classroom materials include videos featuring social-emotional and literacy lessons delivered by
its famous characters and meant to be used at "circle time,"when young children typically gather to sing songs or hear stories They also are offering resources forteachersand parentsto help reinforce the lessons. The instructional materials are on the market for children in preschool through fifth grade, and they are expected to be used in classrooms as early as fall 2019. Educators now have access to review the materials, but they haven't been piloted in a classroom yet. They must be approved by school principals and administrators
Dr. David Hill of the American Academy of Pediatrics, which urges parents to be cautious and selective about screen time for children, said that by age 3, kidscan leam from a limited viewing of high-quality TV programs like Sesame
Street but that little research exists on such regular media use in the classroom.
Hill, a pediatrician, said a young child's brain cannot distinguish between programming and advertising, which could raise questions about the precedent that Sesa me Street is setting. 'When you introduce a commercial influence on a nonprofit endeavor, I think everyone naturally has some concerns about the tension that ensues," Hill said.
Sesame Workshop isa nonprofit and would have to invest its revenue back into its educational mission. 'With a proven whole-child curriculum that serves as a framework for everything we do, Sesame Workshop has put children first for nearly fifty years," said Akimi Gibson, company vice presidents
Ra pper C ommon goes bac k to sc hool to help teac he is
ByJOHNCARUCCI Common has won three
Associated Piess Grammys, a Golden Globe
NBA/YORK (AP) — Rapper and an Academy Award
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but a recent visit to a New While Common has a diYork City school was "hum- verse fan base, it probbling" — mainly because ably doesn't include many
In this Feb. 5,2018 file photo, Common arrivesatthe 90th Academy Awards Nominees Line heon in Beverly Hills, Calif.
Associated Press
many of the students were too young to know his music.
The award-winner showed up at P.S. Ill in midtown Manhattan on Thursday as an ambassador for the Adopt-A-Classroom initiative. He made the surprise appearance with his mother, Dr. Mahalia Hines, to present the school with a $10,000 c hec k.
fourth and fifth graders. He joked about their reaction when he was introduced. 'The kids they were looking like, 'Who is this dude? We don't know him.' But I'm still just here to connect with children, and connectwith the people and ourteachers. So, I felt that it was more fun. It is humbling, but it is fun to try a nd get them to pay attention,"Common
According to Adopt-AClassroom, 96 percent of teachers nationwide bear the cost each year to equip their classrooms with the basic materials students need to leam. The organization estimates that teachers spend more than $700 out of theirown pocket each year. The program p rovid es fund s fo r tea c hers to purchase school supplies.
After addressing the students in the school's gymnasium, Common went upstairs to visit a classroom. He shared his love of writing, and even recited the lyrics to his acclaimed hit, "BlackAmerica Again." 'When I saw the kids I really was just trying to let them know we were here because we care and that we value them and that they have the world attheir hands,"he said.
For the second year in a row, Adopt-A-Classroom has partnered with Burlington Stores Shoppers can make a $1 donation to the organization at checkout through Aug. 18Q

Smithsonian gallery explores diversity in US lync hings
Smithsonian's National Portrait Gallery acknowledges that people of color have long been missing in the works it exhibits Now the museum is tackling the issue in an unusual way.
The Portrait Gallery is currently showing about 20 works by Los Angelesbased artist Ken GonzalesDay that examine lync flings, mostly in the American West, and probe the history of racial violence in the United States "Latinos were a very small number" of those lynched in the U.S, Gonzales-Day told The Associated Press during a recent interview at the Portrait Gallery. "Native Americans, Chinese, even smaller numbers."
"But when you think of it as a spectrum of racialized violence, then we can see it is part of a continuing (history) in the United States that dates back to its founding," he said.
Equal Justice Initiative, an Alabama-based non-prof
A visitor looks at prints by artist Ken Gonzales-Day, who is currently exhibiting his 2006 series "Based Lync hings" atthe Smithsonian's National Portrait Gallery in Washington.
Associated Bess
it, documented more than 4,400 lync hings of black people in the United States between 1877 and 1950. Gonzales-Day published a book in 2006 in which he verified 354 cases of lync flings in California between 1850 and 1935. Of those, 140 were Latinos — the largest group — while minorities made up two-thirds
of the tota I.
