Proof of Substituted Service of Summons and Complaint - SUMMONS, COMPLAINT, CCCS, COAR, AMENDMENT TO COMPLAINT, ADR PACKET May 15, 2024 (2024)

Proof of Substituted Service of Summons and Complaint - SUMMONS, COMPLAINT, CCCS, COAR, AMENDMENT TO COMPLAINT, ADR PACKET May 15, 2024 (1)

Proof of Substituted Service of Summons and Complaint - SUMMONS, COMPLAINT, CCCS, COAR, AMENDMENT TO COMPLAINT, ADR PACKET May 15, 2024 (2)

  • Proof of Substituted Service of Summons and Complaint - SUMMONS, COMPLAINT, CCCS, COAR, AMENDMENT TO COMPLAINT, ADR PACKET May 15, 2024 (3)
  • Proof of Substituted Service of Summons and Complaint - SUMMONS, COMPLAINT, CCCS, COAR, AMENDMENT TO COMPLAINT, ADR PACKET May 15, 2024 (4)
  • Proof of Substituted Service of Summons and Complaint - SUMMONS, COMPLAINT, CCCS, COAR, AMENDMENT TO COMPLAINT, ADR PACKET May 15, 2024 (5)
  • Proof of Substituted Service of Summons and Complaint - SUMMONS, COMPLAINT, CCCS, COAR, AMENDMENT TO COMPLAINT, ADR PACKET May 15, 2024 (6)


ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, State Bar hunter. and address) FOR COURT USE ONLY Pom_ Mohammad Muhareb SBN: 290391 | Muhareb Law Group 9327 Fairway View P| Ste 106 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 ELECTRON ICALLY FILED TELEPHONE N0.: (909) 519-5832 FAX NO. IE-MAIL ADDRESS . (Optional): muhavemeuhateblawgroupmm SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA ATTORNEY FOR (Name) Plalnhfi‘ Chrishan x Fillingame, an Indlmdua| COU NTY OF SAN BERNARDIN() SAN BERNARDINO DISTRICT 5/1 5/2024 2:30 PM SA" BERNARD'N° “""a' DEPUTY By: Rina Phillips, STREET ADDRESS: 247 W Third St MAILING ADDRESS CITY AND ZIP CODE. SAN BERNARDINO, CA 9241 5 BRANCH NAME: SAN BERNARDINO Central PLAINTIFF: Christian Fillingame, an Individual CASE NUMBER; DEFENDANT: New Legend, |nc.. a Corporation CIVSBZ317559 Rel No‘ or FIIe Nov: PROOF OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS Christian Fillingame1. At the time of service | was at least 18 years of age and not a pany to this action.2. I served copies of: a. M Summons b. Complaint C. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) package d. D Civil Case Cover Sheet (served in complex cases only) 6- Cross-complaint f- other (specify documents): Civil Case Cover Sheet; Certificate 0f Assignment: Amendment to Complaint; Superior Coun of California - County of San Bernardino Alternative Dispute Resolution3. a. Party served (specify name ofpany as shown on documents served): Clint Murphy, Doe 1 b. D Person (other than the party in item 3a) served on behalf of an entity or as an authorized agent (and not a person under item 5b on whom substituted service was made) (specify name and relationship to the party named in item 33):4. Address where the party was served: 356 Pleasant View Dr Kerrville, TX 78028-1 622 5. | served the party (check proper box) a. by personal service. | personally delivered the documents listed in item 2 to the party or person authorized to receive service of process for the party (1) on (date): (2) at (time): b- E by substituted service. On (date): 517/2024 at in the presence of (name and title or relationship to (time):7:10 PM left the documents | person indicated in item 3b): listed in item 2 with or (John Doe) - Father Age: - Welght: 175 lbs Hair: Grey Sex: Male Height: 6'0" Eyes: - Race: Caucasian (1) D (business) a person at least 18 years of age apparently in charge at the office or usual place of business of the person to be served. informed him of her of the general nature of the papers. | (2) M (home) a competent member of the household (at least 18 years of age) at the dwelling house abode of the party. informed him or her of the general nature of the papers. | or usual place of (3) D (physical address unknown) a person at least 18 years of age apparently in charge at the usual mailing address of the person to be served. other (han a United States Postal Service post office box. informed him of l her of the general nature of the papers. (4) D Ithereafter mailed (by first-cIass. postage prepaid) copies of the documents to the person to be sewed at the place where the copies were left (Code Civ. Proc., §415.20). mailed the documents on I (date): from (city): a declaration of mailing is attached. (5) E | attach a declaration of dlllgence stating actions taken first to attempt personal service. Page 1 o! 2 Code o! Civil Procedure. § 417.10 Form raved for Mandatory Use Judldal POS~010 ndl ofCalWomla PROOF OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS P0501 0-1 [526219 [Rem January 1. 2007] PETITIONER: Christian Fllllngamo, an lndlvldual CASE NUMBERI CIVSBZ317659 RESPONDENT: New Legend, Inc., a Corporation c_ D by mail and acknowledgment of receipt of service. l mailed the documents listed in item 2 to the party. to the address shown in item 4, by first-class mail, postage prepaid. (1) on (date): (2) from (city): (3)D with two copies of the Notice and Acknowledgment of Receipt and a postage-paid return envelope addressed to me. (Attach completed Notice and Acknowledgement of Receipt.) (Code Civ. Proc., § 41 5.30.) (MD to an address outside California with return receipt requested. (Code Civ. Proc., § 415.40.) d, D by other means (specify means of service and authorizing code section): D Additional page describing service is attached.6. The "Notice to the Person Served" (on the summons) was completed as follows: a- D as an individual defendant. b. as the person sued under the fictitious name of (specify): Doe 1 C. as occupant. d- On behalf of (specify): Clint Murphy under the following Code of Civil Procedure section: D 416.10 (corporation) D 415.95 (business organization, form unknown) D 416.20 (defunct corporation) D 416.60 (minor) D 416.30 (joint stock company/association) D 415-70 (ward 0r conservatee) D 416.40 (association or partnership) D 416-90 (aUthOTiZed Person) D 416.50 (public entity) 415.46 (occupant) g other: CCP4747. Person who served papers a.Name: Brian H. Thomas DDS Legal Support - . Address: 2900 Bristol Street Costa Mesa, CA 92626 0000' . Telephone number: (714) 662-5555 . The fee for service was: S 167.90 . I am: (1) not a registered California process server. Out of State Process Server. (2) exempt from registration under Business and Professions Code section 22350(b). re istered California p ess server: (3) (i) owner employee D independentcontractor. (ii) Registration No.: (iii) County:3, M l declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. or9, D I am a California sheriff or marshal and | certify that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: 5/9/2024 DDS Legal Support£1 2900 Bristol Street Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 662-5555 (NAME OF PERSON BrianJLIngmas WHO SERVED PAPERS/SHERIFF OR MARSHAL) b EMA ” (SIGNATURE)posm [Rummy 1. zoon moor: 0F SERVICE 0F SUMMONS Posmgggz‘:

