Page SC Saturday, Octobof 7, 1 978 110 MATSFOtSJUI 119 LrttfURHISHED HOUSES 122 WSiNBS-OrTOSMa 117 MC4JUrfOMIlLHTAU 114 MtMSHB) AMITJUNTS 114 RTCMSHH) MAiTMDfTS SCATCRAFT 140 nsercrwier IO. von thru windshield, ou an lOrt ftJ CHATEAU CONVENIENT WAS BSAUFLEY SWIMMING POOL SECURITY GUARD LAUNDROMAT ON PREMISES I BEDROOM FROM 1170 MO. 2 BEDROOM ROM SIN MO. 7200 Lillian Highway 4556239 Happiness Is UvlnootThe RICHELIEU Avortfnonts Tit SCENIC HWY. 438-7541 NEAR NAS 1 BR.
private beach. Screened potto. Married couple. Slit. No eels.
700 Potorrar. 4SS-064. ON THE BEACH Oelune 76 R. 1VB. Townhouse.
All conveniences. Leas. 1275. 15 mln. tram NAS.
424501. BEDROOM APT. convenient Westskle location, near PJC West Si bases. 190 month plus dep. 438-273 NICELY FURNISHED 1 bedroom Apartment.
AC. Adults only. SI 35 a month. IKK East Lakeview. 474-508.
AC APART. I person. 2 blocks from West Fl. Hospital. Utilities turn.
SI35 ma. 125 deposit. 474-1124. SPACIOUS 2BR. LR.
kitchen, wolr. Adults only, no pets, deposit required. Brent area. 438 2333. ON THE Gull Conda 1 bedroom, furnished.
SS Ft. Pickens Road, Pen-socolo Beach. Coll 932.2844. MILITARY NAS. Corry.
Lovely 2 bedroom AC duplex. S13Q. Small baby, no pets. Phone 455-31 14. WEST SIDE near NAS.
nice, fur. mshed. 2 BR. AC apartment. 175 damage deposit.
1140 monthly. 455-7458. II no answer call after 4 p.m. QUIET 2 BR furnished dupiei, very clean, AC. utilities included.
SIM per month. 432-374 otlersoctock. EFFICIENCY YEAR Around tur nlshed, 1150 per month plus utili ties. Coll 932-97S4 alter 5PM. 1 BEDROOM AC.
utilities pd. for single. 11S0 ISO deposit. Pri vate. Close to NAS.
454-2564. ONE BEOROOM. corpet. Convenient to UWF ft Medical Center. Avail, mid 1140.
433-3543, after 5pm. LARGE 2 room Furnished Apart- ment. Single or working couple. No children or pets. All utilities tur mshed.
1145 monthly. 474-7435. 825 Bayshore Dr. 13 STORY HI-RISE 1-2-3 BEDROOMS Doormen, Security Gurads, Pool, Beach, Garoge, Parking Across from PCC. 455-9702 4301 Creighton Rd Phone 477-3677tM thl fm CLUBHOUSE POOL TOTAL ELECTRIC WALKING DISTANCE TO UWF OPEN: WEEKDAYS 100400 SATURDAY 10-1 DllttCTIONS- OUT NINf MH eoAO, wfst to uwt tN- ttANCE, TURN NOR1H OF lintE GENfSAt SIOK.
PHONE 476-4664 'irefw l.hiilf ON PENSACOLA BAY Swimming pool-beoch area loundry facilities Picnic and borbeque area close to Pensocoia Yacht Club Minutes Downtown NAS Bus Route Security Guord fnmi-ntfltt I rtliirni-hr-rf Corner Cypress 1 Street 432-4369 100 SHORELINE DR. GULF BREEZE Complete Kitchens 2-3 Bedrooms Furnished-Unfurnished FROM $190 Near Schools All Recreation Call 932-4023 fcCwXittxiins mA Garden life' APts" 126 AOLUM FOB SALE APAUTIFIiL WOODED excellent garden soil. 10 miles North gf Pace. Terms. Call 9944S34.
9441 77. AUCTION Thur. Oct. 12 VtK 157 Acres. South of l-.
West of Hwy. 2. 2O30' en railroad. See Ad Sundoy under Root Estate. Louis Boy lesion Realty ft Auction.
Realtor 477453 2V ACRES IN BRATT. on Hwy. Ml. 14.500. 1423-0494.
OR 2 ACRE Homesiles. off Quintette Rood. 4 miles norm ot Pace. Owner financed. 15400 per ocre.
1423-0494. 21 A. 38 2B Lillian, Al BkrrlOCk Realty Inc. 20542-2293 ACRE LOTS paved streets, beoutiful frees, restricted. By owner.
Easy terms A. A. Daniel Inc. Owner -Broker. 474-0387, 474-8402, 127 WATEBRONT NO MONEY DOWN BEGIN WITH YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENT 18 YEAR TERMS WATERFRONT LOTS FROM $150 MONTH INTERIOR LOTS FROM $75 MONTH CALL BARNARD DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 433-3035 994-5341 BAYOU TEXAR, prlvote spacious 3BR.3Bhome boat house ft dock for lease or sole.
432-0671 otter 5: 30 pm. 100 300 on Blockwater Bay. Trees. Sandy beach. 119.500.
Also acreage at 12500 per acre. 9684622, after 4. WATERVIEWSOUNOSIDE 7 months old, 3BR, loaded, anxious owner. Coll 9324714. LOT w130' Choice lake frontage In Grande Logoan Lakes.
Owner must socrotice 42 -04 76 or 456-4921. Waterfront lot 57WX135' corner lot on Perdido Bay dt Innerrahfy Point. By owner. 120,000. 456-5206 or 453-9457.
145' ON BOAT BASIN In Gronde Lagoon Overlooking Big Lagoon, 538,500. Coll 455-7930, NOW WITH paved roads, central water system 100x240 lots only 2 fell 122400. Terms. Woodbury Agency Reoltor, 932-5240. Aft.
hrs. 9322536. 4554474. ERA8 Electronic Realty Associates WATERFRONT Lorge or small, we hove It all. From canal tots in Santa Rosa Shores to over 3800' on the sound.
We have listed some ot the most beautiful property in the state, ond have access to much more. Call today lor more Information. John Broxson Associates, Inc. Reoltors 433-3581 AFTER HOURS OonWest 1-423-1125 EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS. Avolon BMch Waterfront.
100' on Mutat Bay- ou. high ond dry and wooded. Some terms. E. L.
"Woody" Woodbury Broker. 4 5574. BY OWNE R. Gull Shores Alabama, V) ocre lot on boy. 3 bedrooms.
2 boms. 18x28 great room. deck, fully carpeted, furnished. Mid 40 s. 14041 747-9343.
UP 3ft 4 BEDROOM 2 BATH 4 Interest Fully Eoulpoed Many Pions to Choose from 103 lots in 7 locations to choose from 100 ol our applicants ore opproved For Information call Our Heodquorters 455-2295 77O0W Fairfield Dr. PENSACOLA BEACH Open vour windows to the crlso salt breezes off the Gulf In vour new 2 or 3 bedroom treehouse with vour own white sand beoch. View from your windows the rolling surf from the Gulf, the serene waters of Little Sa bine Sav. Santa Rosa Sound, and Pen socoia Bay. Moderately priced, coil Bill Cook.
Morton Construction Com-ponv, 932-4361 or 932-6861. Evenings 932-3357 for further inquiries. NEW BRICK HOMES $175 MONTHLY Wirrteds-rettrees-dfvorcees wchll- oven Military E-3S earning irocc-jbdrnviv Ofh-kitch-wosher-ronge-liv rm-corpel lots-oil Reatestators, Inc. Realtors 433-2158 "Tired Of Paying Rent?" WHY PAY SOMEONE ELSE'S MORTGAGE? Movb we con help vou buy your own home. Payments could be as tow as 885 per ond proctlcollv no down payment.
