The Cass County Democrat-Missourian from Harrisonville, Missouri (2024)

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Mrs aww Clar 40 HOG BALANCER CATTLE SUPPLEMENT SPARKY (Bone Builder) AMBULANCE SERVICE Our prices are remarkably low on the above named feeds Lady Assistant PUBLIC SALE the Col Roy Johnston Auctioneer CROWN 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mr and Mrs Oscar Bishop of Kansas City Mrs Lola Price and 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Starting at 12:30 PM Kansas parents DREXEL MO Office Phone 148 Residence Phone 91 HARRY BAIRD Druggist Harrisonville Missouri son from home TERMS CASH HAYS UNERAL DIRECTOR BEATING TRAVEL BOTTLENECKS brindle cow 2nd calf milking Guernsey cow 7 years old fresh Nov 1 Holstein cow 2nd calf milking Holstein cow years old fresh Sept 15 yellow Jersey fresh Nov 9 Holstein cow 8 years old fresh Sept 1 Holstein cow 2nd calf milking Holstein purebred bull IS months old COACH LINES of By Dated November Crouch Crouch irst publication Laat publication rank has enlisted in the training corps and await induction into Army EVA JONES Administratrix Clerk of Probate Court Crown Coach Depot Nelson Agent Phone 107 The Brewing Industtr of MIourl ii cooperating with good cititeni in eliminating the few beer retail placet that ma be using their licenm at a cloak for illegal practices If you know of such a place report it to us We will inrestigaie and girt the evidence to amhoritiea AU reports are treated confidentially Motorbuses must deliver millions of war workers to their jobs each day Uncle Sam says there must be no extra tire wear no mileage waste and no new buses The bus operators can win their fight ggainst the transportation bottle neck with YOUR help We ask you to travel by bus in mid week instead of on week ends plan trips and buy tickets ahead of time leave extra luggage at home on short trips Miss Jennie Hughes who for the past several months has been em ployed 'in the Weeks Cafe left Sunday for Kansas City where she has secured employment at the Montgomery Ward Store Mr and Mrs Robert Pedigo at tended a Thanksgiving dinner Sun day in the home of Mr and Mrs Lew Harris and children of Cleve land About forty guests were present in the Harris home Mrs Donald Wallace of Kansas City spent Saturday night in the home of her parents in law Mr and Mrs Emery Wallace On Sun day she was a guest of her parents Mr and Mrs rank Brockhouse Smith of Warsaw spent a short time here Monday calling on friends He was en route to Grandview for a visit in the home of his son and daughter in law Mr and Mrs Jack Smith and children rank Welborn returned home Thursday evening from a business trip through Oklahoma and Arkan sas ing his ACES ON THE HEN HOUSE BOOR Let these faces be an everlasting reminder that we need more eggil Add Da Hess Polt thy Pan a MIN to your laying ration Research arm hens receiving Pan A scn lay as many as 23 more etfa per bird per year We believe Pan a icn will do its toll share toward stimulating pro duction You produce too many you get a good price for all you produce DR JENNINGS with Independence Optical Co Will lx at HOTEL HARRISONVILLE in Harrison' ille Mo EVERY TUESDAY To it Eye Glasses Hours 10:00 to 4:00 Popular Prices Convenient Credit PLEASE COME EARLY Rocky Point and Main City MISS BEULAH BERRY Editor going to Mrs rank Welborn and Edwin Hamilton GUESTS IN BENSON HOME Mr and Mrs Benson have had as guests during the past few days their daughters Mrs Mary owler of New York Mrs Mil dred Davis and little daughter Nancy Lea of Herrington Kans Mrs Henry Rice Mr Rice and family of Kansas City Kans and two sons Pfs Arlo Benson who was home on furlough November 11 to Di and Pvt inis Benson on furlough from November 11 to No vember 18 Another NOTICE Nutice la hereby given that Letters of Aln'inistratinn on the Estate of I WHITE deceased were granted to the undersigned on the 14th day of November 1942 by the Pro bate Court of Cass County Missouri All persona having claims against said Estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the Administratrix within six months after the