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Proof of Substituted Service of Summons and Complaint - SUMMONS, COMPLAINT, CCCS, COAR, AMENDMENT TO COMPLAINT, ADR PACKET May 15, 2024 (2024)


What does proof of service summons mean? ›

Proof of Service of Summons (POS-010)

Tells the court that you had a summons or other legal papers delivered to (served on) the other party in a case. Lists the papers that were served and tells who they were served on, where, when, and how they were served, and who served them.

What is substitute service of summons in California? ›

Substituted service means that the papers are left with an adult who lives at the home or is in charge where they work (like a manager). Then, your server mails a copy of the papers to your spouse or the other parent's home or work.

What is an order of substituted service? ›

If your server has made several attempts to deliver the papers to the defendant, but they're never at home or work, your server may be able to do substituted service. Substituted service means giving the papers to another adult who is there and then mailing a copy of the papers.

How long do you have to answer after substitute service in California? ›

If you were served by substituted service, meaning the Summons and Complaint were given to someone else in your household or your place of work, and another copy was mailed to you, you have 40 days from the date of the mailing to file your response.

How important is proof of service? ›

Process Servers play a crucial role in delivering legal documents in California. Every legal case needs a valid Proof of Service (POS). If this isn't done correctly, it can disrupt legal proceedings.

Is a summons the same as being served? ›

If you sue someone, you must serve them with a summons. This gives them notice of the lawsuit. “Service of process” is the formal name for giving a defendant a summons to come to court. Each defendant must get individual service.

Who can serve a summons and complaint in California? ›

Any person 18 years of age or over, not a party to the action, may serve the summons and complaint. See California Code of Civil Procedure §414.10.

Can you refuse to be served in California? ›

No, in California a person cannot refuse to accept service. If we can identify a person on whom legal service can be made either personally or by sub-service and they refuse to “accept” the documents, we can absolutely still serve them. It is common for subjects to try to refuse served papers.

How long do you have to file a proof of service of summons California? ›

(Subd (a) amended effective July 1, 2007; previously amended effective January 1, 2007.) The complaint must be served on all named defendants and proofs of service on those defendants must be filed with the court within 60 days after the filing of the complaint.

What is the difference between substituted service and personal service? ›

Substituted service is used after several attempts to personally serve the papers have failed. For substituted service: The server tries to personally serve the papers on the other party a number of times (usually 3 or more) but cannot find the party at home (or work, if that is the address the server has).

What is service substitution? ›

A service substitution is a change in the products and/or services specified in the FCC Form 471 (Description of Services Ordered and Certification Form). In certain limited circ*mstances, applicants or service providers may request and be approved for service substitutions.

What is a substitute service deposition subpoena in California? ›

Substituted Service

Substituted service is also used when personal delivery is impractical. It involves leaving the subpoena with someone at the recipient's residence or workplace, and mailing a copy to the recipient's last known address.

How long do you have to respond to an amended complaint in California? ›

The defendant shall answer the amendments, or the complaint as amended, within 30 days after service thereof, or such other time as the court may direct, and judgment by default may be entered upon failure to answer, as in other cases.

What happens if you don't respond to a serve? ›

Failure to receive and respond to legal documents may result in missed court appearances, leading to judgments made in your absence, which may eventually limit the ability to defend your case effectively.

Do process servers call you before they serve you? ›

Yes, you will get a phone call from a process server before delivery of the documents. It is to alert you of what they are about to do before coming to your space.

What does it mean when you get a receipt of summons? ›

Receiving a summons means that you have been named a defendant in a case. Find out how to defend yourself against the claim by viewing the Summons page.

What is a proof of service summons in Michigan? ›

Proof of service may be made by (1) written acknowledgment of the receipt of a summons and a copy of the complaint, dated and signed by the person to whom the service is directed or by a person authorized under these rules to receive the service of process; (2) a certificate stating the facts of service, including the ...

What is the difference between proof of service and certificate of service? ›

Return of service is a confirmation that there was service of process. Also termed proof of service, and the document evidencing service may be termed certificate of service. The document is generally filed by the server, potentially a sheriff or a professional process server, in court.

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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

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Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.