ENERGY SAVING FEATURES AVAILABLE. If vour Income Is between ft5.000 YOU MAY QUALIFY. Three bedroom, Vt both, foroe tats, vonlty tn bath, ooroe. central heat some with olr, corpet, ft 3 Mony lots is locoted lust minutes from Cordova ft University Moll. Call today, no middte-mon.
talk di rectly with contractor. M-5750 m-7e Niahts: 831-1031 Regency Contractors, Inc. Hwy. West. Peo Rtdoe rnennvs PARKBavou Texar areo.
Custom built home, wooded lot. 3,009 BhwM LRDR. oreat rm wcofhe- dral ceiling plus lirepioce. enclosed brick courtyard, ts sitcnen. ix4D.
den. carport S87.M0 434-517 127 WATBtntONT UMNirRBUT, SOUS. tnOoord. Loom SiTSOO 25 ft Morrow. Mitt, outDoord.
WM. Slot tor "r2 Rod Reel Inorino. FT CHRIS CRAFT Cktsskr hull. Ptonked rnohooony, excellent wood.
Recently re-engined. T32-4344. BEST BUY Orieinol ow. 3t Attmond ik MP Chrysler in-boads Installed lost mt Aueust. mhm caramon.
Controls coaw 8. on ttrbriaae. steeps 4. AC ot dock, tnooo wmm or 3os-478-45. SHOWROOM CONDITION, 1977 Harm Amencon Herilaw.
13'. Cuddy coomi. yOunks. Mercruiser. oft convo.
now CS. C-G eauipped. auto, bit, rod holders, dry or oat- S7.isd Ft. Walton Beach 1 1743-3854. unk at MW bMi wiH demonstrate.
NET BOAT II'. hauled pointed. roDII 4-cvl inboard. 400 mullet net. 14 shrimp trawl, negotiable.
33-41S7. 1979 O'DAV-CAPE ooor SANTANA-AMF ALCORT USED BOATS 177 AJUF ALCORT SUNFISH 845 174 CHRYSLER MUTINEER Trailer 41,400 00 17 DAY JAVELIN. Sail. Rioaine ond cover si. ISO 00 l7t PRiNOLE 14' Oemo 12.200.00 ivn nMootj i.
Mam. jio. Spinnaker ond Geor, No. 177 13.000 00 144 DAY MARINER. Bow Pulpit, Thru-Hull Head.
Custom co*ckpit Coy- or. Galv. Trailer S3.SOO.0O 174 DAY 30. While Hull. Mam.
Jib. Genoa. 5 no Outboard. Bow Pulpit 15 400 00 174 DAY JO. CG EQUIP Bow Pul pit.
Obi. Lifelines, 12 V. ho Outboard. Head SS.4O0.00 171 SANTANA 71, Main. Jib.
Winches. Galley Unit. Stove. Porto Pottl. Curtains.
Trailer 54.W5.00 174 PEARSON 34. Spinnaker, Genoa. Johnson 4 hp. Wilco Head. Bow Pul pit.
Lifelines. CG EQuipmentSI2.00 00 171 IRWIN 24. Cruise Away, New Soils ft Cushions, new Engine Instruments Sle.fSO.00 Triese Boots Are Rigged and Ready To Sail it BAY NAUTICAL SUPPLY INC. Everything For The Sailor USt, Fairhooe. AL (2051 38-23S (Ooen Sundovs 1 177 RIVIERA BOAT.
Johnson 70 Horsepower Electric Motor. 178 Moa fc Tilt Trailer. Used only 4 times. 4 months old. 12800 or 8500 down take over payments.
4743519 after 1PM. onvtlme weekends. 34 FT. Wellcrolt Alrslot. US Johnson.
Low hours. Must sell. Fairhope. Alo- bama, 205 T2M247. 27' FIBERGLASS CRUISER fathometer, tnooord 327.
excellent condition, coll 4nzr.l. SAVE Hundreds During This Sale LOOK! Cocct-Crort 1600 with top. carpet, lounge seats, walk-thru windshield, bow, storage. Mercury 402EL with oltemotor. controls, batter ft box.
galvanized tilt troiler with 12" wheels and tie down strop.This Is 0 brand new Bow Rider. One only. SALE PRICE $3088.00 Collins Craft Hawg Rassler Bass Boat with live well, two raised seats, two companion eats, carpet, storage, rod locker, Merc 402EL with alternator, controls, batter Wbox, galvanized tilt trailer W12" wheels tie down strap. One only. SALE PRICE 3088.00 "HOME OF THE ME RCURY OUTBOAROS" HESS MARINE 418 NEW WARRINGTON RD.
4544455 SEA RAY MAKO MARQUIS COLLINSC RAFT MERCURY-TERRY 14' WELLCRAFT 140 horsepower Inboordoutboord Mercury, tut trailer. 13500. Coll-455-3417, 111 0AT ACCESSORIES HUMMINGBIRD SUPER 40 death sounder. S. OMC 23" pitch speed prop.
Coll alter 5pm: 478-5414, 114 FURNISHED APARTMENTS Clean, comfortable, excellent location in Warrington. Reasonably priced for casual living. 1, 2. 3 bedrooms, studios. All utilities Poltf.
FLEETS INN 400 N. NAVY BLVD 453-1039 455-3907 GULF COLONY LOCATED ON THE BEACH I ft 2 Bedrooms Irom llli 00 MONTH 1 450 VIA DEL UN A PENSACOLA BEACH 932-5351 PE NSACOLA BEACH 3 bedroom, I both, Icemaker, dishwasher. 1100 deposit, all utilities, 1315. 932-5045. FURNISHED APARTMENTS on the beoch.
All electric, watersanitation furnished. 1150 mo. 932-2310. NEW 2 bedroom "Good Cents" oport-ment In Milton. Convenient to Whiting Field ond Pensocoia.
See to appreciate .994.7209. 110 BOATS FOR SALE FACTORY AUTHORIZED SALES SERVICE JOHNSON OUTMARDS Boots -Tfoilofs Parti AoEMionos WILIS MARINE 372SW. CERVANTES 432-2383 1 HELP! We've got boats running out our ears. The largest selection 4t in Pensacato. 1979 RENK.EN 99SIZO 1 SELL-OUT PRICE '4850 I 121 E5TATI FOf SALI WESTSIDE tut eedraom.
1 bat hom*o, located torn wooded corner lot- euny rolemd win great room, flreelace ana euntten mo 2w eauHv ana 456-9275 4564246 BY OWNER Outer ore) Mc area. Brfck 3 bedroom. 2 bath, family room wit, fireplace, central vacuum system. Inter cam stereo system, double garage. Locoted on large comer tat.
544.50a. Sa9 equity, assume S308 Coll CORDOVA PARK well cared for brick 3lVi. CHftA, ftorewood floors, fenced bock yard, gicengnl school district. TV Call 434-1242. SABINE YACHT ft Rocouel Club.
IBr. Furnished fhOwMOC. Snbtn Side. 912-7523. GULF BREEZE a vent mce 3 bedroom 1 both hom*o ot very good price.
Call 438-508. DRASTIC Savings. West tide, completed. 32. brick, Ob, gc comer tat.
831,900 as is. Or will complete Vi 455-540 after iwkds. WESTSIDE TOWNHOUSE, tastefully decorated end unit. 3BrrivB. extra torgo master Br.
enlarged potto. Privacy fenced. 827450 CTAA, S4J50 equity, ossume (223.011, S29.3M FHAVA. 455-8971, TO-2427. GULF BREEZE By Owner.
Brick 3BR2B, CHftA, chain link, sprinkler, $31 .900 equity buy. 32-3317. MINT CONDITION, Woadham drea, 183 Overlook brick, bedroom. iv both. CHftA.
WW carpet, garage, dishwasher, beautiful fenced yard, S29.9O0. or 55,000 equity ft assume 8, 824,500 toon at (211 month. 433-4483, 4344257. BY OWNE Woodrun Custom 2-story home with over 2900 sa. It.
of Itv-Ina area oversized garage. Numerous extras Including 4 extra targe bedrooms, 3Vi baths, 2 fireplaces, beautiful country kitchen -4- many, mony more A super energy savor. Priced for quick sate. 477-7831. COM REBATE By Owner.
