The Roanoke Times from Roanoke, Virginia (2024)

a THE ROANOKE TIMES, ROANOKE, VIRGINIA: SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 13. 1933. SOCIETY Leave for Danville. Mrs. Claude Gunt and daughter, Suella, left yesterday for Danville where they will visit friends.

In Pulaski. visiting his uncle, J. Joe Smith 18 F. Wysor, in Pulaski. (Continued From Page Nine Visit Here from Salem, Oregon.

Mrs. J. S. Schwenke, of Mr. and Salem, Oregon, are visiting their son, E.

J. Schwenke and family, 2620 Massachusetts avenue. Ill in Hospital. Mrs. S.

L. Luttrell of Wytheville, spent Thursday in the city with mother, Mrs. Harve Nye, of Radford, who is ill in Jefferson hospital. Visitors Return from Catawba. Martha Jane Copenhaver and Miss Helen Frazier have just returned Miss from a few days visit "Greenwells," lovely home J.

Lucien Wells, at the Catawba. Louise Frazier, who has been Miss at "Greenwells," for some time, visiting will leave Monday for her home in Bluefield, Va. Return Home. Mrs. E.

T. Morris and Miss Louise returned from visit to Morris have Yarmouth Port, Cape Cod, and Concord, N. H. Leaving for Richmond. Miss Katherine Morgan left yesterday for a visit to Richmond.

In Allisonia. Mrs. T. E. Witt, who has been visither daughter, Mrs.

Jos E. Schaffer, ing South Roanoke for has in returned to her home, "Pinermeir," in Allisonia. Mrs. Schaffer accompanied her home and will be there until last of August, when she will be joined by Mr. Schaffer, Mr.

and Mrs. Shaffer will go to Chicago to visit the World's Fair and from there to Lake Geneva in Wisconsin. A Genuine Spigel Permanent Wave Priced From $3.50 Our operators, are unusually skillful in giving the style of permanent best suited to vour type and the texture of your hair. Ladies' Hair Cutting A Specialty. Mr.

Gilliand Is An Artist In This Line. PHONE 803 For Appointment, Beauty Salon, 3rd Floor. Joseph Spice Inc. ROANO VIRGIN Mrs. Vines will visit in Carolina for a while before going north, and Northo will not return to China until November.

Visits Mr. and Mrs. Hatchett. Miss Penelope Murdock, of Flagstone, has been a recent visitor of Mr. and Mrs.

W. R. Hatchett on South First street. Swimming Party. Miss Janet Wood entertained 8 group of her friends at a.

swimming party and picnic luncheon Friday at Robert's swimming pool. Among the invited guests were: Misses Rachel Camden, Betty Harr, Oneida Hylton, Doris Janes, Louise Kinnier, Stella Miles, Margaret Tucker, Thelma White, and Messrs. Robert Spaulding, Dan Johnson, Ohner Milton, Fred Painter, Thomas Garth, Philip Shafer, Jack Sherertz, Herbert Schaffer, and Gordon Lee. ENGAGEMENTS. August.

Engagement Announced. Engagement and Approaching Marriage Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Saunders, of Bedford, announce the engagement of their daughter, Lois Watts, to Dr.

W. Howard Branch, of Raleigh, N. C. The wedding will take place the latter part of Mr. and Mrs.

C. C. Jamison, of Boone Mill, announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Vivian Aileen, to Cornelius Albert Martin. The marriage will take place early in September. will Wed.

Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wright, of Dodson, announce the engagement of their daughter, Laila, to Frank L.

Smith, of Mount Airy, N. C. The wedding will take place in the late summer. (Continued on Page Eleven LONG SHOP Long Shop, Aug. 12 (Special) -Mr.

and Mrs. George D. Smith, Whitethorne, left for Pemberton, W. where they will reside for some time. Miss Loreami Adkins, Roanoke, who was bruised and shocked in a recent automobile accident, is resting at the home of her mother, Mrs.

N. Adkins, at Centennial. Waldo H. Price, Wytheville, is visitparents, Prof. and Mrs.

R. H. Price, Willow View. Miss I. Lee Hylton is the guest of relatives in Roanoke.

Mrs. Auderee Landis, formerly of this place, was removed to a hospital at Jersey City for an operation for appendicitis. She is visiting relatives at that place. J. D.

