Stellaris A guide to the galactic community! (2024)

What Is The Galactic Community?

Stellaris A guide to the galactic community! (1)

It might look complitated (Like the UN), but it's much simpler than you might think. For starters what is it? The galactic community Is just space UN, A bunch of nations come together to make the world galaxy A better place. Let's start with the senate

The galactic community In session. Resolutions and laws can still be voted upon in A session.

The senate is where nations vote on certain laws, sanctions, resolutions.

Recess, the senate's recess lasts 720d or 2y this is where nations vote on what law will reach the

senate floor. The one with the highest vote weight (diplomatic weight) will get passed to the senate floor.

Session, A senate session lasts 1440d or 4y but this can be reduces to 720d or 2y if the custodian is elected and calls half time. The senate's session is where Nations vote on 1 law sanction or resolution that was passed to the senate floor. Each nation can do 3 things, support, oppose and abstain.

Supporting A law, sanction or resolution will add your vote weight to the positive side.

Likewise if you oppose your vote weight goes against the law, sanction or resolution. Abstaining will hold your vote weight and do nothing.

Once A law, sanction or resolution is passed. Their effects effect every nation in the galactic community. Sanctions only effect nations in breach of galactic law. Laws are apart of certain resolutions.

How Is The Galactic Community?

Stellaris A guide to the galactic community! (2)

Let's look at how the galactic community is founded. At the start since you don't know any other empires, (except for A few origins). There's no galactic community.

Once an empire that isn't gestalt or genocidal has contact with more that 70% of the galaxies not Fallen empires. An event will popup.

The formation of the galactic community event popup

Support or oppose the formation of the galactic community. If at least 3 empires support it, it will be formed.

AI's will only oppose if they are fanatic xenophobe.

Diplomatic Weight.

Stellaris A guide to the galactic community! (3)

So, vote weight, or diplomatic weight. What determines the vote weight is dependent on 4 things:

Fleet power, 2.5% of total fleet power

Economic strength. 15% of total economic power

Technological Power. 40% of total technological power.

Pops. A single pops weight is this equation. 2 x Pop happiness. Gestalt pops give 1 vote weight.

Certain modifiers will only increase 1 section of vote weight. Vote weight is used to represent the strength of A nation but there are A few % modifiers that have nothing to do with the nations power. Let's look at A few of them.

Each envoy assigned to the galactic community will give 10% vote weight.

Interstellar assemblies give 10% per stage (Max of 40%)

Another 10% from level 4 galactic union federation.

Being apart of the galactic counsel 20%

Is the custodian 30%

Galactic sovereign civic 40%

Interstellar assemblies are cool looking.

Next is diplomatic stance. Most of them give vote weight modifiers but expansionist doesn't. So we won't be looking at expansionist.

1. cooperative. This is if your empire is mostly equal in all sections of vote weight.

+25% vote weight from all modifiers, +50% opinion from envoys, -50% border friction.

2. isolationist. This is if it's the early game and vote weight doesn't matter.

15% Administrative Capacity. +10% Monthly Unity.+25% Governing Ethics Attraction. -50% Diplomatic Weight. +100% Diplomatic Influence Cost. +200% Border friction

3. supremacy. Since this gives 20% naval capacity it's the best outside of diplomatic weight.

100% Diplomatic Weight from Fleet Power. -20% War exhaustion gain. +20% Naval Capacity.

-10% Claim Influence Cost. 0.25 Influence cost to send Envoys to Improve Relations. -100 Opinion to and from all empires with the same Policy.

4. mercantile. Money.

25% Diplomatic Weight from Economy .+10% Trade Value .+5 Trade Protection. 0.25 Influence cost to keep borders closed against non-Rivals


Resolutions are laws that get voted on by the members of the galactic community. Resolutions take between 100 and 300 influence to add to the proposal list. The proposal list is where empires vote on resolutions and move the highest one to the senate floor at the end of A recess.

There are 8 resolutions which we we'll talk about later

1 galactic commerce

2 industrial development

3 the greater good

4 ecological protection

5 unchained knowledge

6 divinity of life

7 mutual defense

8 rules of war

Each of these provide bonuses dependent on the level of each resolution that was passed.

Each resolution has 5 levels sanctions have three. Resolutions gain different modifiers but usually expand upon existing modifiers, you'll see.

If A resolution passes, the empire that proposed it gets A +5% vote weight for 6 years.

If A resolution fails, the empire that proposed it gets A -5% vote weight for 6 years

Industry And Commerce.

Stellaris A guide to the galactic community! (4)

Let's look at the first resolutions. Industry and Commerce. Galactic commerce is the first resolution.

If you don't care about naval capacity, this is An amazing resolution tree. 25% trade value, 25 trade protection really good trade buffs. Industrial development is for alloys and minerals. Though the -25% habitability can be an issue.

Stats for galactic commerce and industrial development.