3 10. bedrooms. 3 baths, dishwasher, range, CHftA, fireplace, double garage. AScArthur District, conv. to Monsanto.
Sell U7.9O0. Coll 948-5470. CORDOVA PARK quiet neighborhood. 36R72B. forge master BR, fenced akt brick.
447,900. 433-4484. HEARTHSTONE SUB Owner, spa-Clous 3 BR, 2B, LR, DR, WFP ond CPT, ADJ fa patio. 1909 sa. dol gar.
4(0 sa ft, priv. 4' fence. 20 -40' trees. S5B.900 or Slt.000 eaty. Assume 30 year 714 loon.
477-3239. BY OWNER NE Pens. Contemporary 3BR2B brick. Vaulted celling, sunken Greatroom wFP, separate DR. Extra Ig BR s.
Wooded lot ft wonderful netahborhood for young modem. 1745 SO. fl. LA. Call 433-4670.
SCENIC HEIGHTS 4BR, 3B, LR, DR, family room wftreptoc. 2250 sa. ft. living area, dol oor. privacy tenet 161.500 or 820,500 eauify and dssume 8 loan.
5900 Limestone. 477-7442. PACE By owner. 38R2B. house.
w-w corpet, great room, 105x125 wooded comer lot. Open house Sundoy. 994-5090 or 474-21 18. 3 BR2B ChA, WWC, 700 Sq. Ft.
PotlO With Privacy Fence. 750 Sa. Ft. Bose- ment. Conv.
PJC ft Malls. 5074 crest-wood Rd. 477-5734. S33.000. WOOOCLIFF.
43. WWC. CHftA, FP, 1743 sa. sep. 12x18 workshop.
Eq ft ossume 7 FHA loan, call 474-031 7. WESTSIDE 4 year old brick. 3BR, 28. carpeted. Equity and as- 5ume 814 Or 534,900.
454-7987 otter 5. BY OWN home plus Income-Why waste 839,900 on noo producing property? Furnished, 12 rooms, excellent buy. Call 433-3435 onytime. BY OWNER, OeLuna Park in Myrtle Grove, 3BR's. newly pointed, wolipa- oered carpeted.
Quiet, nice neten- Dorhood. S22.500 Conv. S23.900 FHAVA. 948-9250. SOUTH GULF Manor 3BR2B, great room, stone lirepioce, double garage, 1514 sa.
845,500 Conventi onal Or S4000 CTM. Call 4564869. morada REALTY CORP. 87.000 EQUITY 8 loan, 1780 SO. ft.
LA, Northpomte. LIFAIR New home, 132 sq. ft. LA. 537.850.
AUDUSSON off Barrancas 818.400. GRANDE LAGOON 158 SF LA. Access to water and tennis courts. 845.000. HOMESITES 7 tocottons From 8300.
MORAOA REALTY, REALTORS 7700 W. Folrtield Dr. 455-335 AFTER HRS. A. Watson 455-7058 Bill Lever 6841lB Phil Durden 453-4703 WAY BELOW reproduction cost.
Cor-lisle, la. 4BR3B, trees over fenced vord. dbl. oarage, garden orea. Eauify, assume 7V Payments 8381.
Individuals only. 475-0033. OAKCREST totally remodeled 3 bedroom, lvi bom, carport, utility room. 10x14 storope shed, air conditioning, new roof, new kitchen. WW corpet, 833.500.
45t-53. NEW BRICK home, 3 bedroom. 3 both, sunken livina room, country kitchen. 85,000 eaulty. 454-7318.
MUST SELL. Klondike area, conv. NASl-10. 1 or 3 ocre new 3-story home, 4Br, great rm wFP, 7500 SF. 854.000 wt acre or S63.0W tor both acres, after 13 noon, 455-8318.
AVONDALE 3 bedroom, 1 both, ll-to-woll corpet. large shaded fenced lot. 84000 eauify ft assume 8178 monthly. Call 455-7804. ONE OWNER Like new.
corner brick, 43, oil electric. Large custom kitchen cabinets, refrio. stove, dishwasher, drapes. 30x30 oarage with i bath. Many extras.
1030 E. BoorsSt 844,500 453-3731. 4BR. 3B, Scenic Heights. AC, eaulpped kitchen, fenced bock yard with patio.
834.800. By owner. Days 456-3310. nights BY OWNER. N.
E. 1700 sa. 3Br3B. great rm with cathedral ceil ing ft fireplace, DR. eat-in urn.
rm. 3-cor ooraae, 847.500 or 87,000 assume t'iX loan. 477 348. 3BR1WB, Near PJC. Ux34 FR wFPontiaue mantle, new dw, w-w fenced.
531 ,500. 47741 10. BY OWNER. 1370 sq. ft.
LA, Haves Heights. LR. OR. 3Br, lVrBo, with lake view, sjo.uuu lonveniionai, I-433-9503. YOU'RE AND SO ARE YOUR YOU NEED AN EXPERT WHEN YOU RE GOING TO BUY OR SELL A HOUSE.
YEAR AFTER YEAR OUR SERVICE AND KNOWLEDGE GETS BETTER AND BETTER. Old Colony Realty, Inc. REALTORS 434-2791 NO MONEY DOWN VETERANS WARRANTY 3301 PENIFICLD (CORNER NEWTON) MADELINE 4773540 $32,000 CORDOVA PARK, 3Br, IViB, new roof, loroe oame room, 30x11 screened patio, double carport, corner tot. L. fenced bock vord.
S5t.Hu. 477 1337 or 433143 evenings. BY OWNER on weslslde. IBr, IB. new paint Interior ft exterior, new cornet, pay 84.300 down ft ossume 84 loan of 8I0J30.
call 477.1331 or 433-143 even- mas. WESTSIDE. Like new throuohoul, 3BRIB. FR wtlreotoce. New kitch en.
884 ma. payment cash fa morfeoo or oo FHAVA. Owner 47-1740. BY OWNER Gorualei 3 year old, 3 BR. 1 bam.
brick. LR. DR, K. kitchen bar. ww carpet, h).
lot, 534.009. rvi interest, vse-uto. TOWNHOUSE Westside 1 Bedroom. 3Vi Both, wtth enclosed ooroee. By owner.
Fenced bock yard, front ft side lawn. Oniv one for nl In Escondlfos Ploe. Value over 830,008 nrtt i.suo totes it. You do the minor repairs ond pointmo. we want to move fa our new hom*o now.
108 ceconorra rioc. 458-48S4. 121 MAI ESTATE FOR SALE CRESCENT LAKE 1 tearoom. I Bam. very cteon.
Steve, refrigerator. 823 J9t Call offer 5PM, 438-1784 by OWNER. Myrtle Grove. 3 bed room. 1 bom brick.
Corpeled. drapes, opptlonco. fenced vord. Equity ft ay sume loan or retinance 454-9477. MOUSE FOR SALE OR LEASE.
Im mediate exxuponcv. near NAS, lovely IBr, LR, OR, den, separate LR. 3B. oft electric, covered parte, fenced rear yard, low equity. taxes tn-surqneo Included.
454-8403 or 455-0348. POOL Owner. 3BR3S. LR. FR, to wooded bock vara, fenced.
537 soo Conv. orS12.99 equity ft assume 8307. 1009 stork, off Olive Rd. 4774424. Six 1 ACRE Parcels for sole by owner.
1 Mite lust East of LftN Railroad. Prion office number 477-0347, or otter 4 ot 944-2714. HOUSE FOR Sale 1 bedrooms Reasonable. 394 DwtoM Avenue. 4344354.
otter 5 4774231 BY OWNER. 388 78 cedor home on 3.3 acres wtttt small creek. Gentalet area. Has GR with lirepioce 4 bookstietvaa, tardea window, diinwosnor. disposal, unique wall paper, control flood ligtit system.
Central TV wtrtno. Closet space gator. Utilities overage ISOmo. 543.809. 94ft.
5344 after 4 wk dovs, onytime wkend. OWNER, Myrtle Grove. 31. CHA. 1550 so.
ft ocre. A G. pool, tiro Shed, fne'd. S30.900 FHA-VA. 453-1344.