Livinggood, Lincolnton, N. is visiting friends in this section. Miss Agnes Price, Brown's Ferry road, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lacey Clemens, Roanoke.

C. E. Jones has returned from a hospital at Bluefield, where he underwent an operation for eye trouble. He is improving. Mrs.

J. W. Anders, Creekside house, is the guest of her son, Willard Anders, Covington. Mr. Anders has accepted a position in the chemical laboratory at the rayon plant at that place.

Dr. Frank Richardson, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church, South, Blacksburg, will occupy the pulpit at Shilo church Sunday evening at 7:30. Mr. and Mrs. W.

W. Huff are having an improved road built from their Additional Talent Wanted For "A Century of Fashion" Miss Floyd Ward, who is training dancers for participation in "A Century of Fashion," desires to interview other talent, regardless of previous experience. Both adults and children desired, and those selected will receive free training. Previous experience not necessary. Those desiring to participate who have not already been interviewed will APPLY AT27 KIRK W.

TUESDAY 4 to 6 P. M. (APPLICATIONS IN PERSON residence, Walnut Grove, to main highway, approximately halt a mile. Mr. and Mrs.

D. Graham, Sunnyside road, are visiting at Bluefield. Lexington, WHEAT CONTROL TO BE DISCUSSED AT RINER Riner, Aug. 12 (Special) -There will be a meeting at Riner high school Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock to investigate and discuss the wheat acreage reduction plan, C. S.

Watkins, agricultural instructor, announces. Mrs, Carl Bishop has her father, the Rev. Cunningham, of New York, as her guest. Mr. and Mrs.

A. O. Salmons are attending the district conference at Smith River church, Patrick county. Mr. and Mrs.

I. J. Green and daughter, Martha, attended the White Top musical festival Saturday and go to visit Mr. Greer's parents at Gate City for a few days. Mr.

and Mrs. Will Barnett and family, from Pennsylvania, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. E.

Barnett. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barnett, Jr. and family, at the home of R.

E. Barnett, while the camp on Bent Mountain is being moved. To Hold Revival Rev. Sullins Dosser, of Kingsport, assisting Rev. James H.

Lotspeich, of the. M. E. Church. South, here in a revival which started Thursday night.

The Rev. Mr. Dosser is an outstanding pastor in Holston conference and has held revivals in some of the largest churches in the conference. Mrs. D.

W. Conduff, daughters, Linda and Pauline, 2nd, Jesse and Mary Richardson attended the White Top musical on Saturday. A large number of ladies from here attended the 20th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. John Sarles, of Christianburg, Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Weaver Lucas and family and Miss Florence Akers, of Roanoke, are guests of Mrs. Virginia Lucas and Miss Elizabeth Weaver. Mrs.

J. M. Weaver is visiting her daughter, Mrs. T. C.

Harris, at Centtalia. Miss Frances Basham is the guest of Mrs. John A. Collings, of Abingdon. Mrs.

John Warren and daughter, Martha, of Roanoke, are visiting Mrs. P. T. Richardson. The Woman's Missionary Society held its regular meeting at Blue Springs, near Childress and following the meeting was a picnic lunch.

Several visitors were present. EAGLE ROCK Eagle Rock, Aug. 12 (Special) -Miss Alphin, of Buchanan, 1s the guest of Mrs. W. J.

Noffsinger. Mrs. Bert Mayes is visiting Mrs. Irwin Pullen in Orskanly. Carroll Burks, of Indianapolis, is visiting relatives here and at Compton Bridge.

Mrs. Annie Biggs, of Lynchburg, is visiting her son, J. M. Biggs. Mrs.

F. R. Firebaugh has for her guest her sister, Miss Virginia Young, of. near Fincastle. Misses Alma and Helen King and C.

C. King, of Covington. are spending time with their grandmother, Mrs. James King. and Mrs.

Richard Zimmerman, of Roanoke, are visiting Mrs. Zimmerman's sister, Mrs. W. J. Noffsinger, Mr.

and Mrs. E. C. Gates and son, of Hot Springs, are visiting Mrs. W.

Peters. Mrs. Howard Harrison and two daughters, of Amherst, are visiting Mrs. Harrison's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

J. M. Simmons. James King, accompanied by his son, Clarence King, of Covington, are on a visit to Harrisonburg, Washington, D. and Baltimore, Md.