Snapshot from the stellaris wiki

Galactic commerce. The problem with galactic commerce is the -% naval capacity, bureaucrat upkeep is fine. Vote weight from Eco is not the best, vote weight from tech is the best. % trade value is great for Merchant void dwellers. Also good for space trade, 25 trade protection helps A lot.

I'd recommend going for 1 or 5, naval capacity is the only trade off that's bad.

Industrial development. If you're lilithoid or robot, or just have A lot of extra habitability, this is amazing. Worker pop output, % alloys from jobs % minerals from jobs. It's industrial development.

This is the second best resolution tree in the galactic community.

All ways go for 5 with this.

Economic sanctions. Sanctions in general aren't worth it. Much better to do any other resolution.

-% vote weight from economy

-% market fee.

Politics And Culture.

Stellaris A guide to the galactic community! (5)

Stellaris A guide to the galactic community! (6)

Let's look at the second resolution group. The greater good is mostly good, it's trade off is banning every living standers but utopian abundance and mandatory pampering. Also worker political power but if you have utopian abundance that doesn't matter.

The stats for The Greater Good.

Snapshot from the stellaris wiki.

The Greater good is really good useful if you're going for An egalitarian build or just want some vote weight from pops. It gives lots of obscure buffs but lots of them are very useful.

The problem with selecting a target level is the greater good is such a mid level resolution. There's just better resolutions so maybe just don't do any greater good.

The Galactic reforms page

Snapshot from the stellaris wiki

The galactic counsel is really only useful for emergency measures. Speeding up the galactic senate is pretty good as it increases the amount of resolutions that can be passed in one game. If you're playing with friends and coordinating, increasing size for more emergency measures is an idea.

I don't have any friends so ;-;

We'll talk about the custodian later.

Administrative sanctions. Once again sanctions aren't worth it. Much better to do even some of the worst resolutions.

+% diplomatic influence cost

+% empire sprawl

Environment And Technology.

Stellaris A guide to the galactic community! (7)
Stellaris A guide to the galactic community! (8)
Stellaris A guide to the galactic community! (9)

Let's look at the third resolution group. Environment and Technology possess the best and worst resolutions. Ecological protection is only good if you really hate yourself min maxing.

Divinity of life is heresy not very good. We all know machines are the best and this resolution give -25% pop assembly speed at level 3 and up. It's never good. Unchained Knowledge,

otherwise known as the literal best resolution in the game if gestalt. Most games you want to tech rush, this gives vote weight for tech. More research? 10% researcher output. It's great.

Unchained Knowledge Stats

Snapshot from the Stellaris Wiki

The best resolution, if gestalt. Only Industrial development as a machine empire better than this, if you're a gestalt this is god tier. Mainly vote weight from tech is this resolution's pay off but 10% researcher output is 2 trait points worth of bonuses. If your gestalt go for 5, if not probably if industrial development is maxed.

Ecological protection Stats

Snapshot from the Stellaris Wiki

Only reason you'd go pass level 2 is because you're role playing. -5% Amenities usage is actually really good but even then +10% build speed isn't worth the -5% amenities usage in a somewhat normal empire. At the most go for 2 if not, not at all.

Divinity of life Stats

Snapshot from the Stellaris Wiki

Almost worse than mutual defense. If your sane you go for tech. You go for tech than tech gives you the most vote weight. Literally smooth brain intellectually challenged if you go for this in a tech rush game. Don't go for this if you're doing anything but a super wide 0 tech galactic domination rush build.

Sanctions, no.

Defense And War.

Just no, I'm not going to spend the time to flesh out this section of the guide. Don't ever go for any, ANY resolutions in this group. (Except crisis deceleration if there's no good resolutions left.)

If you REALLY want me to explain why, make a comment and I can edit the guide, but I promise. This is total sh*t.

The Galactic Custodian.

Stellaris A guide to the galactic community! (10)

Ah yes, exactly why I made this guide. Some of you might've noticed I didn't have Nemesis until very recently. Thought it'd be a good guide. First thing to note, if you're playing alone. Trying to become custodian before any crisis, (the horde, awoken empires, end game crisis) all AI empires will vote no. So you need to have more vote weight than the entire galaxy.

Before we look at resolutions let's look at the bonuses we get as soon as we are elected custodian.

+5 Monthly influence

+30% Diplomatic Diplomatic weight (doesn't stack, replaces the Council bonus)

−50% Emergency measure cooldown

−50% Veto cost and cooldown

Has open borders with every community member

Is able to end session after half time for 200 influence. Passing or failing the resolution depends on the vote.

Can freeze any resolution for 5 years for 200 influence.

Resolutions and stats for the galactic custodian

Snapshot from the Stellaris wiki]

If you're doing an anti crisis run 125 years early, there are resolutions we want to speed run.

As soon as your elected, using your powers and vote weight. In this order propose resolutions and pass them.