IBRmS BRICK HOME, 7 loon plus eauify or refinance, S3 ,400, 474-4992 otter 5pm. By Owner Eastgote areo. 3BR2B, CHftA, corpet. lenced backyo'd. kitchen wbreakfast area.
4744885. Pay off tow existing mortgage. Rett-nonce moderate equity. JVi. FOUR BEDROOMS 3)V bath.
7200 living area, fireplace, intercom, sprinkler, privacy fence, was $59,000, now 1554100. Mrytlo Grove. Office 4S3-4447. home 455-9488. CORDOVA PARK By owner.
Must sell Immediately. 2850 sa. ft. living area. Den wltfi ftrooloce ft mahogany wet bar.
LR. DR, kltcnen. 4BR2vB. All this In addition to double goroge separate washing ft storope oreos ft play room. Spacious brick polio ft bockvord tondscoaed with prlie winning shrubory for maximum prlvocv.
Price below volue at 843400. 4324428 or 431471 3. OWNER, exclusive Bay Cliffs areo. Gull Breeie. 4Br3B.
34x14 screened porch, anxious, 881,500, coll 913.2987. PACE IBR. 3 bath brick home, WW corpet, CHftA, total tc. ocre, comptetelv fenced, welMondscoped. Equity, assume payments.
Excellent condition. 474421 1, or 994.5444. PACE AREA Beoutiful new brick home. 1 bedrooms. 3 baths, living room, kitchen with built In dishwasher ft self cleaning oven.
Family room has a beautiful stone lirepioce. Central heat ft air. 134.300. 474-3803 or 94-597. RIDGEFIELO.
lBr3iB. Vi ocre. pool, privacy fence, double ooroge, CHftA. lirepioce, 853,900, 477-9418 lor oppolntment. CUSTOM BUILT Old Brick.
38R3B. familygome den wflreploce, specially designed his ft her closet, burglar alarm, other extras. $45400. Will linance. 474-9144; nights ft weekends: 1423-91IL ENSLEY 3 BR recently remodeled.
Nice starter home. $18,500. Navy Reoltv Reoltor 453-3973. EAST HILL. 3BD, I bath, new root, carpet, water, heater, drapes, concrete black, excellent condition, 3333 N.
14m 433-4254. OWNER. Greenbrier Lakes Estates. 2175 so. ft.
3BR3B, 1 or 3 acres. Fireplace, greenhouse. 96B-2818: BEACH HAVEN, 3Br 3 both block home on 3 lots, large trees, dead end street with adjoining 5 lots, Corporation, 478-3215. BY OWNER, 3Br, 3 full both, OR, kitchen, x-lorge LR, ww carpet, fenced yard, metol storage bldg. 4929 Springhlll Dr.
827,900 conv. or equity 58.500. mtg. at 4V. 478-1259.
3 BR house and land lor sale. 3 BR troiler, $3000. 4 rental apartments and land tor sale. Coll 4534910 or 453-2839. Scenic Heights.
3BR2B. LR, OR. Inside loundry room. Utility shed in fenced backyard. Workshop.
2 blocks from Elem. School. Equity ft ossume payments ol 5245mo. or 535,000, Call Otter 2PM4B'IJ0I. REDUCED.
51,500 eauity ft monthly payments 8310.54, corner lot with brick home. Really III. Realtor, 476- 8545 BEULAH AREA 3BR3B. w-w carpet, built-in kitchen. Alt on Vi ocre corner lot.
830 500 FHAVA. Coll the builder 454-042 BY OWNE 4 BR, 3 baths, built-ins. 3 car garooe. corner lot. 58500 equity, 714.
bolance 831.300. 477-9301. EDGAR CONSTRUCTION CO. NEW 235 PROGRAM $160 PER MONTH WHY RENT? When you can own new 3 or I bedroom, 2 full both home. Locoted on loroe wooded lot, for as low os SltiO per month.
These homes ore fully eauipoed. Buy now ond select vour own toi ond oil colors of your choice. These hom*os con otso oe oousnr va. 456-9275 After Hours 454-4344 CONDEMNED HOUSE far sale. Best offer accepted.
100 E. Belmonl St. Call 438-I858. REALTY WORLD SANTA MONICA REALTY. INC.
REALTORS ACREAGE 13V ocres, port ooen, part wooded, locoted Mile Rd. ond t-10. convenient to oil shoopino centers. 3 bedroom brick veneer home with 1.740 so. ft.
tivino oreo. Hot house, sorlno on prooertv could be mode into lake. Priced to sell. FRINGE BENEFITS owning this toroe easy to rent 4-o-t will oive you income to help with the monthly payments. Eoch unit 1 bedroom, large living and dining combination, loroe kitchen wth built-ins, floors ore carpeted, vi-nvl in kitchen.
Excellent rental record, targe kindscopped tot. See today. EAST SHORE DRIVE $31,500 FHAVA. This roomv 3 bedroom, iv both brick ond masonry home has corpet, CH4A, oven, range, ond dishwasher, rear yard chain Imfc fenced. See this wall to wall Mrs tn today.
FRESNO AVE. J. 4, 00 Fhava. Soocious 3 bedroom. 2 both brfck home, woli to wail carpet, over 1300 SQ.
ft. living orea, abundance of storage sooce, near Navy facilities. Low monthly payments of $14 7, can be assumed for U.5O0 eauify. SANTA MONICA REALTY, INC. Mizeil Peters REALTOR 3510 Millview Road 453-2351 After Hoars: Miieii Peters.
Realtor 4745541 Jerry Bell, ossoc 477493 KittvClorf.ossoc.. 454-4151 BY OWNER. 540 Flos Road. 3 bedroom. 3 bom, den wttrt tlreoiace.
torae corner lot. 478-4534 otter 4pm, open on Soturdor Sundays, 853.M0. PACE Must soil, bultdtno new Home, will reduce 51,000 per week until said or accept tiiooesl bid. Appraised 841.700. 1330 so.
ft. Hvlno orea. 3400 total bedrooms wtm study or 4 bedrooms, nuee oom room, fireplace, built-in barbecue, carport, utility room, chain link doa pen with septic tank, storttno price Ul ,000. priced mis week 835.000. balance awed S3.t71.
S7 Interest. 8347 50 monthly, located 534 Pace Rood. Call 4-74T2 for oppolntment. BY OWNER, Brent area, very nice 3Br3B, ooraae. carpet, 7 mortoaee, 8185.17 month, will accept mobile home or vacant property in trade an eaulty, 433-4434.
CL.EAN 3BR block house, fully cornet-ed. fenced yard, smolt eaulty, fake up payments. 434-4731 alter 5pm. BY OWNER-3BR Cotlaoe. asbestous sldlno.
let. bik. from Loooan. 43-0575. partly furnished.
OWNER, home In ovlel neioh-bomood, privacy fence around beautifully kmdscoped yord. 3Br7B. LR. OR, poneied den. Iro country priced to set! fast at 477 573.
REDUCED 81.000. Owner says sell. I rooms. 1 bath hove tn Worrlnoton, FHAVA 833.500. Area 4.
Call the office of Wm. Howard Shuier Realtor, 434-5417. WARRINGTON 2BR, cornet, washerdryer. oven. 8300.
Call 4S5-S4ST. ROOM APARTMENT Modern. clean, private, utilities tarnished. 3712 W. Jackson.
4334441. ONE BEOROOM, CHftA, WW carpel, dishwasher, 2 miles tram UWF. 1140. Coll4-917. COTTAGE.
1 BR. SK monthly, utilities Included, smote, no pets, S930 N. PolatOI. 474-9044. CAPTAIN SAM Warrington.
Nice I BR. AC. carpeted, same util. no Children pets. 1145.
434.9193. 431-802. GULF BREEZE, 3Br furnished CHftA. convementlv located. 932 5411, after hours ft weekends 932-251.