date of Baid Letters or they may be precluded from any benefit of said Ea tate: and if such claims be not exhibited within one year from the date of granting said Letters they shall be forever barred Attest: GEORGIA KUNZE CV A Crouch 4 Crouch Attorneys Having bought a smaller farm I am unable to keep all my livestock and machinery The following will therefore be sold at my home 4 miles east of Belton Mo 1 mile north of Raymore on Highway Ao Known as tne ruiiK laim on Monday November30 am mi LASTED' MACHINERY 28 in Oliver Red River Special Thresher This machine is in first class shape MM Moline row crop tractor with power lift and power take off Tractor cultivator tractor sweep rake new 21 hp gasoline engine McCormick Deering new grain drill McCormick Deering complete with grass seeding and fertilizer attachments (If not sold before Nov 30) This drill has sown 30 acres 16 ft disc harrow Case 8 ft 1 way disc plow Oliver 6 ft McCormick Deering mower New ft cultipacker never been used single row cultivator 6 shovel single row disc cultivator 1 horse burr mill drive belt 60 ft in 4 wheel trailer truck bed set breeching harness Mrs Clarence Corder is on our sick 'list Mr and Mrs A Croson spent Sunday evening at Greeley Cro sons Mr and Mrs Bus Trewett were guests of his parents in Main City Sunday Mrs Bishop of spent last week in the Bishop home Miss Opal Rafferty of City was a guest of her over the week end Robert Turner of Drexel was taken quite ill Sunday and was confined to his bed Mrs John Dean returned home Saturday night from a visit with relatives in Illinois Mr and Mrs Ralph Duffett were guests vjnuay in tne uuiiiv vi iim parents at Paola Kans Martin Shipley and Hinote were business callers in orsake Thursday of last week Verna Bishop and Ruby Rosen balm attended the teachers meet ing in Everett Monday evening Mr and Mrs Luke Belcher and klo mAflmr cnnnf UlnnJnv nc of the larence Corder iamily near Drexel lurs II ocoiL an ci jusvpninc and Clint Williams were callers i riday evening i son home Mrs Charlev Sulscr and Mrs A ORDER PUBLICATION In the Circuit Court of Cass County Missouri January Term 1943 Laura Elizabeth Roberta Plaugher George Roberts II and Ray Shubert administrator of the estate of rank Roberts deceased Plaintiffs vs No 23RS5 Oliver Schultz Roberts Marie Hull red Roberta Burgess Roberta Georgia Hawkins luta Miller Dorothy Keplinger and Albert Rob 1 ertg Defendants The State of Missouri to the above named Defendants Greetings: On the 16th day of November 1912 on the 15th judicial day of the above named Court and before me the undersigned clerk thereof comes plaintiffs by their attorney of record and files herein their petition and further files herein an affi davit wherein it Is alleged that all the defendants are non residents of the State of Missouri and the ordinary process of law cannot be served upon them in this State in the manner and form prescribed by the statutes Plaintiffs by their attor ney request that an Order of Publica tion be issued for all of the said defend ants It is therefore ordered by the Court and the undersigned clerk that publica tion be made notifying all of said defend ants that an action has been commenced agalnrt them by petition and affidavit in the Circuit Court of Cass County Mis souri the object and general nature of which is to partition and sell through par tition all of the following described real estate situated in Cass County Missouri to wit: All of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section sixteen (1(1) except that part here tofore conveyed by deed in Book i 1 1 page 569 also The South of the North east quarter of Section twenty one (21) Iho Southeast quarter of Section twenty one (21): the Southeast quarter of the North west quarter of Section twenty two (22) the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Sec tion twenty two (22) and the West half of the Southeast quarter and the Southwest quarter of Section twenty two (22): also The North half of the North east quarter of Section twenty eight (28) and 73 acres more or less all the Northwest quarter of Section twenty seven (27) North of the Public Road running East and West through said quarter also all that part of the North west quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section twenty seven (27) lying North of the Public Road containing 14 acres more or less except 2 acres more or less heretofore conveyed to Trus tees of Grand River Church all in Township forty four (41) Range thirty two (32) containing 747 Beres more or less That said petition further alleges that the plaintiffs and defendant are owners of the above described real estate as ten ants in common each owning the interest as specifically set out in said petition and that plaintiffs further allege that plaintiffs and defendants acquired their interest in Bald real estate by the terms of the will of George Roberts deceased and by the will of rank Roberts deceased both residents of the State of Kansas reference being made in said petition for a more particular statement of the rights and Interest of the parties You and each of you are hereby further notified that unless you be and appear be fore the Honorable Judge of the Circuit Court of Cass County Missouri at the January Term 1943 thereof next to be holden in the Court House in the City of Harrisonville In Cass County Missouri on the first Monday in January 1913 the same being the first day of the January Term 1913 ami answer said petition or otherwise defend the same according to law judgment will le rendered against you as in said petition prayed It Is further ordered that a copy of this order of publication be published in th Cass County democrat newspaper printed and puhlhheil in the VILy vl 1 1 nl i 1SHI 4 it Uiiin vuwui' souri for four (4 weeks successively the last issue to be made at least fifteen (151 day before the first day of the January Term 1913 of this Court Dated this 16th day of November 1912 A True Copy Attest: rRRAlJ ORREST OTT Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cass County Missouri By LORNA BURCH Deputy Clerk Ray Shubert Attorney fr Plaintiffs irst publication November 19 1912 Last publication Decemler 10 1942 HORSES Pair big Percheron gray mares Yearling bay filly 2 year old black Percheron filly SHEEP 25 ewes 3 yrs old 15 with good mouths 1 buck MISCELLANEOUS Horton gasoline engine washer 2 iron beds and springs large circulating Allen Heatrola 400 gal water tank with large hose six 10 gal milk cans steel drums 150 ft hay rope and fork (if not sold be fore Nov" 30) 5 tube Philco radio elec tric grease guns and tools About tons of clover hay About 20 tons of sorgo ensilage 8 sacks 4 16 4 fertilizer Economy eed Mills Harrisonville Mo NEWS gf PECULIAR MRS LIGGETT Editor A' b0P? ot ha esSrfss of in crop otAlQ BOGUE SON Kennemer Clerk the family here visited his sister Mra Hi nrv Pirn nnd family in Kansas City Kans from Novem jNavy evening Mr anil Mrs Berry Lofland were guests Sunday in the home of their son and daughter in law Mr and Mrs Claude Lofland and daughter Jean Other guests in the Lotland home were Mr and Mrs John Mor ris and Mr and Mrs Earl Lofland and daughters Earlene and Mar tha Jean of Kansas City Kans Mrs Margaret Brosius returned to her home here Saturday evening after a visit with relatives in Kansas City She also attended a birthday party in the home of her son and daughter in law Mr and Mrs LecRov Brosius honor ing the first birthday anniversary of their little daughter Linda Lou oust accompanied by his sister in law Mrs Edward oust 4 JXM 1HCIIIVI of Cleveland and his niece Mrs sanjwicbes salad and coffee were ixconarn oonnsoii uiui iwp ivi Thursday morning for ayetteville Ark where they visited in the home of his brother Edgar and his sister Miss Grace oust They returned to their homes here Sat urday evening Earl Boatman who with his fam ily spent the past week in the home of his parents Mr and Mrs Marion Boatman at Walnut Grove Mo returned to his home here ri day evening Mrs and daughters May Huth and Opal Grace remained at Walnut Grove until Sunday returning to their home here Sunday evening Mrs John Welborn and children of Lockport 111 spent the past week in the home of her son in law and daughter