To avoid re-victimizing those who were killed or causing pain to their families, Gonzales-Day's works remove the body and the rope from each image. His ultimate goal is to spotlight racial violence in the U.S. in a broad sense.
'Traditionally, when people talk about the Wild West,
they say, Yes, there were some instances of Latinos being lynched, but they were all bad guys.' My project was (to) prove that race wasa factor,"he said. Gonzales-Day sees a continuation of racially motivated violence today, citing the recent separations of migrant children from their parents at the south ern U.S. border as an example. He hopes his audience thinks of current issues when looking at hiswork. 'The question is empathy. Can you empathize with another person who is not like yourself, with a different cultural background, with a different language?" he asked. 'This challenge of empathy is our nation's challenge." "UnSeen: Our Past in a New Light" also includes 17 paintings and one sculpture by artist Titus Kaphar, who recreates well-known paintings to include those tra d itio na lly left out by smearing tar, erasing with white paint and shredding canvas into strips. 'This exhibition talks a bout those absent histories, and about the many ways in which systems have been set in society to say the white Anglo person isworth more than the African-American, or the Native American or the Latino," the museum's Curator of Latino Art and History, Tafna Caragol, told the AP.
The exhibition runs through J anuaryO
Widowerwins court battle for estate of Thom Birds' author
In this March 1 , 1977, file photo, Australian author Colleen McCullough laughs during a news conference in New Yoik.
Associated Press
Associated Press SYDNEY (AP) — An Australian judge ruled on Friday that best-selling authorColleen McCullough'swidower wasthe sole beneficiary of herestate following a bitter court wrangle.
The authorofthe novel 'The Thom Birds," which sold 33 million copies worldwide, died on Norfolk Island in 2015 aged 77.
Her husband of 32 years, Ric Robinson, had been battling the executorof the author's estate and close friend, Selwa Anthony, in the New South Wales state Supreme Court over who was entitled to her 2.1 million Australian dollar ($1.5 million) estate.
McCullough wrote a will in 2014 leaving everything to The University of Oklahoma Foundation, of which she wasa founding board member. Anthony alleged Robinson took advantage of his wife's ill health to
change her will in October 2014, leaving him everything, before her death four months later.
Anthony maintained the foundation was the rightful beneficiary according
to the earlier will signed in Sydney, around the time McCullough said she had "kicked Ric out for good" because he had a mistress. J ustice Nigel Rein on Friday found McCullough had in tended to bequeath her entire estate to Robinson. He found the foundation will was later revoked following the couple's reconciliation, when McCullough signed or initialed documents leaving everything to her husband.
'The plaintiff has not established that Mr. Robinson had coerced Dr. McCullough into signing those documents," Rein said in a written judgment.
Robinson had testified in court in May that he had not bullied his wife into leaving him her fortune, threatened or hurt her. He said his wife had suggested he take a mistress, and he had told her of his affair in 2010.
'The island is too small to keep any secrets," Robinson said in hisevidence.
The court had heard the couple had financial as well as marital problems. Anthony told the court she
had been sad to hearMcCullough had reconciled with her husband aftertheir brief separation, because 'that wasn't what she really wanted to do."
The author had explained that she could not afford a night carer and Robinson needed her money, Anthony told the court.
Neither Robinson nor Anthony attended the Sydney court on Friday to hearthe verdict. Robison's lawyer John Brown told reporters: "He is pleased that his and Colleen's reputations have been restored and he is grateful to all those who have supported him." McCullough had continued producing books despite a string of health and eyesight problems by using dictation. She wrote 25 novels throughout her career. Her final book "Bittersweet" was released in 2013.
Her first novel 'Tim" was published in 1974. □

Hawaii town hopes lava tourism will bring economic relief
In this May 19,2018, file photo released by the U.S. Geological Survey, lava flows from fissures near Pahoa, Hawaii.
Associated Press
By AUDREY McAVOY Associated Press HONOLULU (AP) — Stunning images of Hawaii's erupting Kilauea volcano have captivated people around the world. But ironically it's nearly impossible for residents and visitors on the ground to see the lava — a fact that's squeezing the tourism-dependent local economy.