Word was received here this week of the death of Lewis Zimmerman in West Virginia. Mr. Zimmerman lived in Eagle Rock for 8 number of years. Clarence Sheets, of Petersburg, 1s visiting his sister, Mrs. C.

W. Haymaker, Miss Margaret Moore is spending her vacation with her grandmother, Mrs. T. E. Reynolds.

C. W. Reynolds, of Washington, 1s the guest of his sister, Mrs. J. M.

Brooks. Miss Louise Kidd, of Lynchburg, 1s visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Kidd. Miss Eloise Honts entertained her Sunday class with a party at her home Friday.

Miss Margaret Pullen, of Richmond, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. M. J. Ranson. Arthur and Howard King, of WashIngton, D.

are spending the sumfer with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wright. Rev. G.

R. Fringer is visiting his daughter, Mrs. A. S. Price at Newport.

Mrs. M. R. Morgan is spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Settle, at Hollins. Mrs. G. G. Burgess and two children are visiting Mrs.

Emma Ruble in Oriskany. Miss Marjorie Flaherty and Miss Pauline Hunter are spending sometime at Virginia Beach. COVINGTON Covington, Aug 12 (Special) --Mrs. T. M.

Winn was hostess at the third of a series of card parties Tuesday evening. Contract was played. Top score prize was won by Mrs. H. 1 W.

Anderson, of Alexandria. Consolation went to Mrs. F. E. Woods.

Out-of-town guests at the party were Mrs. Winn's sister, Agnes Gary, of Kenbridge; Mrs. 'Allan of Lynchourg, and Mrs. Henry Anderson, of Alexandria. Mrs.

Virginia Bochen Wilson, of Richmond, 1s the guest of Mrs. Mack Ritch, Rev. and Mrs. J. W.

Wood have as their guest Mrs. Patsy Viar, of St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. Gordon Boisseau, of Richmond.

is the guest of her mother, Mrs. R. W. Crowder. Miss Jennie Owen, of Cuthbert.

is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. E. R. Rogers.

Mrs. Frank Cole and little daughter, of New York, are the guests of Mrs. Cole's parents, Mr. and Mrs, C. 8.

Shepherd. Miss Margaret Stephenson, of Staunton, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Revercomb. Mrs.

G. C. Noell, of McCurdy street, has as her guests Mr. and Mrs. E.

Leslie and daughter. Miss Mary Jane Leslie, and Ethel Obenchain, of Granitesville, S. C. Mrs. Frank Kinzer, of Rosedale, entertained with a series of bridge' parties at her home Thursday afternoon and evening.

WAYNESBORO PERSONAL NEWS Waynesboro, Aug. 12 C. Graham, of Washington, 1s visiting his sister, Mrs. John Robson, here. Miss Sammie Stanley, of Roanoke, 18 visiting her sister, Mrs.

Smith Oliver, here. D. H. Hunt, commissioner of revenue, Roanoke, visited friends and relatives in Waynesboro this week. PERMANENT (COMPLETE) SPECIAL OIL PERMANENT RINGLETTE ENDS, complete 2.00 Shampoo and finger wave, 25c each Marcels, 25c.

Haircuts, 15c, Facials, 35e. Hot oil treatments, 50c. Scalp treatments, 35e. 511. MacBain 3764 LEXINGTON Lexington, Aug.

12 -Prof. G. Waldo Dunnington, of the faculty of Horner Junior College, Kansas City, and Jim E. Munford, also of Kansas City, are visiting friends in Lexington and vicinity. Mrs.

William J. Wilcox and three children, of Allentown, are visiting Mrs. Wilcox's mother, Mrs. John D. Rogers, here.

Mrs. William J. Shaner is visiting in Newport News at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. W.

O. Poindexter. Misses Mary and Elizabeth Barclay are spending the month with their brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Houston Barclay, at their summer home at Estes Park, Col.

Mrs. Raymond T. Johnson and her little son are visiting the former's parents in Louisville, Ky. Mrs. Harry St.

George Tucker and her two children, of Lexington, are visiting Mrs. Rosa Tucker Mason at "Col Alto." Miss Florence Duval has as her guest her cousin, Miss Evelyn Stegar, of Washington. Mr. and Mrs. William L.

Hapel are visiting friends in New York. Mrs. R. C. Adams and Miss Mary Adams, of Roanoke, are visiting Mrs.