Mr and Mrs Edscl Wallace Other guests in the Wal lace home were Mrs Wallaces I home were Mrs brother Starting Saturday November 21 I will be at the Cass County Bank to collect taxes and every Satur day until December 15 ten every day until January 1 Homer Wills Collector 46 2t Mr and Mrs Ed Smith were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Al Bronson am( baby daughter Miss Maxine Callaway of Kan sas City spent the week end in the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Will Callaway Mrs Homer Colville of Pleasant Hill spent the past week in the home of her brother Alvah How ard and Mrs Howard Mr and Mrs Marion Buchanan of Evansville Ind are the guests this week of his mother Mrs Lee uller and Mr uller Little Janet Elaine Whitten who for the past week has been absent from school due to illness is slightly improved at this time Mr and Mrs Edward Schug spent Sunday in Kansas City the guests of Mr and Mrs Buford Mc Eowen and son Arthur Wesley Mrs Harry Rathjen and children spent the week end with her par ents Mr and Mrs John LafToon and her brother Russell at Adrian Mrs Troy Hilderbrand of Kan sas City was an overnight guestSaturday night in the home of her mother in law Mrs Mattie Hilder brand Mrs Manion and Billy of Kansas City spent Tuesday until riday in the of her parents Dr and Mrs Liggett Mrs Curt Snead and Mrs ence Wolfe and little daughter Doris Ann spent Thursday in the home of their parents Mr and Mrs Emery Wallace Dr Liggett accompanied by Manion Robert Glaub and Norman Anderson all of Kan sas City spent Tuesday on a hunt ing trip near Montrose Mo Miss Analeta Phillips teacher of the Lone Star school south of Har risonville spent the week end in the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Roy Phillips and family Mrs Tillery and Mr and Mrs Garrett and baby of Kansas i City Kans spent Thursday in the i home of Mrs niece Mrs LafToon and Mr LafToon Mr and Mrs led Pullam of East Lynne moved their household goods here the first of the week and are occupying the residence re i cently vacated by Mr and Mrs Emmett Dodson i Miss Elizabetli Welborn of Kan sas Citv silent Saturday night and Sunday in the home of her parents Chester Tenn came riday eve ning for a visit in the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Reid and brother Wayne Mrs Hamil ton is recuperating from a recent attack of the flu and was a pa tient for several days in the hos pital in Winchester Dr Hamil ton is expected to join his wife here some time this week Mrs Ora Ray had as Sunday din ner guests Mr and Mrs No land Belton Mr and Mrs Ernest Lofland Mr and Mrs Glover Shores daughter Roberta and son nt Cleveland and Mr anil i Mi Walter Ixdland and children i Another son Pfc Raymond Joyce and Walton Ernest of Hick Benson who was unable to visit man Mills AHernoon guests or Mrs Ray were Mr and Mrs Stan ley Seba of Raytown and Mrs Howard Groh Mr and Mrs' Walter Welborn went to Kansas City Saturday night where they attended a pro gram given by some of the pupils of the Southwest High School Their granddaughter Miss Norma Lou Welborn is a student of this school and took part in the pro gram They were accompanied home by Mr and Mrs James Wel born and daughter Norma Lou who spent Saturday night and Sun day in the Welborn home A CORRECTION I wish to correct an error made in last items Mrs Sallie Stroud whose home is in Old Town is staying in a con valescent home in Kansas City in stead of being in the home of her son and daughter in law Mr and Mrs Earl Stroud as previously stated She was a guest of Mr and Mrs Stroud a few days before entering the home TWICE A MONTH CLUB The Twice A Month Club met with Mrs Dwight "Whitten Wednes day afternoon Twelve members and two visitors Mrs Man ion of Kansas City and Mrs Wes Whitten were present After the business meeting a book review That was given by Mrs Robbins Refreshments of fruit salad with whipped cream cup cakes and punch were served BAPTIST NOTES The Rev Clyde Godfrey filled his regular appointment here Sunday morning Due to the inclemency of the weather there was no eve ning service The Rev and Mrs Godfrey