LARGE. I BR fum'dapt. Navy Point, ins mo. 150 deposit. ma.
ens. tn-snt. after 5: 3D, or weekend. CLEAN Attractive 1 bedroom auptei. Water, sewoge.
garbage furnished. Pine Forest Rd. 1120 mo. 4554904. I BEOROOM Small den, panelled.
well-furnished. No pets. 1130. Conven ient military. Call 432-43B4 or 455-3444.
VERY NEAR W. Florida Hospital ft University, nice 2 Bedroom Duplex, comptetelv furnished. Call 477-2354. 1 BEDROOM, living room, kitchen. bom, entrance toyef.
Clean. Jige Gonzalez. WILL-O-WICK GARDENS Rmsonoble Rentals ft Furnished tX ft 3 Btdroom Townhouse CALL 455-8555 4tM West Fairfield Or. Just West ol Mobile Hwy! 115 UNFURNISHED APIS. AQUA PORTA Apartments.
1157. mo. ft up. See od In Yellow Popes. Brond new.
Coll 424311 or 420221 now! Deluxel.2,&3Bedrcoms Aportmtntt of xetustv Cordova Reooncv. Very oush with private boh-cony. Closed in fover. Sponisti furnishings WW caTPttlns oil electric Lighted tennis courts, heated swimming pool, spa with souna bath, recrf otlonal room. FtKnwreavoimie.
SENIOR CITIZENS DISCOUNT 476-2814 1. 2. 3. ft 4 bedroom apartments duplexes ft houses, 1125 to 1425 monthly plus deposit. Century 21.
ACR Equi ties Realtor 434-031. GULF BREEZE, 1 BR unfurn'd apt. conveniently located. 932-5411 after hrs. ft wknds: 32 25l.
WESTSIDE 2BR Duplex, CHftA, kitchen furnished, wd connections. no children, pets. 1170. 432-S554. 2 BR DUPLEX, paneled, kit.
fur. nished. Couple. Small citild. No pels.
1135 utilities. 454-5437. CARROL WOOD, 3BR. 2B. CHftA, near Ellyson Field.
Univ. Mall, 1275 mo-new duplex. 944-2257. NEW DUPLEX Beach Hoven waterfront, modern, secluded. Clay Han Realty, Realtor, 455-4585.
3 BEDROOM, WWC, washer ft dryer hookups. No pels. S190 month. Call 432-104 or 455-9942. TWO BEDROOM Duplex LR.
DR. carpeting, drapes, Inside utility room, fully eouipped kitchen. targe bock yard, on quiet street. Goad school district. 1225 mo.
1100 deposit. 194 Lansing Ave 433-3141 ask for Ray or Alice GULF BREEZE, Santa Rosa Shores. 3Br2B. Beautiful. New duplex over looking gait course.
474-2412. 2 BEDROOM, central heatair, WW carpet, convenient to has ft corry. Avail. Nov. 3rd 1145.
433 35S3. after 5. GULF BREEZE Santa Rosa Shores. New duplex, 2 BR, 2B, over- looking beautiful goll course. 474-2412.
GULF BREEZE. Santa Rosa Shares, new trlolex 3BR2B. 1245 In cluding water sewerage. 474-8057. NORTH HILL, 1 bedroom.
CHftA, wall-fo-wall carpeting, balcony, 433- 3434. FOR RENT new 3BR. 2 both. Iri-plex. locoted in Santa Rosa Shores.
Country Club privileges, 1240 mo. Security deposit, cail 434-5588 2 BEDROOMS, Osceola Estates. 1 block from Golf Course. Furnished or unfurnished, can 455-5044. QUIET, LARGE 2BR duplex.
Very clean. AC. utilities included. SITS per monfh.432-3974otter5:oo. LOVELY 3 ft 4 bedroom townhomes w-W carpet, WD hookups, pr.
vacy fenced, westside. 1225-1245 monthly. 474-7240, 474-035. 116 FINISHED ROOMS COACHMAN'S INN. 159 weekly Includes pool, phone, cable TV, moid service.
Cervantes near Pace. 434- 1301. LARGE. NICELY Furnished room. private entrance, convenient loca tion.
120 weekly. 431-3140. NICE BEDROOM with home privileges. Mature lady preferred. Near Cordova Mail.
477-441 MODERN. WATERFRONT, Prlvote Br's. Bo's. LR. CHA, Phone.
Share Utilities. Town, Reasonable. 433-7434, TWO BEDROOM I with private bath, shore home with widow. Coll 454-3522. EAST HILL Maid orlv.
en trance ft bom. 125 week. 2 bk, 2bath opt, 1175 month. 432-075. 117 MOBILE HOME RENTALS CAR CITY Areo 2-3 bedroom, olr, playground, private fenced voras.
48- 184 or 477-4142. MOBILE HOMES ft Apartments tor Rent. Near PJC, Enslev. ft Gull Beach Hwy. 433-4243 or 432-20W.
10X50 NEAR 10 Ml. ft Hwy. 2. Air conditioned, water turn'a, private lot. 195 mo.
433 2549, 431-8192. OFF MICHIGAN AV. 2BR. water, garbage furnished. Couple, 1 small child accepted, no pets.
453-472. GULF BREEZE. Suitable for 1 Or adults. Close to shopping center. 1)40 mo.
Lease dep required. 932-5547, LOVELY, olr conditioned, 2BR, portly washerdryer. Shady pork, near Whiting. 1175 mo. 474-4144.
EXTRA CLEAN 2 BR, IVl com- oletelv turn shed, AC ft corpet. pets. 1155 mo. Myrtle Grove. 454-5814.
115 UNFURNISHED APTS. McRAE APARTMENTS 607 McRoe Atmore, Ala. 1, 2, 3BR, all oportmenti include modern kitchen appliances, corpet, drapes, AC, laundry facilities, club house, swimming pool, playground, lighted tennis courts. CALL NOWil 36o-4333 THE MOORINGS SPACIOUS! 1-2-3 Bedroom Storting at J1 20 mo. WE PAYI Gat for Heating-Cooking 4V Hot Water) 8491 OLD SPANISH TRAIL 476-9025 LOCATION! IDEAL' Ninth Bayou Liber ol fMvtno oMotnncg rewotv able rotes at CORDOVA profes sional BUILDING.
NOV swing Realty, Inc. Reoltors. 478-6666 FAIRFIELD DRIVE 1400 so. ft. of office space avollobto Immediately.
Old South Properties, Inc. (tea tors. 414-01S5. OFFICE UNIT for sale or ieose. 7 separate offices.
24x24. Central olr ft heat. To be moved. Mobile Home Crty. 4400 Pensocoia next Is Key f-ora.
PLUSH NEW office suites. 750 or 1.500 sq. ft. each. East Longley Office Pork, 2929 East Lang ley.
call 477-1337 or 432- 143 evenings. BUILDING tar business or office space. MS monrntv. 3401 W. Fairfield.
4334425. PRIME RETAIL SPACE NEW LOCAL MANAGEMENT WARRINGTON VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER ftfM ft- to 6400M ft. Parkins for over 1000 cars Short or tona term eosesavoiiotMe Coll Carol Sfevm. Associate CRAMER REALTY, INC. REALTORS 432-2357 149S xja ft of Prime Office Space In Charter Bonlf Towers.
Beautltul View! Call Pat Brack, 432-5165. 123 MOBILE HOMI SPACH FENCED Mobile Home space. for rent. Myrtle Grave. 2 months free rent.
COII 455-1778. private fenced mobile home space. Located on business property, 959 Massocheusetts Ave. Free rent to rell able people. 432-021.
Mr. Rollins. 70 110 lot off Pine Forest Rd. 13,600. terms.
Bob Davis Realty. Realtor. 478-5180, 124 BEACH COTTAGES PENSACOLA BEACH LUXURY ACCOMODATIONS Of SO- bine Yacht ft Racquet Club. Available dolly, weekly, monthly. Gorgeous beaches, pool, tennis, private boat dock everything you'd expect for a 1st clou vacation, ft ot reasonable rates I Realty Marts International, Inc.
Realtors, 932-5383. "A Remorks Realtor'' PENSACOLA BEACH The finest In weekly, monthly ft annu al townhouse and condominium rentals on the Gutf, Sound ft Little Sabine Boy. individual nomes aiso avoiioote. Winter rates now in affect. Pensacola Beach Realty, Inc.