Mary K. Lindsey and Miss Juanita Marsh. Mrs. H. O.

Dold is visiting her sister, Mrs. Henry Newman, in Harrisonburg. Mrs. Robert and two children are visiting friends in Atlanta and Savannah. Colonel and Mrs.

Hunter Pendleton have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Ellco*ck, of New York. Mrs.

George West Diehl, of Corpus Christi, Texas, is spending her vacation with her father, John A. Shafer, near Lexington. Misses Mercer and Olympia Williamson have as their guests their sisters, Misses Bessie and Fenton Williamson, of Richmond, and their cousin, Mrs. G. W.

Harrison, of Raleigh. Mrs. Annie Newcomer and her two children, of Oceanside, are visiting relatives in the county. Mrs. Newcomer was formerly Miss Annie Chittum, of Rockbridge.

Mrs. Mrs. John Taylor has as her guests Thomas Hanes and little son, of Winston- Greensboro, N. N. and C.

Mrs. F. R. Chief of Police H. B.

King and Mrs. King are spending a vacation in New York. Professor and Mrs. H. C.

Wilhelm are spending a week in Chicago to see the Century of Progress Exposition. Misses Margaret and Dora Swing are visiting their brother in Hyattsville, Maryland. ROCKBRIDGE Lexington, Aug. 12 (Special) young people of Goshen have organized a Dramatic Club under the leadership of Mrs. H.

F. Custer, They presented their first entertainment Friday evening, a two-act comedy entitled "Wagging Tongues." Mrs. Julia Gerry of Akron, 0., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ollie Higgins, on Black's Creek. Miss Elsie Clark of Black's Creek is visiting her brother, Cervera Clark, in Iron Gate.

Miss Nancy Babco*ck of Chase City is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wilson, on Kerr's Creek.

Misses Alice and Nora Wanda Cash of Denmark, are visiting friends in Washington. Rev. M. W. Griffith, of Covington, is conducting evangelistic services at Ebenezer A.

R. P. church on Kerr'8 Creek. Prof. J.

Morton Davis of the University of Kentucky and Mrs. Davis are visiting Venable Davis and family at Timber Ridge. Mrs. A. Murat Willis and children, Dr.

and Mrs. Page Mauck and children of Richmond, and Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Pancake and Miss Mary Moore Pancake, of Staunton, are at "Homewood." the summer home of the Hutcheson family at Rockbridge Baths. Miss Leta Montgomery, of Roanoke, is the guest of Mr.

and Mrs. William McCurdy at Rockbridge Baths. Mrs. John Scott and daughter, Eleanor Jane Scott, of Jonawanda, N. Mr.

and Mrs. Mayo Goodbar, of Dayton, and Boyd Goodbar of Clifton Forge, are visiting at Collierstown. Grier Rolston Smiley, 8 native of New Providence community, has been promoted from assistant chief engineer of the Louisville and Nashville railroad company to that of chief engineer. Mr. Smiley is a son of the late Thomas Smiley, He was educated at Washington and Lee, where he received both the B.

A. and B. S. degrees. His home has for some time been in Louisville, Mr.

and Mrs. A. M. Oaks and son, Howard, of Camden, N. are visiting Mrs.

Oaks' mother, Mrs. C. B. Mangus, at Vesuvius. Mrs.

Mary Cullins, with her daughter, Ruth, and son, Carey, of Roanoke, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Ellen J. Bradley, at Vesuvius. The lamb growers of Montebello cinity shipped a pooled car to Jersey City, N. J.

The lambs were graded by K. E. Litton, of V. P. I.

The huckleberry crop has revived since the rains and 372 gallons were shipped from Vesuvius one last week. One merchant has sold over 400 gallons locally. One hundred and fifty cords of chestnut wood were loaded on cars at Vesuvius last week for Buena Vista and Lynchburg. CAMBRIA Cambria, Aug. 12 L.

L. Roberts entertained at bridge Tuesday in honor of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Fred Altizer, of Pittsburgh, Pa, Mrs. J. B.

Burnett entertained about 30 guests at her home Thursday evening. Special music was supplied by Claud Johnson, Malcom Myers, Eula Lucas, Miriam Williams and Sherwood Roudabush. Rev. and Mrs. Lewis W.