were Sunday dinner guests of and Mrs Walter Welborn and family Mrs Alice Hockaday entertained her Sunday School Class at the church riday evening The eve ning was spent in playing games and refreshments of sandwiches grapes cookies and toasted marsh mallows were served mallows were served There were RUMOR SAYSi Drinking is ruining the morals and fighting ability of soldiers and sailors Beer should be forbidden to men in uniform in camps and elsewhere SICRITARV WAR SAYSi "The War Department is convinced that temperance cannot ne anaincu by prohibition Experience has proven mat present policy of the Department is the most effec tive way to insure IICRITARY NAVY such prohibition would be 'an invasion of American rights abw xixiuiun cnArlfirftllv exemtited beer from his general order prohibiting the use of certain bever ages by tne tirst a in Steve Estes and daughter of Butler spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr and Mrs Robert Pedigo and children and accom panied them to Cleveland Sunday They returned to their home in Butler Monday morning Sgt and Mrs Marion Howard and Mrs Harper of San Diego Calif came Tuesday evening for a short visit in the homes of their parents Mr and Mrs Alvah How ard and Mr and Mrs Ned Porter and other relatives and friends Mr and Mrs rank Shackelford entertained at six dinner Tuesday evening in honor of their son in law and daughter Mr and Mrs Harold Spradling and family of Raymore and Mr and Mrs Rob ert Dobson and little son Donnie Several from here attended the revival services at the Shiloh Church south of reeman on Wednesday evening of last week The Rev Mr Snapp pastor of the local Methodist Church and also of the Shiloh Church is conducting the services Mr and Mrs Gordon Roberts of Kansas City were Sunday evening guests of Mr and Mrs rank Shackelford and Mrs A Dealy They were accompanied back to the city by Mrs Dealy who had spent the week end here in the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Harold Dunham Pearl Miller Dorothy Duncan and James Callaway attended a show in Kansas City Sunday afternoon After the show they drove to Gard ner Kans Harold remaining in IUU 111 mu IKHIIVUI nvi Mr and Mrs Walter Welborn and Gardner me rest oi tne pa iy familv She returned to Kansas returned to their homes Sunday nvotiintr City Minaay evening Mrs Pearl Moore of Kansas City was a week end guest of her sister Mrs Mary Smith Mr and Mrs Bradish and Mrs Maude Port er all of Kansas City were guests of Mrs Smith Sunday SWEET LASSY EGG MASH (Introductory Offer) ber 18 to 20 He was joined there by his parents Mr and Mrs Benson and his sisters Mrs Mary owler and Mrs Mildred Davis and daughter Nancy Lea Mr and Mrs Benson have four sons one son in law and two grandsons in the service: Pfc Ar lo Benson Co A 321st Inf Camp Rucker Ala Pvt Scott Benson Co 128th Trn Bn Camp Hood Tex Pfc Raymond Benson 2nd Bn Hq 32nd Inf San Luis Obispo Calif Pvt inis Benson Co Ixiavenworth Kans their son in Jimmy owler is with the Coast Guard at Brooklyn and their two grandsons Kenneth and Billy Rice of Kansas City Kans are in the time the rural letter carriers were Mrs Bus Trewett were guests Sat holding a meeting urday night in the Emmett Hunt Roy Turner who has been with 'home Doris Hunt spent the week Mr and Mrs Kent for a long end with her friend Erma Jean time is now employed by Seth Hess at Main City who nn the 31 rs George Groves farm Kansas City Mrs Lola Price and Mrs Charley Dudlev spent ast thildren and Earl Yackle of Paola Thursday as the guest of her rank Dawson of Drexel Mr and daughter Mrs Kermit Mouse of i JJrs Lishop and family of this community while her husband vJ rt Sunday guests in the attended Mrs sale The Rev Mellenery of 1 an'l JIrs Mitrhell and Kansas City' Kans Mr and Mrs Mrs Jones Mr and Mrs Ray Roy Dudlev Erma Jean Hess Hampton and children spent Doris Hunt were Sunday dinner Sunday in the Burleigh Storms guests at the Ii Reynolds home home at Pleasant Hill to celebrate zn a Peans and Mitchells Griffin of Emporia Kans hd anniversaries is opening up a cream station the building recently vacated byi Oears of Drexel spent