Realtors 932-5337 THREE BEDROOMS two baths, fully carpeted, furnished, washer, on water. S2S0 monthly. Call 9M-5W0, after 6pm Milton. unique BEACH House. 1000 Ponfer jo, yeorly lease, 2 Story, 2 Bedroom, 2 Both.
4V7-00B0. SOUND side, enlov Oct. 2BR, IB, col, TV, DW, Immoculote, families only, 8170 wkly. 433-4001 or 933-3321. WATERFRONT 3 BR.
3B, turn, or unfurn. townhouse. Washerdryer. Call 474-0301 or 968-7633. HOME ON Water.
58R3B. cotbedrdl ceiling, great room, totally modern. Boat romp. S400month. 477-9074.
GULF RON 3-story, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 3 kitchens, fully furnished. Lease through April. 5250mo. Coll 4344529. REGENCY VILLAS, 2Br2B.
completely furnished, on the Gulf, phone, color TV, no pets. 434-0306. 3BR3BTH. WW Carpet, 4200 SF under roof, 400 SF deck, beaulilul wolerview, IVi yrs. old.
2 story, year round lease. 933-3310. 1214 VIA DELUNA Brand new 3 bedroom, 2 both, carpeted, furnished, dishwasher, garboge disposal. S245. Now nil May 27th.
Before 4 4774100. RENT YearlyMonthly Furnished Unfurnished, waterfront Town- houses. Call 9324187. FURNISHED BAHIA PAZ Town house on Sound, 3Br, 380, pool, player piano, wosher ft dryer, dishwasher, 2300 sq. s400mo.
yearly, 121 Aven- ida 23. Pen. by east water tower. NEW FURNISHED woterfront town- house. 3 BR.
2vB. double carport, screened patio, balcony, Beoutiful view. 5325 ma. til May 15 or S425 mo. year lease.
Open house l-5pm Oct. 74 at 374 Ft. Pickens Rd. or coll 456-1378. 2 BEOROOM TOWNHOUSE completely furnished.
S350 0 month. Waterfront. Fully equipped. 454-9144. 12S WANTED TO RENT 3 BEDROOM House goad School orea.
Children ft dog must be allowed. Years lease. S300 a montn. November 1st. Mr.
Mrs. Pease. 476-7200, MATURE COUPLE desire unfurnished 3 or 3 bedroom house by December. Telephone or write: (404) 762-8795, 3200 Godbv Road, Unit A-l, College Pork. Gearglo.
10349. WANT TO Rent Farm land In general area of Wolnut Hill. Will pay good price. Coll 1041 3274924. 126 ACREAGE FOR SALE LOTS FOR SALE IVi mi's W.
of hospital on Berryhlll Rd. 135x140 ft. Richard Povne. 1423-3841. NICE 4 ACRE plats near new state pork.
minutes Irom Gull, Perdido Boy Country Club, 10 minutes PJC west, good Investment. 453-2447. 434- 1427. 5 5 ACRES, commercial, by owner. 385' Irontag on Pine Forest Rd.
210' South of Mile Rd. House 1,292 sq. shop 1 ,937 Phone 476-3144. so ACRES MONROE County Alabama, old Texas Community.
Call (205) 937-5133 0tter4PM. 45 ACRES oft Pine Forest Rood 1 mile Irom Interstate, Ideal for motor-homes or Industrial pork. 477-3433- GONZALES. SPANISH Mill Creek Estates, two acres, stream, sujjuo. 4534109.
40.4 AC East of Pensocoia. 330' on Hwy. ideal Horse ranch or invest ment. S1S50 per ocre. 477-4474.
PACE acre wooded tot. neighborhood. S4000 994-7701. 200 ACRES located narthslde Milton. Flo.
City water ft sewer avail. 12.000 per acre. Liberal terms. Doug Ootes, owner. Madison square.
Modi- sonvllle. Ky. 42431, ph. 502.821 1904, ALMOST 1 ACRE on paved street. Westside.
Myrtle Grove. 17000. Real- tor -owner, 932-3644 after 5. ONE WEEK Only 4 acre parcel. 512,000 with 84,000 down.
5300 monthly. Guaranteed access. cosh. 25 elevation. Level fond LauroLoke Estates, across from Branson Fteio, 455-2662.
AVALON BEACH ond vicinity, Exclusive Acreage ond homeslte listings. From 82,509. Your terms, c. l. "Woody" Woodbury, Broker.
94-5574. 10 ACRES. 73 feet on Highway 90, mile west of Seminole. 30 minutes from Pensocoia. Nice homes, pond site.
Cell 305-947-3330. Century 21 One ocre lot off Fin Forest Rood In neighborhood ol tine nomes. Eicellent building site. Not many ol these left. Call for details.
eloree lot on beoutltirl Peratde Boy. White tond beoch with II ft water-front. Hurry out to see this, mid 830 oEscolient location In very prestigious Osceola SO for homes or Commercial In connection with property on Folrtietd Orlv. Con tor detail. acres of beautltul acreage.
CENTURY 21 DEAN REALTY REALTORS 433 801 1 RE NT OR SALE -3 BP historical istrlct Rent credit tor repair, ooyt- 433-8314. Nights 453-2425, MONTCLAIR 1 6, IH baths, CHftA. garage, fenced yard, stove, refrigerator. 4SS-4147 otter 3pm. IMMACULATE 3BR.
corpet, olr. serf- clean range, many extras, neor bases. tease, deposit. duplex Quiet. Accept couple or elderly person.
No pets. 1135 154 dep. On Ditmor. 432-4174. 4BR3B CORDOVA Park.
3717 Gerhardt, den with fireplace, corner tot. 1350mo. 432.3894, 438-4448. PACE AREA 1 bedrooms. 2 baths.
1200 monthly. Clean. Available now. Call after 474753. WESTSIDE, Santa Monica.
New large bedroom, 2 both, CHftA, carpeted. bullt-tn stave, dishwasher, refrigerator, privacy fence. 1240 monthly. Can 454082 otter 5pm. OR 4 BEDROOMS 14 homes to rent).
baths, family room, cenrrot neat ft air, brick, quiet neighborhood. 1275 plus deposit. Century 21 ACR Equities Inc. Realtors 434-031. BEDROOMS.
2 BATHS. Brick. Pri vacy Fence, WW Carpet. Far rent or sate. 1275 per Month, 1100 Deposit.
130.000 Equity. 432-1808 or 474-2440. 7775 Marlow Dr. SELL OR Rent, Westside 3 BR. fenced.
M.voo equity ft assume approx. $145 month or rent for 1190 with option to buy. Bethun Realty Realtors. 432 24, aft. hrs.
cail Assoc. -tomes Morgan. 474-7182. BEDROOM, 2 BATH home for rent, rent with option. In convenient northeast location.
Refrigerator, large fenced vard. 1325 per month. '32-28S4 otter 5pm. WOODCLIFF. 1600 SO.
ft. LA. 3Br2B. LR. lorge FR, fenced, excellent location ft schools.
474-2612. NEAR MALLS 3 bedrooms, family room. baths, carpeted, clean, AC, central heat. 1230a month 1100 depos- Lease. 4400 Beouctaire Drive.
For OPPOintment: 477-826. BEDROOM. 1 BATH, aartiollv fur nished, on the beach, gull side. Water. garboge, ft sewage furnished, 1300 month plus deposit.
477-0863. AVAILABLE NOW NE area, 3BR, 23, WW carpet. FR, ooraae. 125 per month. 477-002 or 478-4044.
WESTSIDE RENTALS expertly managed, equities bought ft sold. Clay Hon Really, MLS Realtor, 455-4585, BR duplex corpet, kitchen equipped, 1175. 175 deposit. No pets. Myrtle Grave.
454-705. GRANDE LAGOON 4 bedroom. 2 bath with living, din no. torn Iv ond utility rooms, fireplace, double oarage, fenced yard. stoo.