Griggs held a church reception at their home "Oakcrest," Tuesday evening. The house was decorated with garden flowers and music was by the Christiansburg band. A hundred guests attended. The Cambria Baptist Sunday school will hold its annual picnic at Lakeside, August 19. Sherwood Roudabush and Jack Baker are camping on Little river.

Miss Willie Sue Stone will have charge pro Baptist Young People's union program at the Baptist church Sunday evening. Miss Virginia Myers returned Sunday from 8 five-week's automobile trip with friends to California by way of Grand Canyon. She also attended the Chicago fair. Mr. and Mrs.

J. R. Guy are camping at Mayberry's camp on Little river. Miss Audrey Epperly entertained the Epworth League Friday evening with a watermelon feast. Mr.

and Mrs. Sam Bell and child, of Akron, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Roberts.

NEWS OF ELLISTON Elliston, Aug. 12 (Special) -Miss Maurene Taylor is spending a few weeks with friends in Norfolk. Mrs. Parson Brown and children, of West Virginia, were called home on account of illness of her father, Mr. Byerle.

Miss Margaret Helm is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Bertha Wells. Miss Mildred Blount, of Roanoke, 1s the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Emma Blount. Mr.

and Mrs. O. N. Moomaw and daughter, Judith, attended the musical festival at White Top. M.

P. Byerle continues critically ill. The Elliston circle of, the Woman's Missionary Society will meet day afternoon at the home of Mrs. T. H.

Pendleton. The social hour will bring measuring party. Mrs. J. H.

Northeross was called to Christiansburg to attend the burial of her sister, Alma Kipps. Mr. and. Mrs. Bud Hall announce the marriage of their daughter, Minnie Eileen, to Kelly Morris Heslip, August 5.

The tomato canneries are in operation and doing good business. Robert Davis, of Knoxville, is the guest of his sister, Mrs. Florence Stanley and brother, Frank M. Davis. Registration of motor vehicles in England 1a nearly 25 per cent above year ago.

WE DO OUR PART Finger Shampoo Wave 50c Hair Cut each Genuine Eugene and Frederic's Waves $5.00 PARISIAN 26 W. Church Ave. Phone 4006 B. FORMAN SONS RECOVERY CAN NEVER BEuntil America gets back into good clothes. Cheap clothes support cheap workers and feed the sweat shop -Public Enemy No.

1 of Recovery. THINK IT OVER Marion, Aug. 12 -Dr. and Mrs. Marvin McFerrin, of Augusta, Ga.

are guests of Mrs. James White Sheffey. Dr. McFerrin, a former pastor of the Royal Oak Presbyterian church, will preach there Sunday morning. The Rev.

Dr. Devall L. Gwathmey, of Wytheville, will preach at Christ Episcopal church, Marion, Sunday eve. hinge 8 Rev. Virginia Dr.

o'clock. John Baptist E. White, Hospital, manager Lynchburg, and Mrs. White, are guests of the Rev. and Mrs.

Hugh Carter, of the Marion Baptist church. Dr. White 1s visiting several of the Baptist associations of this section. Other prominent Baptists who will be present for the Lebanon Baptist Association at Damascus, August 17 and 18, are Dr. J.

J. Wicker, president of Academy, and Mr. Wayne Daniel, of the Baptist Orphanage of Virginia. Mrs. Channing Wilson, of Baltimore, is visiting her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. B. E. Copenhaver. Mr.

and Mrs. Thurston Culbert and children left Wednesday for a vacation of two or three weeks at Wrightsville Beach, N. C. Mildred Snider entertained with seven tables of bridge for her guests, Miss. Marjorie Walter Fisher, Weaver, of a Norfolk.

former resident, of Marion, Mr. with and son Mrs. and Clarence daughWeaver and Miss Frances Miller, are spending a few days in Marion. Mrs. Cloyd Huffard, of New York, is visiting her mother, Mrs.

Rush Gwyn. Mr. and Mrs. D. C.

Culbert are spend. ing several weeks at Virginia Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hull and little daughter, Ellen Bane, of Hazard.

are visiting Mr. and H. P. Copenhaver and Miss Bannie Hull. Mrs.

J. A. Carter, Misses Mary and Martha Sprinkle, Phil Rafferty, of New York, and N. C. Peterson left Monday for Chicago to see the Century of Progress, Gordon world fair.