Mrs Dobyn in Drexel when she Wednesday jn reeman attending closed out her stock of furniture at club meeting at the home of Mrs auctjon Bob Meyers She was accompan ied home bv her cousin of St Louis Mr and Mrs Campbell of i forrilerly jiis3 Stell stark who is Drexel entertained at dinner onviMtinr relatives at reeman and Thursday of last week their friends I ine Mrs Hearson of Harrison 1 ville and Mr and llrs A Koh Tr a pEorRAT Classified Ad iwerg oi vrexei Mr and Mrs Ira New of Drexel were hosts to a six dinner: Tuesday evening in honor of their daughter Mrs Roy Miller who was celebrating her birthday The guests were Mr and Mrs Roy Mill er and children Mr and Mrs Clint Williams with I Jimmie and Waneta and Mr and ORDER PUBLICATION In the Circuit Court of Cnss County Missouri In Vacation January Term 1943 Dorothy Dell Miller a Minor by Pearl Kennedy her next friend Plaintiff vs No 23SS1 Paul Vernon Miller Defendant The State of Mtaaouri to the Above named Defendant Greetings: Now on this 10th day of November 1942 in Vacation before the undersigned clerk comes plaintiff by next friend and files petition herein duly verified wherein it is alleged that defendant Is a non resident of the State of Missouri and the ordinary process of law cannot be served upon him in this state in the manner and form as prescrdied by statute It is therefore ordered by the clerk in vacation that publication be issued notify ing the defendant that an action has been commenced against him in the above named court by petition the object and general nature of which is to obtain a decree of divorce from the bonds of mat rimony contracted with defendant on June 14 1941 on the grounds of indignities reference being made to the petition here in filed) and fur the custoly of the miner child of the parties: which said action Ls returnable on the first day of lhe next term of this court to be held in the court house in Harrisonville Cass County Mis souri on January 4 1943 when and where you may appear and answer or otherwise defend such action otherwise petition of plaintiff will be taken as confessed and judgment rendered accordingly It i further ordered that this publica tion be published in the Cass County DEMOCRAT for four weeks successively the last insertion to be at least thirty days before the next term of this court and said newspaper being found to be the one most likely to advise defendant of the pendency of this action A true copy Attest: (SEAL) ORREST OTT Clerk of the Circuit Court Mr and Cass County Missouri oiuujvi mu LORNA BURCH Mrs Gail Welborn and daughter io 1942 Deputy of Goose Creek Tex who came Attorney for plaintiff riday for a short visit Mrs Gene Hamilton of Win guest of old friends Mr and Mrs Jim Tribby in Drexel Mr and Mrs George Wilburn of Drexel who have employment in Kansas City spent the week end with their children here Bake Arnold of Main City who has been called to the army serv ice has been spending his 14 day furlough with relatives here Miss Susie Brummett who spent a few weeks visiting at Eldorado Springs and Amsterdam returned home Thursday of last week Mr anu Mrs waiter nawswi and family spent Sunday with Paul Showalter and children and Mr and Mrs Leonard Lee Dawson Wallace Broker spent Monday night with his parents Mr and Mrs Albert Broker in Drexel He" i returned to his work in Kansas City Tuesday Mrs Sallie Washer of Grand 1 view came Thursday for an inde 1 Drexel entertained Sunday his brothers Charlie Long and Mr and Earnest Ixmg Mr and Mrs Clark Phillips and Mr and Mrs Russell Phillips of Kansas City spent Sunday in the Gloyd Phillips home Mrs Essie McLellan of Kansas Archie I City spent Saturday night as a 1 11 1 4 I 1 1 alter 77 I UR It MM I TT EE BREWING INDUSTRY OUNDATION 838 Pierce Building' St Louis ORDER PUBLICATION Tn the Circuit Court of Cass County Missouri In Vacation To January Term 1943 letcher Tabor Plaintiff vi No 23K79 Roy Tabor Jess Tabor Everett Tatar loyd Tatar Sam Tabor Virgil Tabor Paul Tatar Mabie Tabor May Dorothy Page Skaggs Harold Page Jr minor Willis McRay a minor Loyd McRay and Margie McRay Thompson Defendants The State of