NORTHEAST bedroom, 2 baths, ttvtngroom. dining room, family 1, breakfast bar. large utility room, covered patio, fenced rear yard. 1325. THE GAL YEAN CORPORATION REALTORS 229 LANGLEY AVE.
478-6444 32Vi TOWNHOUSE, great room. garage. Equip kit. washer, dryer, fenced S2B5. 453-5149.
SMALL HOUSE For rent. Brent area. Furnished or unfurnished. Prefer 2 moles or 2 females. 433.I8O.
WOODCLIFF 4 Bedroom, 2 bath, central heat ft oir. Fireplace, fenced yard. No pets. 1300month. 4324384.
HOUSE Navy Point. 3 bedroom, all glass sunroom, fireplace, carpeted. como ete window treatment, icemaker. garbage disposal. 1260 month.
433-5214. WESTSIDE 1 2 bedrooms, fur nished or unfurnished. Novy Realty inc. Realtor. 453.3973.
EAST HILL 3 bedroom, 1 both, extra cleon. Refurbished throughout. 1100 deposit. 1210 mo. 432-8123, WESTSIDE 3BR.
1 Both, den 1195 per month. 3BR, 1'A Baths 1235 per month. 3BR, 2 Baths on vi acre lot 1 250 mo. strother Realty. 438-4915.
GULF BREEZE lVt year old wop-prox. 2000 sq. ft. living area. 42, den with pp.
lrdr, screened porcn, double garage, fenced yard. yj-Tiw, 3 BR IVi baths, den, double garage, targe shooed lot. 5230 month, liuo security. NO oetS. 477-2545.
2 BR waterfrt. cottage. Corpet, conv. stores, churches. Good swimming ft booting.
11 60 plus Util. 455-7381 FOR SALE OR RENT. Gull Breeze, 110 Mcc ure Dr ve, 3 bedrooms, baths. 1225 per month, 478-0263. 2 BEDROOM, 1W both, stave, refrigerator, dishwasher, fireplace, fenced yard.
1230 mo, 1100 deposit. 433-3232. TOWNHOUSES. ME. ft westside.
complete kitchen, privacy fence, ex cellent cona. 125mo. 47.952. 3521 SCENIC HWY 3 bedroom, bath. 1350 a month plus deposit.
Call 4334561 or 4324617 3BR BRICK, central heal, hardwood oors. carport utt irv rm, eon, fenced, new paint ft roof, rent or sell an terms, see owner at property. 2950 Melody Lone. CORDOVA PARK 3 BR. 3B, CHftA.
lenced back vard, corner tot, large LR, DR combination, hardwood floors, large den, breokfost room ft kitchen combination, freshly painted ft decorated, some draperies Includ ed. 1350 mo. 1100 deposit. Call L. Eun ice 438-5424, 932-3889, BRICK COLONIAL.
3Br, 3Ba, FR, game room, FP, WW corpet, greenhouse, on 5ya acres. 14234848. PERDIDO BAY Country Club golf course. 3B', 3ti baths, library, 3 tire-places, 5385.00, available November 1, 492-0275. SCENIC HEIGHTS brick 3 BR.
3 lorge FR, carpel, fenced back yard, 3 cor garage, convenient to schools, lease deposit. 5300 478-189. SMALL 3 BEDROOM for rent or sell, couples only. 8115 plus 535 deposit. 3607 Copter Rd.
Coll 476-8937 CANTONMENT 3 bedroom, fenced vord, stove refrigerator. Deposit. References. Call 968-2615. MEDIUM 3 BR, IB, fenced vard, 1311 John Carroll, 8141 monthly.
Lease reauired. Call offer 4. 477.9353, WITH OPTION TO BUY. 4Br, 3 bath, Cha, lorge den. Total electric.
No pets. 5300 00 month, 5200.00 deposit. 1 323 77th Ave. 456-4555. WESTSIDE 4BR2B, den, convenient to Novy Bases.
Drapes, carpeted, kitchen utility, wd connection, cl fenced bockvd. Storage building. Lease req. 456-0233. WATERFRONT 3BR, Bloytock totally Inc.
Lillian, Al 205 942-2293 NORTHEAST Nice three bedroom two both brick home family room, lorae vard. central heat ond air, Tate ond Ferry doss school districts. S22S. Avoiiotoie Imme diately. AMERICAN PROPERTIES OF PENSACOLA, INC.
REALTOR 477-200, WESTSIDE 1 bedroom, stove, reirigerator. water, garboge, carpet, AC. SIM. 47t-2S84. Leave message.
hp 32 brick. carpet. drapes, ooroge, WD hookups, kitchen equipped, small family, no pets. loose, deposit. 12 mo.
4764B07. TWO 32. partly furn. Ira yards. fenced, deposit.
1 brick, S18S. 7 huge roams, shaded, mwoven, wu, ook floors, 8195. Will sell. 4384437. NICE 1 BR.
IVi both, carpet, stove. Deposit req'd. Myrtle Grave. 454-3317, ofler 4 wkdavs; or wknds. 3 BEDROOM 2 both house In Bay Cliff area, fenced yard, immedtote occupancy, call Donovan Realty, Reoltors, 4324104.
AVAILABLE OCT. 10th, 4 bedroom. 2 bath, living, dining den, CHftA, lenced yard Phone 453-5751. 120 SHARE HOMt, APT. STUDENT TO Shore townhouse on beach, wosher ft dryer, II 10 11 utilities.
933-9330J WORKING LADY Prlvote bedroom ft shore rest of home. In return tor presence ot night. 433-5474ar 454-1351. PERSON WANTED to shore coiv 3BR opt. at English Cove.
Approx. 80. mo. Vj util. Call Doclo.
33.7335. BEDROOM with kitchen privileges. Utilities Included. Female only. S35 wk 8100 security dep.
454-0345. NONE SMOKING Young Professional desires to shore large beoutiful Water front house with same. 492-0544. 122 WSINESS-OrTta SPACI OFFICES. For lease.
400-1200 SF. Various lot eHISTORIC For sale. 1035 SF. Renovated. WAREHOUSES For lease.
Dock ht, 30' eaves. 3500 30.000 SF Same on rail Avoitobl mid-October ft mid-December. COMMERCIAL REALTY Associates, inc. REALTOR WATERFRONT OFFICE Sooce -Beautiful. Gull Breeie, Fktrloo.
Hugh c. mix, praxer, 4330145. HISTORICAL OISTRICT-730 sa. ft. Suit containing two private offices, reception orea and storage roam.
Pri vate parking included in rent. 8325 mo. Coll Carol Stevens, Assoctof. ot Cramer Realty, Realtors, 432- ICELV FURNISHED 12 41 ft. 3 bedroom, 2 oath.
CHftA. West Brent. 1 51 ft, furnished 2 oeoroom fcns- ley. Phone 433-4434. RENT 2BR.
antral heat, air con ditioned, carpeted, water, sanitation furnished. 474-T070 oft 3PM week days. BEDROOM. Control beat. No pets.
Furn. oarbooe. water. Yard. Heal.
11757 mo. Clean ft dam. dep. ISO. Coil otter 3 to 9pm.
Phone 431-0314. BEDROOM. Couple preferred. Will accept small child. Mo pets.
Conven ient to westwooa mqii. couess-ia. CLEAN MOBILE HOME kl King George Estates with central heat ft air condittoning. also washer 4 dryer, phone 455-514. FOR RENT WITH option to buy.
1245 mobile home. 2 bedroom, furnished. Cnoln link fenced lot. Efficiency est. rear at lot.
Rental price siswme. Off johnson Ave. Coll 455-3145. ma ubii un Wiunu, Int Wafer furnished. 1130 month, 150 deposit, couple premreo or 1 cnira.
NO pets. 474-3470. LARGE CLEAN Furnished Mobile Home. 7055 Kipling Rood. Close to School, Church, Hospital, university.
1150Q month, lag peposir. er-fsej. LARGE OAK Shaded lot utility room a bedroom mobile home. Deoi Realty, Realtors. im-WOI.
ENSLEY. FURNISHED, 10x50. clean, corpet. 2 bedroom. AC water ft sanitation, 477-4204.