Poindexter, of Walnut Ridge, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. T. Lincoln. County Clerk Herbert Kent, has returned from the Abingdon hospital where he has been for treatment.

Mrs. Stuart Vernon Was taken to Abingdon Friday for an emergency operation for appendicitis at the George Ben Johnston Memorial Hospital. Her father, Arthur Slear, is improving, NEWS OF STUART. in the same hospital, from a badly inMARION fected Magistrate hand. W.

W. Farris is seriously 111 in the Abingdon hospital. Marion, Aug. 12 -Dr. and Guests at Hotel Mons.

Ex-Governor and Mrs. E. Lee Trinkle guests of Mrs. Fredonia Z. Putnam are Hotel Mons, Bedford, for this weekat end.

Returns Home, Mrs. M. D. Morrison was joined at Virginia Beach Mrs. Ralph Girvin, of Jacksonville, where they spent a week.

Mrs. Morrison afterwards visited Mrs. Girvin at her home in Jacksonville accompanied her on A trip tO Miami, Fla. Mrs. Morrison has now returned home.

Home from Abingdon. The Lelia Carson and Agnes Jones returned from A visit to Misses, Mr. and Mrs. S. A.

Carson in Abingdon. Mr. and Mrs. Carson are grandparents of Miss Carson, Visit Mountain Lake. Mrs.

Pinkney Wall and Miss Iris Love left yesterday for Mountain Lake. They will be joined later by 8 group of friends. To Spend Week -End Here. Henry Fowler, who is now associated with the law firm of Covington, Burlington and Rublee, in Washington, arrived in the city yesterday to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

M. J. Fowler, over the week He will be accompanted home by Frank Walker, also of the capital city and a a a a classmate from Yale university. Studies Music Composition. Miss Helen Betelle has returned from the Northwestern University Evanston, where she studied music composition for the past two months.

In Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. James Stuart Clarke are spending the week -end in Richmond. Visiting Here.

Dr. James King, of Radford, left for Chicago to attend the Century of Progress exposition. Mrs. King and small daughter, Whitman King, are visiting Mrs. King's parents, Dr.

and Mrs. W. R. Whitman, in this city. 11, Mrs.

L. M. Foster, of 1111 Sheffield road, Raleigh Court, is ill. At Rocky Mount. W.

9. Ponton, of New York, has joined his family, Mrs. Ponton and children, at Rocky Mount, this weekend. Mrs. Ponton has been visiting her mother, Mrs.

C. D. Ponton at Rocky Mount hotel. Mr. and Mrs.

Ponton and family will return to New York this week. Mrs. Howard Improving. Mrs. O.

Howard Royer, who has been ill, is now much improved. Returning to China. Mr. and Mrs. Haden Vines, of Shanghai, China, who have been spending the summer here, are leaving the city the middle of this month.

Mr. Vines will sail on September 8 for China from San Francisco, Calif. Stuart, Aug. 12 Lee Telephone company, of which the local a new cable system is a part, is stringing telephone throughout the town, Locals. The local post of the American Legion met here Tuesday.

Officers were elected as follows: J. G. Davis, commander; J. A. McCartnery, 1st vice commander, and D.

H. Scott, adjutant. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Staples, Katherine Staples and Jackie Staples, of Baltimore, are visiting Mr.

and Mrs. J. C. Shockley. They County Music club held Patrick its regular meeting at the home of Mrs.

J. A. McCartney Monday evening. Indian Music was the subject. Mrs.

Kate Eggleston is spending her vacation at White Sulphur The Fairview Tennis club of Stuart gave its second dance of the summer at the Patrick Springs hotel Friday evening. Mrs. E. Plummer, of Danville, ME. 15 the guest of Miss Mary Lou Joyce.

An opperetta, "The Wishing Well," will be given at the high school auditorium Friday evening, August 18, by the Stuart chapter of the Patrick County Music club. NRA MEMBER U.S. WE DO OUR PART Our prices will remain in effect until further notice. Subject to change when our national code goes into effeet. SorBud BEAUTY SALON 307 S.

Jefferson St. Phone 167. FIGURE the SAVINGS of this Annual Old Stove Roundup SALE $15.00 Cash Value on Your Old Stove on a Smart New Magic Chef or Tappan GAS RANGE (This offer good, during OLD) STOVE ROUNDUP period only, Consider what this sale can save you coming just before inevitable price advancements. A real honest, modern gas range with all the latest features for saving time, labor, food and fuel. Truly an opportunity you cannot afford to miss.