Missouri to the above named Roy Tatar Jess Tatar Everett Ta bor loyd Tabor Sam Tabor Virgil Ta bor Paul Tabor Mabie Tabor May Doro thy Page Skaggs Harold Page Jr Willis McRay Loyd McRay and Margie McRay Thompson Greetings: Now on this 9th day of November 1912 before the clerk comes plaintiff by attor ney and files petition herein and affidavit stating that defendants Roy Tabor Jess Tabor Everett Tabor loyd Tabor Sam Tabor Virgil Tabor Paul Tabor Mabie Tabor May Dorothv Page Skaggs Harold Page Jr Willis McRay Loyd McKay and Margie McRay Thompson are non reaidenta of the State of Missouri and the ordinary process of law cannot be served upon them You and each of you are hereby notified that nn action has been commenced against you in the Circuit Court of Cass County Mlwouri the object und general nature of Which is tx partition ami sell the follow ing described roil estate situate in Cass County Missouri wit: Lota eight (8) nine (9) and ten (10) in Block twelve (12) Addition to the Town of Creighton as shown by the plat of said town also the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter and a strip twenty two rods in1 width off the West side of the I Southwest quarti of the North east quarter all in Section twenty eight (2 1) Township forty three (43) Range twenty nine (29) con taining 51 acres more or ivss wVili until iirtinn in returnable on first day of the next term of said court to be held in the Court House in the City Of Hafrisonville Cass County Missouri on the 4th day of January 1943 whennd where you may appear and answer otherwise defend such action otherwise the petition of plaintiff will be taken as eonfessed and judgment rendered accord ingly A true copy Attest (SEAL) ORREST OTT Clerk of the Circuit Court of Casa County Missouri By LORNA BURCH Deputy Clerk Rom Creighton Mo Attorney for Plaintiff irst publication November 12 1942 Last publication December 3 1942 in the Greelev Cro finite visit in the A Davis II Ewan and Holt homes in nn1 near Drexel Briant were quests Thursday! Mr and Mrs A Mitchell of evenin? of Mrs Walter Bishop at I Drexel recently enjoyed a few Main Citv I visit at Jefferson City at which Mrs Essie McLellan and Merton McLellan a nephew from Kansas City spent the week end with 1 friends here Miss lorence Bullock of Kansas City spent the week end with her I parents Mr and Mrs 31 Bul lock in Drexel Mrs Jap Dawson of Drexel came to the Monday evening for a visit with her son Walter Daw son and family Wayne Williams who has a posi tion in Kansas City spent Sunday! here with his parents Clint Wil liants and family Mr and Mrs McKinley Long of 25 HEAD CATTLE My entire lot of bred heifers heavy springers yearlings and calves These are sired by a purebred Holstein bull 40 of them are purebred The following cows many of which are purebred are tested for Tuberculosis and Health These are among my best cows proved as heavy producers and many are in high production at this time Holstein cow 1st calf fresh Nov Holstein cow 7 years old milking Guernsey cow 1st calf milking Guernsey cow 7 years old fresh Nov 1 Holstein cow 1st calf milking black Jersey cow 1st calf fresh Nov 12 Holstein cow 1st calf milking weekly MiH eleven present PINOCHLE PARTIES Two pinochle narties were given last week one in the home of Mr and Mrs Moore on Wednes day evening the other in the home of Supt and Mrs Glenn Keith on' Saturday evening Guests in the ore home were Mr and Mrs McCullough Mr and Mrs Shackelford Dr and Mrs Lisgett oust Mesdnmes Ella Burney Etta MeEowen and Verda Reeder Re freshments of sandwiches cookies and coffee were served and all en joyed a very pleasant evening Guests who enjoyed Saturday evening in the Keith home were Mr and Mrs Edwin Hamilton Mr and Mrs rank Welborn Mr and i Mrs Shackelford Mr and! Mrs Ravmond Harper Mr and Mrs Dick May Mr and Mrs Rob ert Hockaday and Mr and Mrs I red Bremer Refreshments of served by the hostess High scores were won by Mrs Robert Hoeka i dav and rank Welborn low scores A An nw: 7 L7 wKS Wk I I.

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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.