Galactic mobilization


United front

All of the other resolutions aren't really that good, only take them if you think they'll pay off.

In peace time custodian is only used for speeding up the senate. Other than that custodian isn't as much as I thought it would be when I first read the dev diary.

The Galactic Imperium.

Stellaris A guide to the galactic community! (11)

Besides the normal custodian buffs. The galactic Imperium is kind've a downgrade. The likelyhood of galactic war is much higher, some people will side the imperium but most won't. Dismantling all federations is to much of a cost. Federations can give much better boosts than the imperium. Custodian can get both federation and community buffs.

Galactic Imperium resolutions and stats.

Snapshot from the Stellaris wiki

Since we don't get galactic mobilization or united front, Resolution wise it's worse.

Yes we get another -25% Imperial armada alloy cost. But custodian is still better.

Imperial armada is the best resolution, galactic imperium is not an upgrade from the community.


Galactic focus always needs to be on Galactic market.

Space fauna resolutions are a waist.

Denouncement is also a waist.

Members of the Galactic Community are automatically given communications if they haven't encountered each other yet.

Wrapping Up.

We'll that'd be it. Everything you need to know about the galactic community.

I will (Hopefully) make a video on this guide within 10 days, if I do it will be posted here and



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Stellaris A guide to the galactic community! (2024)


Stellaris A guide to the galactic community!? ›

By default, the Galactic Community button is located next to the top of the Outliner.

How do I get to the galactic community Stellaris? ›

By default, the Galactic Community button is located next to the top of the Outliner.

How to become the leader of the galactic community in Stellaris? ›

Yes, you can become a Galactic Emperor, depending on your diplomatic weight in the Galactic Senate. Diplomatic weight is gained from economy, fleet power, technology, and pops. If you want, you can also outweigh the votes of all other members of the Counsil and promote any laws that are beneficial to you.

How to create a galactic community? ›

Once an empire that isn't gestalt or genocidal has contact with more that 70% of the galaxies not Fallen empires. An event will popup. Support or oppose the formation of the galactic community. If at least 3 empires support it, it will be formed.

What does diplomatic weight do in Stellaris? ›

Diplomatic weight is a measure of how influential an empire is within the Senate and determines its power when supporting or opposing resolutions that are proposed or voted on. Diplomatic weight is gained from economy, fleet power, technology, and pops.

What is the maximum council size in Stellaris? ›

You need a third civic before you can unlock the 6th slot. You need tech to choose a third civic. 6th is a max, sadly a 4th civic is not unlocking extra councilor slots >_<

How do you get chosen for the galactic market in Stellaris? ›

Form the Galactic Market galactic focus in the Galactic Community. Once the focus is set the Galactic Market Nomination will begin. For 5 years, eligible empires may boost their chances of being selected as the market nexus by nominating one of their planets and further by boosting their nomination bid.

What is the point of the galactic imperium Stellaris? ›

The goal is to restore the Galactic Community and end the Imperium. On the other side you'll have the whole Imperium with all loyal empires fighting against you, with the goal to crush the rebellion and keep things as they are. Now all you have to do is to win the war.

How do I start the Galactic Council Stellaris? ›

The Galactic Council can be formed by a Resolution twenty or more years after the founding of the Galactic Community. The Council is comprised of the three members with the highest Diplomatic Weight, and each Council Member has additional authority in the Senate.

What does Nemesis add to Stellaris? ›

In Nemesis, the player is able to determine the fate of a destabilizing galaxy. Adding espionage tools, a path to power as the Galactic Custodian to combat endgame crises - or the Menace option to BECOME the endgame crisis - Nemesis gives you the most powerful tools ever available in Stellaris.

What is the max ship capacity in Stellaris? ›

Maximum Naval Capacity may never exceed 9999 but empires can still build over it as long as their economy supports the upkeep costs. Titans have a strict build limit, with a base of 1 allowed per empire; every 200 Naval Capacity increases an empire's Titan cap by 1, up to a maximum of 20 Titans at 3800 naval capacity.

What is the benefit of Federation Stellaris? ›

Federation members automatically defend each other in war as they would in a Defense Pact, but must agree to offensive wars as a group and have a unique system of Experience, Tiers, and Laws that differentiate Federations from other types of diplomatic pacts.

How do I get to the galactic hub? ›

The easiest way to get to the hub is by using portals. Those big black obelisks that were once a mystery are now functional. You can use them to instantly transport yourself from one part of the universe to another, if you know the planet's address.

How do I access the Galaxy map Stellaris? ›

Press E to open the galaxy map. Pressing E again will zoom you back to the previous system. Awesome!

How to join the Galactic empire? ›

When you have gained 200 Imperial faction points, you may talk to an Imperial recruiter to join the Galactic Empire and gain the rank of a private. By earning GCW Points, you can advance in rank.

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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.