Come in to-morrow-for a demonstration and see what a saving you can accomplish in buying NOW. ONLY DOWN BALANCE IN EASY PAYMENTS Use GAS the Better Fuel ROANOKE GAS LIGHT COMPANY Associate THURMAN BOONE CO. Tappan Dealer Gas Ranges.

The Roanoke Times from Roanoke, Virginia (2024)


What was the significance of Roanoke Virginia? ›

The town of Roanoke was an essential spot for roads and trails in the colonial era. The route of Roanoke Gap became vital for the settlers from the Carolina Piedmont region. The Big Lick was turned into a Virginia and Tennessee Railroad stop that connected Bristol to Lynchburg.

How much is a subscription to the Roanoke Times? ›

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What US state is Roanoke located in today? ›

Roanoke (/ˈroʊ. əˌnoʊk/ ROH-ə-nohk) is an independent city in the Commonwealth of Virginia in the United States.

How do I contact Roanoke Times? ›

The Roanoke Times
  1. Subscriber Customer Service. Call: 540-981-3211. Email:
  2. Retail Advertising. Call: 540-981-3261. Email:
  3. Classified Advertising. Call: 434-978-7202. ...
  4. Obituaries. Call: 888-220-4265. ...
  5. Legals and Public Notices. Call: 434-978-7202. ...
  6. Newsroom. News: 540-981-3340.

What is the real story behind Roanoke? ›

The colony was founded in 1585, but when it was visited by a ship in 1590, the colonists had inexplicably disappeared. It has come to be known as the Lost Colony, and the fate of the 112 to 121 colonists remains unknown.

How much is Roanoke Catholic? ›

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How many people subscribe to the Times? ›

As of June 2023, The Times newspaper had 120,000 print subscribers. The number of digital subscribers on the other hand was over five times higher. However, The Times had the lowest average issue print readership among all News UK publications, and under one million.

How do I cancel Roanoke Times? ›


What is the nickname for Roanoke Virginia? ›

It was over 50 years ago Roanoke earned the nickname, “Star City of the South,” and the star has been a part of the landscape of Mill Mountain ever since.

Why is Roanoke called Big Lick? ›

The town first called Big Lick was established in 1852 and chartered in 1874. It was named for a large outcropping of salt which drew the wildlife to the site near the Roanoke River.

Do people live in Roanoke now? ›

In the 2010 census, the city was counted at 97,032; in the 2020 census, Roanoke moved back over the 100,000 mark for the first time in 40 years with just 11 to spare: 100,011.

Where is the Roanoke Times located? ›

Roanoke, Virginia

Can you text 911 in Roanoke VA? ›

When a text is made to 911 be aware that the caller's location is not always available to the 911 center. Whenever possible, the caller is asked to call 911 instead of texting if it is safe to do so. The City of Roanoke E-911 Center can accept text messages to 911 from service providers offering this service.

What is special about Roanoke, VA? ›

The Mill Mountain Star, also known as the Roanoke Star, is the world's second largest illuminated man-made star, constructed in 1949 at the top of Mill Mountain in Roanoke, Virginia. It was the largest star ever assembled until another was built in El Paso, Texas.

What happened to the lost colony of Roanoke? ›

One of the most popular and well-supported theories is that the settlers joined the nearby Indigenous Roanoke-Hatteras Tribe, who lived on an island then-called Croatoan Island. Conflict with the Roanoke-Hatteras peoples, disease, and famine also may have caused the colony's disappearance.

Why is the Battle of Roanoke important? ›

The fall of Roanoke Island opened eastern North Carolina to Union control. By the summer of 1862, the port cities of Plymouth, Elizabeth City, New Bern, Washington, Edenton, Hertford, N.C., and Norfolk, Va., had all fallen to Union forces.

Why is Roanoke, VA called the Magic City? ›

To maintain the coal trains going to and from Norfolk, the railroad built the Roanoke Shops. The high pay for skilled workers and steady employment opportunities attracted people. Roanoke became known as the Magic City because it was "the fastest growing urban area in the South from 1880 to 1890."

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Article information

Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Views: 5861

Rating: 4 / 5 (71 voted)

Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.