Big Island businesses are calling for a lava viewing site, but authorities say they're finding it difficult to set one up while keeping people safe.
Ihe risks posed by the volcano came into sharp focus this week when lava flowing into the ocean triggered an explosion that sent a hot rock the size of a basketball crashing through a tour boat's roof. One woman broke herleg, while nearly two dozen others suffered minor bums and scrapes.
Diane Ley, Hawaii County's director of research and development, said she's been working on setting up a lava viewing sitefornearly two months, consulting with federal scientists and the county's civil defense administrator. The injuries from the tourboatonly validate the county's caution, she said.
'That's a challenge — to find us a site that is safe from volcanic hazards, emissions and can afford the ability for large numbers to be able to come in and view," she said.
Still, pressures are mounting from merchants, tour guides and others on the
island, where tourism has dropped since Kilauea began erupting in a residential neighborhood and burning down homesin May. Downtown Pahoa, which is just a few miles from where the volcano is pumping a river of molten rock into the ocean, hasbeen hit particularly hard. The small, rural town serves as a gateway to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, which is normally the state's most popular tourist attraction but has closed indefinitely because of dangers to visitors and staff.
As recently as April, travelers could watch molten rock in the park's lava lake and hike to remote spots to see flowing lava.
State Sen. Russell Ruderman said the county needs to urgently set up a lava
viewing site to bring visitors back to Pahoa.
'Our town is dying very, very fa st and very, very dramatically," said Ruderman, who owns a natural foods store in Pahoa. "It's needless because if we could get the word out that our town is open for business, we could still save it." Currently, only helicopter and boat-tour passengers
— paying about$250each
— are able to see the lava in person.
The area where lava is bursting from the ground is undera mandatory evacuation order. Residents nearby may go to their homes, but the county restricts access for everyone else except scientists, authoritieslike the National Guard and a handful of escorted media.
Officials have cracked down on violators, issuing citations to more than 80 people for loitering in a restricted disasterarea. Kilauea, which has been erupting continuously for 35 years, has long attracted travelers. About 5,000 people a day descended on an official county lava viewing spot in May 1990 as molten rock slowly consumed the town of Kalapana, the Honolulu Advertiser reported. That's even though the spot offered views of cooled, not flowing, lava. County workers
set aside some newly hardened rocks for tourists to touch as consolation.
Ley noted Kilauea is behaving differently than in the past, when lava flowed from a different spot and through uninhabited land. It also is producing more lava — erupting as much as 3,500 cubic feet (100 cubic meters) per second now compared with about 141cubic feet(4cubic meters) two yearsago.
She doesn't know when the county will be ready but envisions a viewing site where tour buses could go and not private cars. The county may select several sites and open them as conditio ns allow, she said.
J ohn Tarson, owner of Epic Lava Tours, said the current restrictions are crushing him.
'They've effectively cut my business' legs off. And there's nothing that can be done to save it unless they reopen the tourism industry, unless they stop criminalizing people for wanting to see lava,"Tarson said.
He argues guides like himself have years of experience and can continue to take tourists to see lava safely. Instead, his customers are cancelling reservations into the new year because they don't believe they'll be allowed to see molten rock.
Restaurants and shops in Pahoa have lost50 percent to 90 percent of their business, said Matthew Purvis, president of the Mainstreet Pahoa Association. This is partly because many residents have lost their homes and moved, but a significant chunk is because fewer tourists are visiting. The worst-hit are those that cater to travelers, like gift shops. Purvis' own place, the Tin Shack Bakery, has lost about half its business, he said.
Hawaii County Councilwoman Eileen O'Hara said the county should contract several tour companies to operate shuttle buses from the center of Pahoa town to Leilani Estates, where lava is coming up through the ground. She said the bus could circle around to let passengers take photos but keep them inside, protected from any volcanic gases
"It's really important they consider doing this as quickly as possible," O'Hara said .□
In this long exposure photo taken Tuesday July 3,2018, the night sky is illuminated by a lava eruption in Pahoa, Hawaii.
Associated Press
In this May 15, 2018 file photo, offerings sit on a sign welcoming people to Pahoa, Hawaii.
Associated Press

Full Text / Transcription of BNA-DIG-ARUBATODAY-2018-07-21 (2025)
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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.