1120 month. MILITARY PREFERRED Immaculately cleon. 2 BR. carpeted, water, garboge, furnished. Near bases.
1150.00. 455-4423. Deposit required. NICE. CLEAN, 2 bedroom mo bile home.
Convenient NAS ft Corry. No pets or children. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 2 bedroom. lVj bath, CHftA. On extra targe, private lot.
Married couple only, no pets. 4771125, TWO BEDROOMS in small lighted fenced pork 1 small child, no pets, real nice ft clean. 434-34. COTTAGE HILL Areo. Handy Rd.
3BR, 2B, AC, central heat. 1175 ma. wgarden spot. 433-547 or 960.9124. NEAR NAS, extra nice targe 2Sr, prlvote tot.
bobv o.k., no oofs, water-gar bage paid, 454-4451. NEAR UWF, PJC, malls ft schools BR mobile home. 1140 mo. Watergarb, pickup furn'd. 150 cleanup dep.
After 4pm. 477-3841. 118 PJRNISHED HOUSES HOUSES TRAILERS APART ments: All sizes. Lowest prices. Beoutiful lighted pant.
Near bases, Laundromat. Porks Estates. 5312 Ma- bile Hwy. 90 west. BEDROOM, central olr heat, fenced yard, very nice furniture, evasher ft dryer, newly pointed, lAvondole).
1225. no pets. 474-9437. 477-0324, FURNISHED 2 bedroom, 2 bam, tgroe AC house. 115 Norm street.
HOUSE FOR rent, close to Bases ft shopping centers. 454-1239, ALL UTILITIES Furnished 1 bed room. 1125. Also, 3 bedroom, clean, fenced yard, Ensiev. 478-5291.
TWO BEOROOM furnished house water furnished. Call 454-1411. 1321 N. 45th. Myrtle Grove.
ONE BEDROOM house furnished near colleges. S12S month. 333 Eost Klllbee Lone. 477-7055. 432-7204.
2 BEDROOM A Frame. 12 miles East ot Gulf Breere on waterfront lot. 1190 a month. Call 932 3055. BEAUTIFUL GLASS fronted 3 story house overlooking Perdfdo Bay at Orange Beach Alabama.
Private beach, dock, on water. Completely furnished 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, utility room, living, dining, kitchen. 1300 month, plus 1 month-deposit. (2051 fflt-ei 1 atter Tnursaov at 3pm, BEDROOM house Air condi tioned, washerdryer, fenced yard. pets allowed.
In Brent area. 1100 deposit. 1225 a month. 454 4084. GULF FRONT duplex, lorge proper- ty.
great view, 2Br, DW, utilities included, 477-7111 1 BEDROOM House Furnished, brick. Central AC, near NAS ft Carry Station. 5145. Call 438-2788. PENS.
BEACH Bedroom. Gull- side. Nice home. 4 mths. or yearly, Family only.
932-2425 or 477-0160. 3 BEDROOMS. 1 bath, on water. Boy. ou Grande.
Partially furn'd. 1200 mo. Phone 932.7009. evenings. SMALL MASONRY house.
Warring-Ion area. Sanitation ft water. Couple or singles. No pets. 185 mo.
454-2648. Pensocoia Bch, Gulfside. 2 bedrooms, lvi both fully furn. Townhouse. Washer dryer.
1250mo. 932-2557. EFFICIENCY APT. lurnlshed blocks from NAS malnside. 1120 mo, 150 454-098 alter 4pm wxnas.
2 BR AC. carpet, near NAS, Carry, PJC West, water. Washer, Iro kitchen. 4554458, 454-9485. MAIN NAS Nicely furnished 2 bed room, fireplace, air conditioned, fenced.
1180. Lease. 432-3018. BROWNSVILLE, clean nicely turn BR house, AC, conv. shopping, bases.
1150. deposit reaulrea. 47-B67. 2 BEDROOM, oir conditioned, cleon. Reasonable.
310 East Soto. eph. Call 474-3360. WATERFRONT. 2BR.
Lillian, Al. Biavtock Realty inc. 20542-2293 FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM HOUSE Large Fenced Yard, 1100.00 per Month ft 150 Deposit. 2119 N. St.
Near Malls. Schools, Navy Bases, ft Busline. 119 UNFURNISHED HOUSES CALL HUNT ft GE1GER. Realtors, for selling, buying, renting or manag- ing property financing. 4564616.
CALL ADKINSON Agency, Inc. Real tors lor property management ond quality rentals. 433-5411. 3 BEDROOM oft Navy Blvd. Small family only.
1145 monthly. 432-8583. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Northwest Ftortdo's largest Real Es tate firm eon give vour rentals toe professional iminagemem you We Offer: Full Time Rental Dept. Extensive Advertising Pre-quallfvlng Tenant Service Over 130 Occupied Rentals No vocanicest WE WANT YOUR RENTAL! Belter Homes Reoltv Inc. Realtors 3101 N.
17th Ave. 432-2391 "A Remorks REaltor" 310 PINE RIDGE LANE. 3BR baths, 1245. Realty World, Mlms-Snow. Realtors.
477-1685. BEAUTIFUL 3BR2'B Townhouse Polio, ooraae, washer ft dryer hook. up, Available approximately Sept. 19. Only 1260mo.
Call Shauver Associates, Inc. Reoltors. 477-9430. LUXURY RENTAL. 4BR.
3 baths ond 5 dcres. North ol Cantonment. 1400 month. Mater Realty, inc. Realtors.
48-030. ALMOST NEW Home for rent. 1350 monthly. 2 bedroom. 2 bath.
Call 455- 2297. CONVENIENT TO Corry NAS, BR, 1V5 baths. CL fenced bock yard. CP, utility, WO conn, kitchen equipped. Lease reauired.
454-0233. GULF BREEZE 1 BR. 2 baths. carpet, drdpories, pool, 404 Shoreline. 1350.
932-94T7; 932 2858. RENTALS Large selection of 2. ft bedroom nouses apartments in ail areas. From 11 75 up. Old South Properties, Inc.
Realtors 453-121. 478-4363. 4340115 After hours Connie Horn. 454-1111 NORWOOD, PENSACOLA. 1 bed rooms, CHalr, stove, fenced.
S165.0O per month, avoiiabte October 3rd. 423-2735, 1-423-4109. NORWOOD, PENSACOLA. bed rooms, CHair, stove, fenced. 1145 per month, available October 3rd.
423-2735. 1423-410. NORWOOD. PENSACOLA. 3B stove, fenced.
1165 ovall. October 3rd. 1423-2735, 1423410. MODERN 1 Bedroom. 2 both.
privacy fence. 1350 per month. 1 year tease plus deposit. 454-8384. BETWEEN NAS ft Corry brick, br.
Tbltl. kit wranoe. refrta, corpet. CHftA, gar, fen tot. 1240 ma.
Realesio- tars Realtors, 433-2158 FOR RENT 3BR, 2 bath executive 11, rumnr rmm, garage, locoted Hi Myrtle Grave per month. double 1345 114 E. LEE 2Br. IV. bath, klldv en furnished, WD connection, omple storog.
no pets, no children, 110Q OPEN HOUSE'DAILY I I Inaemrttg Island SPECIAL! i I New RANDALL CRAFT 14' I bottom with bench seats, stor-i age boi ft rod holders. I Powered by 0 1978 new Evin-J 1 rude 25 p. with gat tank, host A prop. Complete with I pointed Gotor Iroik. SPECIAL 11499 ffiLLincr Marinc 601 N.
OLD FAIAFOX HWY. 477-1112 OPEN M-F 1-5 30 1 SAT.I-I3-NOON Is i Most convenient location hi town 1 parking spaces pet aportmeflt Outside storage roam Swimming pool Experienced, fulltim management residence Furnished at wnfvrnished Individual heating and oit-ondihong 4 All electric laundry retreationol rooms Private patie US 29 at Boon St. 4 Blocks Nor ol Srenl Ion JNJ432-7233B- ANYTIME oeoosit, cor pari, city but. r-ssr. XL..